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TWA55 3
No go to full power landings for this's one chance, they forgot to mention the diaper installed in flight suite under modifications.
zennermd 3
I think two diapers...just to be safe.
linbb 1
They dont use full power to land they may add power to correct for sink but not untill they are on the runway and go into reverse.
David Sims 2
I believe Vincent was referring to a typical carrier landing, where the pilots always go to full power when they hit the deck, just in case they miss the wires and have to go around.
That is true only for jets, prop planes didn't have to do that. I have 150 carrier landings, mostly in the S2.
mark tufts 2
awesome video
Ben Lillie 1
Good thing they didn't rip the cable.
David Sims 3
The cables were removed during these tests so the C-130 would not damage them. The C-130 did not require arresting cables to stop. Not too big of a deal, considering they should have at least a 30-40kt headwind with the carrier underway, and C-130s have short landing distance anyway.
Gene spanos 1
It's was a 25 min ride from the Danang airport up to the fmr Dong Ha airport.
The 130 crew did a great job. When a few started to drop in - the pilot knew what to do - kick them out and get the hell out of there.
Been there - done that.
A passenger
I - Corps
Ground pounder
preacher1 2
Gene, I just expect that there was a lot of crap happened back during all that time that didn't make the newsreels. Folks today can't ever remember the draft, but as it started heating up over there, you either enlisted or waited to get drafted, cause nobody would hire you for a permanent job if you hadn't served already. I remember when we came home, there weren't no parades or anything. You just hoped to hell nobody found out you were a(baby killin) VietNam vet.
cnrail65 1
only a herky jerky could do the unthinkable. after all was said and done, how did they remove the herk?
linbb 2
They flew the thing out if thats what you ment read and watch.
I was lucky to fly on this bird before she was retired to become a ARFF trainer at MCAS Miramar. I was on the strip down crew before she was taken to here final resting spot. Final unit served was VMGR-352
James Corkern 1
Very dangerous reversing just before touchdown. If the hydraulic prop doesn't release the blade lock it could stay in forward flight resulting in loss of control. Too dangerous for normal ops. Only once have I actually reversed the Herk just before touchdown in SEA (70-71, and I was told not to wear my uniform in public after I returned home) for VERY short fields. New Herks are better able to do this due to more total power and more efficient props. They don't show how close the wing tip was to the main deck structures. Full power is not used to fly the approach and power is used to control rate of sink. Normal landing was target for combat fields at 500 FPM.
Robert West 1
That uniform thing wasn't in Norway was it Jim?
Noel Trujillo 1
Wayne, I think you might have your facts askewed or someone played a joke on you while flying in the "Herc", here is some info,,,"From the accumulated test data, the Navy concluded that with the C-130 Hercules, it would be possible to lift 25,000 pounds of cargo 2,500 miles and land it on a carrier. Even so, the idea was considered a bit too risky for the C-130 and the Navy elected to use a smaller COD aircraft", the gryhound would have used, since they are not required to depart during flight ops, if the sailor needed to be oofloaded ASAP, an aircraft from Miramar, North Island or Camp Pendelton would have been used before attempting to have a 130 land on the carrier. JATO Bottles are NOT a common item on "Hercs", using them to fly off a carrier would have destroyed the carriers surface non-skid paint.
preacher1 0
Well, I'll tell you like I told Ben above, dobn't care, I was there, and we did what we did. Ain't no way to joke about something like that. Any number of aircraft from numerous locations sould have come. All I know is they told us there was no time, and we were on top of them. As a matter of fact, a helo from the carrier came in later and picked up the med tem that went in with the guy. As far as the JATO, they are not common but they are hung for training as pilots have to qualify and stay proficient with them, and as far as the carrier surface paint, I really don't think that was on anybody's mind at the time.
To boot and putting my storyline aside and looking at your comment about it being risky, per the video, the did it anyway.
... REAL video ... and it's not even Microsoft Flight simulator.. LOL .. had to see it to beleive it. Have heard numerous stories over the year that it had been done, but until now, no video .. Thanks !
