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787 Whistleblower in suit with Boeing found dead

A former Boeing employee known for raising concerns about the firm's production standards has been found dead in the US. In the days before his death, John Barrett had been giving evidence in a whistleblower lawsuit against the company. ( More...

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Greer Kemp 45
I think this is quite definitely suspicious and warrants proper investigation. WHY would he "commit suicide" just at this particular time....?
Armchaircouch 21
I just posted a link on the thread, a family friend is claiming that he told her to not believe them if they say suicide happened. I believe her.
Nooge 4
I think it was "them " too
NX211 2
Maybe he owned a ton of Boeing Stock?
Kevin Barbee 2
The questioning by opposing attorneys can be rough. I imagine that a strategy could be to lay the blame at his feet for "not doing enough" or some such, attacking his personal character/integrity to discredit him, etc. Can be emotionally devastating if you're not prepared for the onslaught.
John Stewart 29
I'm of the opinion If he was strong enough to bring the problem to light, he was strong enough to take the heat. I believe an investigation is warranted.
Greer Kemp 14
Yes, I do agree with you as to the torture they hit the whistleblower with - but no matter what, it still should be fully investigated - and I seriously think it needs to be by the authorities, but also an independent team as well... the legal authorities are just as corrupt as anyone, if not more so.
rmchambers 39
And Jeffery Epstein hung himself.
Scumhook 11
after he disabled the cameras
Philip Lanum 8
Cameras that were across the hall around the corner.

Yeah right.
sparkie624 8
LOL.. Yeah.. All those Camera's Failed Simulaneously!
Nooge 0
kok yeah you are gullible sparky
sparkie624 5
You need to reboot your "Sarcasm" Detector!
Byron Russell -6
Is Hillary on the board of Boeing?
Nooge 2
ByaMoRon Are you still uncovering the truth about how Hillary and Bill Clinton used the Comet Ping Pong pizza restaurant in Washington, D.C., as a front for a pedophile sex ring kidnapping and trafficking children?

Stay on it along with Rudy Doody aka EyeGore
Bill Eger -1
No, but Nikki was/is.
Nooge -1
She also was in charge of security on Jan 6
Yassine Cherfouni 11
First of All our sincere condolences and Thoughts to Mr . Barnett’s family..

Nothing new “ A whistleblower is Always vilified “
This case is definitely Questionable.

We Know That They Are “ Angry People “ At Boeing.
“ Anger is one Letter Short of Danger “

Rest Assured, “ There will Be Many John Barnett’s coming out in The future “ And The Truth Always Comes Out.
srobak 9
There will be many people meeting the same fate at Barnett as well. His murder was a warning to them all.
srobak 1
Told ya so!
Armchaircouch 6
according to a close friend, he said do not believe it’s suicide, here’s the interview link,
Lawrence Green 6
All authirities and the general public are 100% aware of who is guilty of murder.
Michael Dealey 52
I'm not buying the idea for one minute that this was a suicide. Over the last 10-15 years, the number of "suicides" that happen to whistleblowers or people set to testify against highly powerful people or corrupt industries is simply outside the realm of statistical possibility.
Matt West 22
Just like many of Putin's enemies "fall from tall buildings" or jump. Better to make it look like suicide that mysterious circumstances.

Truth be told, it's been happening for decades...Forrestal was one of the first when he "mysteriously" fell from the 16th floor of the NMMC.
rob strong 13
Seth Rich'd. AKA Arkancide.
sparkie624 8
Agreed 100%. This was Murder!
Lewis Tripp -8
You pass judgment before you know anything, arm chair lawyer.
srobak 3
Don't be naive
Greg S -5
Nonsense, as you well know.
lfilipov747 11
family friend of John Barnett said he predicted he might wind up dead and that a story could surface that he killed himself.

But at the time, he told her not to believe it.

