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Opinion: Boeing 777X delay could offer an active retirement opportunity to Airbus A380
PARIS, FRANCE — The Airbus A380, once thought to be a failed venture, may have a new lease on life. In 2019, Airbus announced the discontinuation of production for its double-decked iconic aircraft, as it failed to meet sales expectations in the face of competition from Boeing's 787 Dreamliner and Airbus' own A350 - the new generation twin-engine jets known for their fuel efficiency. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
a380 are great aircraft to fly in have flown both business and economy emirates do not think there dinosaurs changing 55% of there 380s to 4 seating grades now with premium seats.
Andrew: I think you meant, “ride in”.
not to mention 'they're' vs. 'there' smh
I’ve flown Lufthansa 380’s in both First and Business. It’s an amazing plane. It’s amazing (sad) that when engineered, the design failed to plan for an afterlife as a cargo carrier.
Deck strength/weight penalties aside, I believe that it was designed >too< big ... looks good to the (untrained) eye but offers little more than cush for the tush ...
Or can they?