Gene spanos 1
I did ok.After Honorable discharge 66-71 Sgt...I
Loaded boxcars with 55 gal drums to make my car pymt while I tested out for the PD
and make it! 23 years and served from 72/95. Retired as a 1st Lt. PD & Fire trained.
Also attended US Secret Service POB school. Helped guard 4 US presidents. Only wanted one photo - with " Rawhide" President RR. An another ten in sales on the hard desk - field sales. Finally pulled the plug June of 06.
Two knee rplcmts, right shoulder rplcd and right foot rebuilt - all by the best and brightest.
Robert West 1
You had an interesting career Gene. Your boxcar loading reminded me of my loading boxcars, with pallets of magazines from the printer in the mid-west headed for California. I would think to myself these boxcars are going to Ca. I wanted to be in Ca. That is when I came to the conclusion I was not a country boy.
Friday my Hoosier Honey wife and I spent the day in Santa Barbara checking ouit the zoo and a local eatery She loves to travel too.. Saw Clay Lacy's DC-3 at the AB airport with the new United airlines livery.
You weren't with Nixon's Air Force One at Homestead in 1970 were you? I have a picture of self next to 2600 taken by SS agent. It might have been you that took the pic.
sparkie624 1
Very interesting.. I sure would not have thought of that... Amazing how well it worked.
Robert West 1
I am always amazed to see carrier landings but this one is really neat. As a ex~air force weiny (crew chief) I have a lot of respect for the pilots who put down on a tossing, turning deck. Especially in a night trap..
FlightSeer 1
This clip reminded me of an episode of "JAG" wherein Harmon "Harm" Rabb lands the C-130 on the carrier deck, in tribute to the actual event. Nice memories.
Tx for this nice video.
Takes me back to my adventurous times on the USS Consellation 1964-67.
Mark Lansdell 1
@Boyd Butler:
Props are reversed 4-5 ft or so above the flight deck so they have time to change pitch at wheels down. No hook an wire is used so no go around power is applied. Wouldn't stand a chance anyway. Sink rate was 300fpm no mention of the airspeed, but I imagine you'd still have to use the "meat ball". Flight suit diapers are the key, along with huge brass ones, :-) although this driver made it look routine.
Alan Rowe 1
absolutely amazing, I'm in awe.....what can you say. The C130 continues to be a winner
Roland Dent 1
The French get upto stuff like this...they never let out what they do though. In my view the French have the best overall air fighting wing in Europe.
Gene spanos 1
We understand per the back channel - that flight routes
to and from the new soon to be drop zone - Iran are being
fixed and locked. Especially for refuel purposes
with the help of the USAF.

Get ready....
preacher1 1
In 1969 I was TDY to March AFB at Riverside CA and was crew on a USAF C130. All I can remember is a life or death situation for a crew member on a carrier about 50 mi offshore and that he had to be gotten into a major hospital fast. All the carrier stuff was out and we were basically on top of them. AC was a crustry old so&so and was game for anything. He came over the headset, said"you boys hang on". About the only thing different he did than in the video was that we bounced the cables. They did lower them slack but no time to clear the deck. I can't remember the carrier name to save my life. After we loaded the guy, he did full brake and powered up and as the end of deck started looming up ahead, he rotated and kicked off the JATO bottles. I forget the altitude but basically you climb until they ran out and we headed for dry land. Ambulance met the plane and took the guy, so I don't know if he went into hospital there at March or offbase. I left the next day headed back for Tucson so I never heard how anything ever turned out.
Roland Dent 1
Cannot beat military experience Wayne...thats a fact.
