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Airlines crackdown on what passengers can carry on flights

Passengers are often allowed a carry-on a bag and personal item for their flights, but airlines are looking to clarify and enforce their rules for what people can bring with them on board. NBC’s Sam Brock reports for TODAY. ( More...

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J Baer 11
I hope Linus doesn’t need to pay extra to board with his emotional support blanket.
sparkie624 19
Sees that everyone wants to push the limits and beyond... It is amazing what people carry on... A few years ago I know of a woman trying to take her pet snake on board! People are clueless now days and have no respect for others or the rules!
Jose R Gonzalez 18
Well done. It's high time to limit carry-on abuse by passengers.
Robert Fleury 17
Your answer is very interesting. I agree carry-on limits should not be abused but the airlines are (to an extend) quire responsible for the situation. They are the ones who initially encouraged carry-on by imposing cost on luggage in the holds to free some space for more money making cargo. They are now so tangled-up with the situation that on many flights they make annoncements at the gates to take your luggage for free because there is not enough room in the overhead bins.
Dale Ballok 11
Problem is, the airlines created this problem!
Tommy Boy 3
It's not Abuse if it's an airline policy and that's ME every time. Why would I add $60 - $120 to a roundtrip flight when I can roll it to the gate and check it for free? The problem with free checked luggage, however, is my wife would bring everything, including hangars.
Cleffer 25
Now if we can only get rid of the "Emotional Support" horses....
James Patterson 3
In contrast to that, I was just on a flight back to Los Angeles from Paris, and the girl in front of me in Bus. Class had a proper service dog. A gorgeous standard Poodle. He was such a good boy! He'd walk with her to the lav and back, and then just tuck in to the leg well. The only problem was that I wanted to him big ear skritchies and belly rubs and tell him what a good boy he was, but you're really not supposed to do that with service pooches. Somehow I managed to restrain myself. But he was a really good boy through the whole flight and I hope he got a nice tasty bone afterwards.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Tim Dyck 4
If it is a bonafide service animal that is properly trained and registered I have no problem.
avionik99 -7
If you're so emotionally messed up you need an animal to go everywhere with you, perhaps it best you not go? Whatever happened to having a human go with you? They're the species that told you that you need a support animal to begin with, right! People are such narcissists these days that they demand the world has to revolve around them and their mental illnesses.
Tim Dyck 5
My grandfather trained seeing eye dogs, or more correctly taught blind people to train their dogs, and those dogs are extremely intuitive to the needs of their master. A well trained dog won’t be a problem to anyone around them. I’ve watched people try to help blind people and they can’t do half as much as a properly trained dog.
Michele Manno 2
Who are you or anyone else to decide what people do and how they deal with their emotional/mental issues.I would rather be on a plane full of dogs than people traveling with guns. We should be supportive of people who are working through and dealing with their mental issues. Try to be tolerant and, frankly, NICE
Rick D 1
The two-legged ones, yes. On that I agree with you.
RECOR10 -1
Quite seriously, the Federal Govt only recognized service DOGS and Miniature Horses for a long, long time.

In addition to dogs, the ADA now has separate regulations about miniature horses that have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. The regulations set forth for miniature horses are as follow:

