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Airlines crackdown on what passengers can carry on flights
Passengers are often allowed a carry-on a bag and personal item for their flights, but airlines are looking to clarify and enforce their rules for what people can bring with them on board. NBC’s Sam Brock reports for TODAY. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I hope Linus doesn’t need to pay extra to board with his emotional support blanket.
Sees that everyone wants to push the limits and beyond... It is amazing what people carry on... A few years ago I know of a woman trying to take her pet snake on board! People are clueless now days and have no respect for others or the rules!
Well done. It's high time to limit carry-on abuse by passengers.
Your answer is very interesting. I agree carry-on limits should not be abused but the airlines are (to an extend) quire responsible for the situation. They are the ones who initially encouraged carry-on by imposing cost on luggage in the holds to free some space for more money making cargo. They are now so tangled-up with the situation that on many flights they make annoncements at the gates to take your luggage for free because there is not enough room in the overhead bins.
Problem is, the airlines created this problem!
It's not Abuse if it's an airline policy and that's ME every time. Why would I add $60 - $120 to a roundtrip flight when I can roll it to the gate and check it for free? The problem with free checked luggage, however, is my wife would bring everything, including hangars.