Ben Camp 1
Wayne Bookout must have been smoking something funny back in the 60's. No Air Force C-130 ever landed on a carrier, period. The only C=130 ever to do this was the Marine aircraft pictured in the film flown by two Navy pilots.
preacher1 1
Ben, I wasn't smokin anything funny. I was on the plane as a crew member(flight medic). Don't know what else to tell you. Believe it or not. I don't care.
siriusloon -1
I don't believe it either without some proof. 5000 guys on a carrier and none of them ever talked about it? No press release from the USAF bragging about how one of their pilots landed on a carrier for the first time in his life to do a "life or death" evac? Only one C-130 ever landed on a carrier and that was a USN C-130F used in the trials featured in this video. Your story may work in a bar when everyone's been hammered for hours, but it doesn't cut it here where people know better than to believe that a USAF pilot would land on a carrier for the first time in his life without a briefing, without training, just a "you boys hang on"? And he just happened to be flying around with JATO bottles that day? They weren't using them on the carriers, so don't say they were installed on the Herc after you landed and the air force didn't fly around with live bottles either. They used them on takeoff and they were done. I'd say "nice try", but it's not. It's a pathetic attempt. Busted. But since you don't care if anyone believes you, you won't even reply, right? LOL

Tell us the one about the time you flew into orbit in a C-130 to rescue a cosmonaut who wanted to defect.

Your story is almost as good as the time when some lunatic tried to tell me about the time he broke his ankle on a carrier during the Vietnam War and the only way to medevac him was in the rear seat of an A-10. Turned out he not only hadn't even been in the Navy at all, he'd never had a broken ankle either. There's no need to debunk the two-seat A-10 doing medevac on a carrier in SEA in the late 60s part of the story for any of you, right? :-)
Dennis Davis 1
On one of the Jag show, they showed and aircraft landing on the carrier. I thought it was an AF pilot the writers at the end of the show credited the landing too so Harm would not have done something not possible.
preacher1 1
Tks, Dennis
I flew helos for the 101st in I corp 70/71. If I told someone other than my closest friends about some of my experiences , they would call me full of BS. Whatever!!
preacher1 2
I guess you are right. After this past week, I guess I'll keep my mouth shut.;lol. This generation ain't got a clue to what some of us did in the past just to get by. A lot of it is not now politically correct so it couldn't have As far as the other, with all the newer rewritten contracts and furloughed pilots, that is one reason it is down next to nothing, but as I said, it was that far back when Airlines didn't cancel flights at the last minute as they are prone to now.
preacher1 0
Well, I will reply but I still don't care if you or anyone believes it or not. where were you 43 years ago to know if one of 5000 talked about it or if there were any headlines. Hell, I can't even remember the carrier name. Can't speack for what the AC did, knew or didn't do. As far as the bottles, you are correct, they norm,ally didn't fly live. Best I remember, traffic was unusually heavy out of March and we were headed somewhere for STOL practic. Take it or leave it. I don't care.
preacher1 0
Roy, I don't know as I didn't fly one; as I said on this one I was just along for the ride but I know they did a lot of STOL stuff at their training base at Tuscon at the time but they could sink fast and hard if they needed to. I have seen standing starts with JATO leave fast. Most of them would do like these carrier pilots did on landing; reverse props about the time they flared where they could bring them up right at touchdown. With all 4 of those big fans whirling full and standing on brakes, it didn't take long to stop but I really don't remember what the actual distances were. There is a retired ATP here on FA, Herb Fisher, that has a wad of 130 experience. I haven't seen him on lately but maybe he can shed some light here if he is on.
Robert West 1
These clowns don't have s clue to what we did in those days Wayne. Remember the motto The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer?
preacher1 1
Amen to that. Tks Roy. it's good to know I'm not by myself. My bad I'm just the only one stupid enough to open my
Roy Kizzia 0
It's been 25 yrs, but I used to work with a retired C-130 loadmaster, and I think I got my info from him.
preacher1 0
That wouldn't have been him. He was a pilot, working out of Ft Worth I think, and did a few stints with a couple majors.
Roy Kizzia 0
Wayne, correct me if I am wrong, but a C-130 can drop in over a 50' obstacle and be backing up in 1200 ft.
But can this be done with some significant payload and fuel for the takeoff?


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