24-34 inches high and generally between 70-100 lbs.
Miniature horse is housebroken
Miniature horse in under the owner’s control
Whether the facility can accommodate the miniature horse type, size, and weight
Whether the miniature horse’s presence will not compromise legitimate safety requirements necessary for the safe operation of the facility.
david fairchild 12
Stretching this to all kinds of animals because people are emotionally unstable, and 'need them' is such a crocof....
JoAnn Brown 10
The people who insist that they must have an emotional support animal often spend most of their daily lives pet free. They go to work, doctors appointments, restaurants, etc. I’m a retired therapist and I have been asked to certify emotional support animals and since I have never had a patient that couldn’t function in a variety of places without the animal, I’ve never done it. In addition, these are pets and unlike trained dogs that assist the blind , people with mobility issues, etc, they receive no special training. I love my pet, but I don’t insist that he comes with me everywhere just because I like having him around. I’m also sensitive to the fact that there are people who are allergic to animals and a plane is an enclosed space.
Michele Manno -1
as a therapist i would think you'd be more tolerant. i would think that you would be happy that someone has found some security with a pet. Whatever positive methods someone uses to alleviate their mental issues is a good thing to me.
david fairchild 12
NO animals except seeing eye dogs should ever be allowed in the passenger cabin and I don't care how loud these people scream.
Susan Hubickey 2
So what about the people with dogs who can sense low blood sugar? Or the ones who can sense an oncoming seizure? Should those people not have their service dogs because you want them punished for the people who abuse the system? Do you also confront people with handicap tags when you don't think they "look" handicapped?
avionik99 -4
So we will make an exception for those 3 people ok?
Mike Williams 1
I have heard that some people do not rate dogs like us native Americans. They do use miniature horses for seeing-eye guiding purposes.
The Dude -1
And WHY would that be? Because YOU don't like them?
Keith Johnson -5
And these are usually used just by Muslim and I have only heard of one case of that happening.It should just be dogs.
EMK69 8
NOW if we can teach them when your plane goes down don't spend an extra minute getting your luggage as the plane burns...GET OUT. I was watching several videos this weekend with planes burning and they are spending an extra few seconds/minutes getting their luggage.
Thomas Brown 18
Add a fee for any carryon that doesn’t fit under the seat, and give one free checked bag. Loading and unloading will be much faster. Less crap being shuffled onboard and less people trying to get their emotional support buzzard in the cabin.
Tommy Boy 2
That's probably the best solution for both passengers and the airlines. They can't clean the cabin until we're all gone and depending on the number of old ladies trying to retrieve their carry-ons, deplaning can take up to 30 minutes. But I imagine they would just add that savings to the fare itself.
Robert Mack 1
LOL (some of us “old men” can take even longer)!!!
Tim Dyck 2
What have you got against emotional support buzzards. Squawk is properly trained and won’t start eating you unless you are actually dead (very embarrassing at the MIL’s funeral).
bigkahuna400 10
garbage advertising link
cos3asg 4
Best comment of the day.
Cheryl Hurtak 12
They already have rules, but never enforce them. The little "check the size here" luggage rack sitting at the gate should be mandatory practice for everyone boarding the plane. You should only be allowed to put your bag in your own overhead bin... Common courtesy has been lost along the way. When they board the plane from the back first, no one should be allowed to drop their carry-on on the way down to their seat. Boarding from the front to the back nearly eliminates this issue, people don't go deeper in the plane than they have to, as it makes it harder to get off. It's not rocket science. The airlines just need to get it sorted out, because it is one of the most annoying parts of travelling. If you buy a bunch of breakable sh*t on your holiday, don't expect to be able to set it in your lap or my overhead bin. I had a guy (from a seat many rows back) once CRAM his bag into MY overhead bin, slamming $10,000 worth of my camera equipment around. I lost my mind (I am generally non-confrontational)... but don't touch my stuff.
sparkie624 11
Common Courtesy Died a long time ago with his close friend Common Sense!
Dale Ballok 3
I get your point, but I’m sure if you had 10k worth of camera equipment, it wasn’t tossed into a duffle bag, or backpack!
Cheryl Hurtak 7
It was in a soft-sided camera bag... The bag cost $500. Two camera bodies, three lenses and a variety of accessories... yeah, it doesn't take long to get to a pretty hefty number. The point was, some guy from many rows back started shoving and slamming around other people's belongings because he had too many carry-ons, and too little respect. It is a domino effect, a few people come on feeling entitled, thinking they can just put their stuff everywhere, regardless of the fact other people are "playing by the rules" and only using the space they are entitled to, that ends up taking up space that other people should be able to use... and the last guy on is left "holding the bag" ;) punny, punny.
Tommy Boy 4
In general, people are inconsiderate, ignorant, and rude. Carry-on luggage is supposed to be on its side in the overhead bin which takes up far less room but rarely do I see people doing that. I very rarely use the overhead but am always amused by the stupidity of those that do.
videographerxl1 5
I was a TV camera guy for three+ decades. My camera and lens routinely cost in excess of $65k, and they were fragile. The "baby" slept quite happily in the overhead, surrounded by all the pillows it could collect - and guarded by my scowl. $10k worth of camera gear is a pretty common number these days.
Dale Ballok -1
And, I would think your gear, seeing it’s for your job, would be insured.
Victor Engel 2
Sure - and if you have to go that route, it costs time and inconvenience.
The Dude -5
First of all, it's not YOUR bin. Second, boarding from the front is idiotic. Third, I do place my carry-on in whatever bin I can find space in, because I am not sure I will be able to find any space in "my" bin. Nothing wrong with that.
Nooge 2
“Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.” The Duderino

Opinion ..everyone has one most from my experience and observation are of the opinion that each bin has room for the three seats in that row and respect others bins

