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Robotics Firm Confident Amelia Earhart’s Plane Found
A South Carolina marine robotics company seems pretty sure it’s found Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan’s Lockheed Electra in an area not previously searched west of their destination of Howland Island. Earhart and Noonan vanished in 1937 while trying to fly across the Pacific. Late Monday, Deep Sea Vision released side scan sonar images of an object on the ocean floor about the same size and shape of the aircraft. The company had been searching a 5,200-square-mile area for almost three months when… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Interesting Article... I hope it comes to be a good findings and are able to recover the plane, or atleast get some underwater pics and video!
Maybe they can find Jimmy Hofa next?
Meh, he got sent to recyclers in China in the boot of a crushed car...(☉‿⚆)
Ok, and now the MH370 please.
Maybe hire this outfit to find Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.