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FAA says traveler called in fake plane hijacking threats, another punched a woman holding a baby
In its continued effort to crack down on unruly air travelers, the Federal Aviation Administration announced a new round of proposed fines Tuesday. One passenger called in fake hijacking and bomb threats and another punched a woman who was carrying a baby, the FAA said in a news release. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Regarding the article's embedded PSA video that the FAA created regarding in-flight behavior, something similar played at the beginning of IFE-equipped aircraft might be helpful on commercial flights to prevent at least a few disruptive passenger occurrences; another idea would be to mention prior to boarding (people are usually attentive while listening for their boarding section) and/or departure the laws and legal/monetary/etc. consequences for disruptive behaviors.
DB Cooper door on all planes
A James Bond type slide! Parachute optional...
I have no sympathy for anyone making hijacking threats. That said haven't we all wanted to punch a baby at some point?!
Not me. I give the 'gift to humanity' back to its parents, and leave...
True story: My family was so surprised I was so happy to leave their kids.
Ahh, I said, I get to wind them up, caffeine, candy, chocolates, spooky movies, spastic running around...
And I get to LEAVE!!! They have to put up with their caffeinated, hyper-spawn for the rest of the day, and night.
I get to go home, and sleep through the night. Zzzzzz...
Ahh, I said, I get to wind them up, caffeine, candy, chocolates, spooky movies, spastic running around...
And I get to LEAVE!!! They have to put up with their caffeinated, hyper-spawn for the rest of the day, and night.
I get to go home, and sleep through the night. Zzzzzz...