"I know that he did not commit suicide," said Jennifer, a friend of Barnett's. "There's no way."
See link below
Bill Eger 5
You Talk, Plan to talk, or Say you are going to Talk, Yoe will be "Suicided", if you know what I mean.
Alan Zelt 21
Isn't it about time to do investigation on CEO? Every issue about Boeing is the ultimate responsibility of him.
Greg S 11
Which CEO?
jeff slack 6
Took the comment right off my key board.......... there have been so many in the past few years
ScottCurtis777 6
All of them since the MD merger.
Alan Zelt -6
srobak 2
You're not paying attention
D Rotten 16
John Barrett did NOT kill himself! He JUST (the day before) gave a deposition and was looking forward to the next phase of his legal pursuit. No one in their right mind (aka SANE) thinks that this guy killed himself! And now we have 'local authorities' COVERING IT UP! Then we have Al Jazeera's Boeing undercover investigation, which is VERY damning! Boeing has MUCH (many CRIMES) to answer for!
In the Al Jazera undercover investigation, many of the S.C. Plant employees said that they would NEVER get on a Boeing plane, when asked if they would. And they ALL cited one reason.....'QUALITY CONCERNS'!
Nooge -8
Michael Dealey 1
Because this board looks and acts like a piece of software built in 1998, which allows no editing, no emojis, no media, and no FORMATTING OF WORDS for emphasis.
sparkie624 1
Good guess... However, you are about 6 years off... March 17, 2004 and by looking at it, I must have been one of the early ones as I started in 2014! Been here ever since!
sparkie624 1
Ugh.. Yeah.. Wish I could edit.. I started in 2004 - TYPO Above!
Tim Dyck 1
Thanks for clarifying. I’ve been here for over 10 years and you were well established here when I started so I was kinda scratching my head over your “started in 2014” comment.
While we havn’t always agreed I appreciate your contributions because they are generally knowledgable and well thought out. Plus you’re polite and don’t resort to trash talk like we see with some members.
Stuart Betheil 10
As far as I know, this was not covered by any major national news outlets in the United states. What's going on here? This sounds like another Jeffrey Epstein case. Where is the police report? Who determined it was a suicide? Is there an autopsy?
Carlisle Landel 3
I read about it in the NY Times. I believe it is a national news outlet.
Tim Smith 6
If you believe that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide, then you must think that Mr. Barrett did, too.
Nooge 0
If you believe nonsense then you believe the orange rooster who takes credit for the sun coming up
Armchaircouch 8
If someone did this to him I pray they’re caught soon. If he did this, I hope his soul finds peace and all the work he did to expose their sloppiness is NOT in vain.
The was a question if “ The Clintons Own A stock at Boeing?”

Eventually, The Answer we Don’t Know And There is No Need To Know.

Not Sure Why Some Folks Are interested in involving Politics And Political viewpoints.

Mr. Putin Has Nothing to Do with Boeing As well.

They are probably Many politicians That has Stocks At Boeing for Sure And It’s Not Our Business.

In My Logical View Point, One Should Stop Involving Subject (s) That has nothing to do with Boeing’s Barnett Case .

Speculation will Remain as Such .Be Careful What You Wish For. “ One should Be extremely careful Not Engage in A defamatory Conduct without A clear and Compelling Evidence.

Doing These Things and Reacting That way is a Weakness. And I’m really Surprised “ That some Members Are Attacking And Disrespecting Other Members “
It’s Unacceptable And uncalled for.

And Engaging in Subjects That has Nothing To Do With a subject Discussed.

One Can Have An Intelligent And Civilized Conversation and Share one’s Opinion.

Deviating To Unreasonable And irrelevant Subjects should not be our goal And interest.

We Learn From each others, There is Need To insult or Offend our Members.

“ I quote: Children Shit , Chicken Coop” Or discrediting others . “ ArmChair Lawyer “ Or Mentioning Rapists or Massacres At Schools “

Please , Let Us Hear Some Words That We can Learn From.

“ Keep One’s Tongue under Your Teeth Prisoner “ At Times Talk is Silver , However Silent is Golden.

Tim Dyck 1
I agree with most of your post except what I think was a typo. “There is Need To Insult” doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of your post.
Ed Allen 13
I would not rule out for a second that this had something to due with Boeing and bad continuous press. The arrogance of upper management at Boeing is hideous.

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Ron Slater 3
You respond with " about an x-orange prez'..." to a commit that is along the lines of much of the comments here, and you think HE is silly? November 2024 is going to be rough on you, hopefully you don't end up like Mr Barrett
Nooge -4

He lost in 2020 and you are in a cult
Michael Dealey -6
I think you're referring to something Obama actually said and have confused it with a hypothetical statement made by a lawyer. Best to check your facts before making dumb statements.
Ed Allen -4
And if we’re gonna get completely stupid, will reread your post

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cyberjet 1
Why do it after he's already spoken out and given evidence on multiple occasions. Not exactly an effective way to silence a whistleblower.
srobak 6
He wasn't done speaking. It also serves as a warning to others who were thinking to speak.
Ed Schijf 5
I thought these things only happened in the Russia under Putin, but I am mistaken. Governments and big companies are afraid of the truth.....
srobak -1
You should Google the list of folks the Clintons have had offed. It's over 150 at this point.
Dale Ballok 6
A lot of Putin’s adversaries seemed to be stricken by the same intestinal/abdominal disorder!
lfilipov747 4
This link will open some eyes
Tim Dyck 2
Thanks for the link
Pri Goose 2
Thanks for the link.
srobak 2
And now #2.... pay no attention. Nothing to see here.
Guy Genbrugge 2
This looks very fishy, smells like a crime settlement.
Mike Elrod 2
If we leap to the assassination conclusion, then who would benefit more? Boeing or the Boeing bashers.

