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Lightly Used Boeing 787 Heads to Scrapyard

This Dreamliner never entered revenue service and will now be stripped for parts. ( More...

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John Yarno 11
So sad. I have lived most of my life near the Boeing facilities in western Washington. I used to look up to Boeing company with pride. It just makes me sick what the current management has done to destroy this once great company. I guess I am sort of surprised that the stock holders are tolerating this.
Duane Mader 1
Short term gains. Like when a restaurant becomes successful and then cuts corners. They make more money for a short period of time.
Chris B 14
At least two were scrapped last year as well. Its a sign of the value of parts removed from those aircraft exceeding the market value....

Ditto A380.
mbrews 14
As the article says, this was line number 17, placing it among the “terrible teens” which required significant rework. A few other terrible teens were eventually reworked and sold. IIRC, some were eventually sold to Ethiopian Airlines
linbb 0
Seems they ended up heavier than those not teens along with some other items which the others following it didnt have.
David Stark 2
What other industry is forced to scrap little-used, like-new machinery?
Maley Jim 4
I enjoy reading the comments on flight aware. Not to be preachy…. I like to follow three mottos in on-line forums. If it’s illegal, report it. If it’s offensive, ignore it. If I want to comment, be respectful. It seems to work for me. Although I seldom comment, am hardly ever offended, and haven’t seen anything illegal yet. Have at me.
Parabéns pelas informações e imagens .
Stefan Sobol 1
Wonder what they do with the composite structure. At least with Al it was easily recyclable.
Don Webster 1
I initially thought that a composite 787 Dreamliner was a bad idea. Has it been tested and proven under thousands of hours of flight time? Is composite likely to deteriorate? Northwest had envisioned to replace the 747-200s with the 787s(pre-Delta) freighters.[ Instead, Ed talked Richard into eliminating the Cargo freighters altogether.] The jury is still out whether the Dreamliner was a good idea or not.
Peter McGrath 1
ewrcap 1
Nothing new. Same thing happens at Airbus. When F9 returned A318s, they were scrapped. A380s were also.
Brian Varney 1
Gentlemen and Ladies, as pilots and former pilots like myself (Marine and GA), and citizen commentators who love aviation, let’s not argue to compromise our perspectives. Let us argue to further the achievements of safe flight. My great uncle invented Varney/Continental/United, and we have further Captain pilots in our family, and constructive conversation is better than squabbling. Let our words create actions to kick the manufacturers in their oversold balls to recreate the excellent industry that made you and me famous! God bless you! My name is Brian Varney, Aurora-Denver, Colorado.
Bill Butler 0
Yay. Made it all the way through 8 comments before it all came undone. Not a bad day here at - where are we? - oh yeah, Flight Aware. Your favorite aviation-oriented site....

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linbb 5
Your post is beyond stupid guess you like to just troll things please move on.

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Nooge 7
I wish I had not read your post .. Inflicting your comment on everyone about posts you so vehemently dislike is the very definition of hypocrisy

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djames225 10
Knock it off! Most all your comments from the past week have been nothing short of a catastrophic dog's breakfast.

Care to mention what airline "calls and says just stop ... stop all assembly on the order we placed, we don't want them, we believe they are unsafe!" And please do not say United because that is NOT what they did NOR why they converted the orders to 787-9 models and others!!
Greg S 10
Education Overdue is confusing the 737 MAX and the 787. As always, he is best ignored, as he thrives on attention.
djames225 7
True enough...he just irritates me but looking back at this, it appears I am defending linbb..smh
Nooge 2
Overdue foe stupidity yet a glutton for punishment
John D 1
I was thinking the same thing 😂

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djames225 0
I see you read mine and decided to post, yet i don't see where you backed up what I had stated but seem to back up what Overdue stated...Why??

BTW, no I didn't read them all..I didn't have to!
Philip Taylor 3
Children, please!
djames225 2
Sorry Philip, but when it comes to getting slammed on social media, I am not 1 who likes to back down. Perhaps I should learn to let it slide.


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