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Last A380 heads by road to the factory (video)

A convoy of trucks transporting A380 parts ready to be assembled traversed the French village of Lévignac, on the way to the Airbus plant near Toulouse. Since the European planemaker began building A380s in the mid-2000s, it’s been a ritual happening a few times a year, with the entire village turning out to see the giant pieces wheeled through the town, dwarfing the houses. Thursday was when the last full six-truck convoy — including three pieces of the fuselage, the tail, and the wings —… ( More...

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Sad. But there are so many in the air.
patrick baker 1
legitimate large number people hauler long range transport aircraft: hub and spoke creation that ended up this iteration as primarily between London and Australia, through the Gulf States, and Asia. What aircraft manufacturer is going to be willing to build a second generation version of this whale? This is the one shot of this design in our lifetime, i think, with narrow bodies about to fly across oceans and continents the new and better idea. I never envisioned there would be 1,000 of these built and delivered, because the big hubs could never generate that much demand, and the american trunk carriers never got excited about this aircraft. What did Delta, American and United know that the rest of us have just recently discovered?
Disney's Main Street Electrical Parade has more floats . . . .
The A380 is the culmination of the "Hub and Spoke" concept, a variant of which may return in time. With widespread Coronavirus fears, I won't be surprised to see more A380s temporarily being pulled out of service.
The time may come again for an A380-style aircraft, but it won't be the A380 -- it will be antiquated by then.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

racerxx 7
Please explain how this is fake...
Em Fairley 4
Ignore the troll. His user URL says it all... upchucked. The guy is sick!
He can tell by the pixels.

brian Gaskill 3
Had the same question...what is fake??
This dummy sounds like he is just trying to be funny but has no idea how or when to inject humor.


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