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787 Whistleblower in suit with Boeing found dead
A former Boeing employee known for raising concerns about the firm's production standards has been found dead in the US. In the days before his death, John Barrett had been giving evidence in a whistleblower lawsuit against the company. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I think this is quite definitely suspicious and warrants proper investigation. WHY would he "commit suicide" just at this particular time....?
I just posted a link on the thread, a family friend is claiming that he told her to not believe them if they say suicide happened. I believe her.
I think it was "them " too
Maybe he owned a ton of Boeing Stock?
The questioning by opposing attorneys can be rough. I imagine that a strategy could be to lay the blame at his feet for "not doing enough" or some such, attacking his personal character/integrity to discredit him, etc. Can be emotionally devastating if you're not prepared for the onslaught.
I'm of the opinion If he was strong enough to bring the problem to light, he was strong enough to take the heat. I believe an investigation is warranted.
Yes, I do agree with you as to the torture they hit the whistleblower with - but no matter what, it still should be fully investigated - and I seriously think it needs to be by the authorities, but also an independent team as well... the legal authorities are just as corrupt as anyone, if not more so.