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josh homer -7
LMAO sure buddy. Why does a fetus get laws to protect it, yet living breathing children get snarky lies from you. If thoughts and prayers are good enough for kids being slaughtered at school, why isn't it good enough for a fetus? And maybe you ammosexuals stop killing kids?
Nooge -1
Who benefits more from school shootings you ask ?

Wayne does Ange

NEW YORK (AP) — The longtime head of the National Rifle Association said Friday he is resigning, just days before the start of a civil trial over allegations he treated himself to millions of dollars in private jet flights, yacht trips, African safaris and other extravagant perks at the powerful gun rights organization’s expense.
godutch 8
Why would Boeing or someone else off him? He already spilled the beans years ago and was no further threat??? I'm pretty sure there was not much more he had to say. Unless it was a retribution thing...
Michael Dealey 23
He wasn't done testifying. Was he going to name particular people involved in decision making? Someone may have believed he had plenty more to say and it really couldn't be happening at a worse time.
srobak 6
To stop further damaging testimony from him and to serve as a warning to anyone else thinking to testify. And to pay him back for his testimony.
boughbw 11
With the world's largest magnifying glass hovering over them, this is probably the last thing Boeing would do or would want.
Nathan Cox 3
Nice along folks, nothing to see here!
EMK69 2
It has always amazed me that when a suicide occurs it's always the great pumpkin that did it and not the individual doing it to themselves. I'm not against whistle-blowers but IF you decide to go that route you better be strong enough to stand up to the pressures. The article does say some areas he was proven right and Boeing had to change their ways. With our trade in great need of inspectors, I doubt very seriously he could not find employment with another company.

If this gent truly believed he could prove Boeing was doing something that could endanger the public then he just failed the very people he was trying to protect.
boughbw 30
Yes and no. When you blow the whistle you are doing the right thing. You are doing that thing because it is the right thing and not because of the level of pressure involved. The problem is that once you are exposed as the whistleblower, life becomes extremely difficult. This guy being deposed is probably at his peak exposure for pressure if he is facing the company's lawyers. The level of doubt that they can insinuate into the situation and putting the onus on him for not taking action within his job (and proving what he did prior to blowing the whistle) would be insanely uncomfortable. Add some deaths into the mix and no prospect of life improving and yeah -- I get it. I feel badly for him either way, suicide or homicide. This situation ought not exist. But the response is to strengthen whistleblower protections -- not to tell them to expect to deal with an overwhelming amount of pressure.
Kevin Barbee 11
Well said and compassionate response. The pressure must've been unimaginable and no doubt the strategy opposing counsel would use would be to discredit the whistleblower.
Tim Dyck 6
Wow I had to read 3/4 of the way through the comments to find one I agree with. Thanks for posting it.
Michael Dealey 12
"...then he just failed the very people he was trying to protect."
Exactly, so it seems unlikely he would end it all after getting this far into the process.

"it's always the great pumpkin that did it and not the individual doing it to themselves."

Well, maybe if we had an actual media that didn't treat the public like idiots, we might not be so suspicious. Like in the recent "suicide" of Mark Middleton, who was found hanging by an electrical cord from a tree with his chest blown open, but no gun found at the scene.

Or how about Gary Webb, who was found dead with TWO gunshot wounds to the head. "suicide".

And then there's Richard Talley, who's death was ruled a suicide after he was found shot in the back of the head with a nail gun EIGHT TIMES.

There have also been a fair number of high-profile people who committed suicide by hanging themselves from a doorknob with a necktie. You know, because it's so effective to sit on the floor while trying to hang yourself.

Or how about the rash of mysterious deaths and "suicides" of over 100 holistic physicians between 2015-2020. Who knew that prescribing herbs was so stressful.

That's just a few of the many HUNDREDS of highly implausible suicides, and they all have a common theme. I leave you to ponder what that is.

John Barnett was becoming inconvenient for a multi-billion dollar company already plagued by a rash of recent, inconvenient news stories.
D Rotten 4
We DO have actual media. The INDEPENDENT media was all over the John Barrett story, more so NOW, that he was murdered.

