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When a Wing Comes Apart
Or, more accurately, when it doesn't. Ask the Pilot takes a look at the UAL 757 incident. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I think that is "macht nicht" (makes nothing). Good point tho. And I loved flying in a 757....
You are right. Often it's stated as "Es macht nicht."
Not "often" stated. Grammatically correct.
Ha ha - we're both close... it's "machts night"!
"Es macht Nichts" (lit. it makes nothing) is grammatically correct. Sometimes shortened to "macht Nichts".
"machs nicht"...(sorry!)
I dont think a month goes by without someone, somewhere, calling the police about an airplane crash, because they have no way of comprehending that we who operate amphibious aircraft, land in water...!
(Sometimes, (perish the thought....just for the fun of it).
Have some sympathy for those involved with media. They like eating just as much as you do. They get fed by selling advertising space. They get that, by having something to sell. It is called "NEWS". If they cant find it...they generate it.
Bottom line - as my grandfather used to say..."MAS NICHT"....!