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Southwest Boeing MAX 8 lost a fan blade on climb out from New Orleans
Southwest flight #WN554 quickly returned to New Orleans following a technical issue. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Another click bait squark headline from the Boeing hating MH370. Failure to mention the bird strike which resulted in the blade loss is absolutely typical of him
Knowing absolutely zero about this topic - please don't come after me for asking - but I simply don't understand why something, i.e., screening or something, isn't installed across the opening to prevent anything larger than a bug being ingested. Is that idea simply ridiculous?
There are quite a few reasons... But keep in mind at Altitude the engine would most certainly ice up... once it ices up it would do one of 2 things.. Smother the engine and shut it down due to no air, or Ice break loose and get ingested into the engine causing even worse damage. Birds would do much the same as ice, block airflow and ultimately still go through the engine anyway.
Thanks for the concise, clear explanation, Sparkie. Makes perfect sense.
Screening would, amongst other things I am probably missing:
1) Restrict and disrupt the airflow into the engines, lowering performance
2) Be an added weight, reducing performance
3) A bird hitting a screening of some kind at 200+ mph will still shred the bird into bits which will still be injested by the engine.
1) Restrict and disrupt the airflow into the engines, lowering performance
2) Be an added weight, reducing performance
3) A bird hitting a screening of some kind at 200+ mph will still shred the bird into bits which will still be injested by the engine.
Could that be the first ever failure/liberation of a composite fan blade? Even going back to the GE90? Hope it was a huge bird because otherwise all fan blades are supposed to be able to take it. At least the containment seemed to work.