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Nooge 2
Fact is stranger than truth! and you are stranger to fact and truth
According to the latest report, The Barnett’s case will go forward in June .

“ there are and There Will be Many Many Obstacles behind the Curtains “
“ please Prepare for Take off “
Contracts, orders , lobbyists and other financial institutions at stake.

The Boeing Company had successfully negotiated And completed Some important business contracts, Especially Defense contracts in the past .

An Engineer Named Thornton Wilson was very Successful and contributed To Boeing Company In 1969.

Boeing History is Not The history it used to be .

Bill Boeing and Conrad Westervelt Built An Airplane At Seattle’s Pacific Aero products in 1916 that next year The Boeing company was born.

Boeing Ownership is Publicly owned Company, Traded chiefly on The New York Exchange Stock Exchange, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago and Philadelphia Stock Exchange.
susan mandeville 1
If you read the article, it says he retired (early) because of health problems. This may have something to do with his death if it was a suicide.
david fairchild 0
do the clintons own a big share of boeing stock?
Nultech -1
Do you have anything valuable to bring to the conbersation?
jeffrey delong 2
where is your intelligent input NOtech ? Smart donkey walking backwards
Chuck Thomas 1
“787 Whistleblower in suit with Boeing found murdered”
There. Fixed the headline for uou.
It’s very regrettable to hear that Mr. Barrett’s life had ended this way After 30 years of being a dedicated Quality Control Manager at Boeing Company.

The Truth Always Comes Out. This Case is two fold , From The Boeing Prospective And Mr . Barrett Prospective.

According To The Article, Mr Barrett Did raise concerns regarding Oxygen Bottles and other Things .

He Had Notified The FAA And Boeing Management.

However, One Cannot jump To Conclusions.

Whistleblowers Laws Are Known, Generally Speaking They Always seen As “ The bad Guys , or A threat to others “

Hopefully, The FAA And Other Independent Agencies Would Follow Up With A thorough investigation.

In Reality, It’s The Boeing Company That had Committed Suicidal Decision Making and The Weakest Link was The Max’s 37 .

Be Aware “ Of People as They May be Angels “ Perhaps, Mr . Barrett Death Will Regain The Lost Reputation At Boeing, Airline Executives And Passengers Alike May Thank Him Someday.

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srobak 2
Tim Dyck 1
But how much money do the Clintons have tied up in Boing stocks…
Just kidding. With all the conspiracy theories these days I was feeling left out.
Nooge -1
I wish they would eliminate you

That would be something we would all celebrate
srobak 1
You are clearly as evil as the Clintons and Boeing
Nooge 2
Right ...clearly ....and the Jan 6 insurrectionists are 'hostages"
srobak 2
lol... that was not an insurrection. Had it been - the capital & its steps would still be covered in blood.
Greg S -9
Ah, the QAnon brigade has entered the chat.
Tim Dyck 0
What is this QAnon thing the left keeps going on about? I keep hearing it from my lefty freinds and not a single righty freind seems to know or care about it.
Nooge 0
Most rightys are in the alternate reality along with you
Randy Marco -1
You're sooooo far down the Rabbit Hole and MAGA brainwashed, you obviously have no cognitive abilities; but then again, you never did or you wouldn't be this ignorant.
Tim Dyck 1
So you can’t answer my question and feel the need to insult me. That shows you are not only ignorant but also an asshole.
Nooge -1
Speaking of ignorant it is friend friend

I keep hearing it from my lefty freinds and not a single righty freind seems to know or care about it.

I can answer the question why you don't have any friends

Its your delusional opinions why no one is your friend
Brian Freeman -1
Everyone is clamoring for an investigation into this suspicious death. Fair enough. Guess exactly who has the expertise and conducts that investigation. That's right - those police officers that we just love to hate and castigate at every turn. Perhaps it's time to give police officers a little more deference and respect than society seems willing to offer these days. We love to hate 'em until we're all clamoring for their services.
Nooge 5
Blue Lives matter !!!

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srobak 3
He wouldn't be able to complete his damaging testimony, and it serves as a warning to others who were thinking to do the same.
Nooge 1
You mean like Michael Cohens testimony ?
Jones Aderhold -1
Most likey a suicide, but I am glad he blew the whistle over this monopolistic giant greed corp.
8literbeater 0
...after he testified, after years of the same barking up a dead tree, after known behavior problems causing to have therapy and medication. Yeah, he did it himself.

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Stuart Betheil 5
You're saying that the BBC didn't check to see if this person was actually dead?
Randy Marco -6
Sad how our country has become filled with so many MAGA brainwashed INVALIDS like you!


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