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Airbus’s Emirates Deal to Save A380 Jumbo Has Stalled
Airbus SE’s latest order for the A380 superjumbo has reached an impasse amid drawn-out talks involving the engines, according to people familiar with the matter, possibly imperiling a crucial deal seen as a life-saver for the giant aircraft ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
That plane will be eventually finished due to size and also big time maintenance costswich never mentioned...777'S will be at the top due to proven endurance and operations economy...
Cutting production to 6/ year may resemble Tai-Chi aircraft assembly.
"Stall! Stall!"
Perhaps a different color of lipstick will improve engine performance.
For additional strategies that they could try to adapt, they could google lakota riding a dead horse.
For additional strategies that they could try to adapt, they could google lakota riding a dead horse.
Wow MH370 didn't report this must be fake, LOL
Greatest comment of the week !
He’s sobbing so profusely he can’t see the keyboard.