WRITING like THIS ? Something wrong with that
Leander Williams 4
It's too bad the airlines haven't figured out how to get passengers to check their nasty attitudes.
Maybe it's time to limit alcoholic beverages on the silver sausages soaring at 35,000 feet.
avionik99 4
All airports and aircraft need to be "Alcohol Free" zones!
Tim Dyck 3
I enjoy a drink now and then but I can go without when flying so I agree with you on this.
Leander Williams 2
I did not say necessarily to eliminate alcohol but a person that comes onto an aircraft already in a tipsy way should not be served more while on the flight. I'm surprised none of these people have gotten up in front of a judge and said, "It wasn't really mean. I'm a nice person. It was the alcohol talking."
Tim Dyck 5
After watching the antics the last few years I think banning it outright might not be a bad idea. Alcohol doesn’t cause people to do stupid things, it’s just an excuse stupid people use.
btweston 1
crabit 3
Will pets On-board be counted as carry-on? Why don't airlines do what they used to do, checked baggage as part of the price? I sit in amazement every time I fly seeing the size and weight of carry-on luggage. All airlines are interested in is PROFIT and not customer experience.
avionik99 8
They charge for luggage separately in order to have their ticket price appear lower to compete with the lower cost airline. It is to try and trick you into thinking their cost is comparable. On the surface it appears to be, but when you add on things like choosing your seat, luggage, first/early boarding etc it does not work out that way.
Byron Russell 3
I don't get it having seen passengers "carry on" more luggage than I checked In for a flight. It creates problems boarding as these folks try to store luggage int he overhead bins.
Michele Fazio 3
I never understood if u have an assigned seat, that should be your spot for overhead storage? I believe the airlines do not enforce proper size carry ons.i have a carry on for JetBlue specs, then I see people with overhead carry on luggage that looks so big and overstuffed. What u all think?
Tim Dyck 2
I saw that last summer when people were bringing full size suitcases on as carry on. Like you I have a backpack that fits in their little cage at the ticket desk and that’s all I take. But with checked luggage prices always going up it will only get worse.
bdarnell 3
It's about time.
Remember "Peoples Air"? If I am no mistaken some person tried to carry on a mattress.
avionik99 12
The cost of airline tickets being so low, has only allowed for "The People of Wal-Mart" to fly these days. It has become akin to riding a Greyhound Bus from Detroit to Chicago! Yes I am old enough to remember when people would wear their Sunday best when flying as it was a real privilege and very special to fly. Now its flip-flops, daisy dukes, and tatted up folk, etc who think no rules of courtesy apply to them. Its a shame to experience what has happened to flying on many airline flights today.
Bilro 5
The first time I was required to take my boots off to gain boarding approval I promised myself that if I ever flew again it would be private jet or first class. Given their expense, I have since traveled by POV or just stayed home. Yes, sometimes being old has its perquisites. I think I'll go get a tattoo.
Adi Rabadi 4
And cramming people in. I am taller and happened to get onto an AA MD-80 a few years back. Could not believe the leg room for a normal seat. Modern seats gets my knees into the metal bar for the meal tray.
jean antzak 1
SO LOW ??????

[This poster has been suspended.]

Dale Ballok 6
Maybe! People that attend baseball games are the most sloppily dressed of any sport.
sparkie624 3
I remember as an Mechanic quite a number of years ago had to wear suits to non-rev... Got to the point everyone knew Non-Revs because we were the only ones in suits!
Sheldon Lang -4
Stupid comment
Greg S -9
You think you're better than they are, but you're not. Those "tatted up" folk also include flight attendants, pilots, and mechanics, so maybe there's just no place for you and your elitist perspective anywhere.
We had a woman (front desk) show up a while back with a new tattoo on her neck (a star like a Sneech). I fired her minutes after I saw it. My facility, my rules - NO visible tattoos (not even the one MD who thought he should get an ink "sleeve" in college. Since residency, he knew it had to be covered, and it gets covered.
avionik99 7
Seriously? You really think I was talking about the cute 20 yr old girl with a colorful butterfly on her ankle?
Georgina Echols 5
In my book you’re scared for life. It’s not art it’s defiling your body.,
Tim Dyck -2
I take offence with the tattoo comment. A friend of my mother had a tattoo on her arm. Just some numbers, never asked for it but the nice SS officer that gave it to her made sure it would never fade with time.
Don’t judge people if you don’t know their story.
marc emarc 2
I've never experienced any of this. I have my own aircraft.
sparkie624 2
I have 1 bag of luggage as Carryon (I usually do not check it and it fits in the overhead bin) and a laptop that I sometimes use on long flights!... I only Check my Tools if I am flying to work on a company plane, and since I now work a desk, that probably will not happen again.
“ Are You A Rider Or The Horse?” “ Horse Or A Rider?”
Well, The Two Cannot Separate.

Many Passengers were Angered by “ Some “ Airlines “ And simply left .
It’s impossible not to Have bags onboard. Crackdown on Passengers and The passengers will Crackdown on The Airline.

What Most Airlines Make more Money on “ Extra “ checked luggage over A $ Million Dollar per Year.

At Times “ Some Passengers “ Simply do not Know How To Manage or Understand Overhead Bins.

Overheads Are Shared Spaces .In Many Cases, Passengers Would Believe That a Seat is connected to The overheads Above .
One Would Find Jackets , Cameras And other Small Items That can be Stored under a seat . Many Other Passengers would Find Themselves without A Space .

We Must Admit, That Some Airlines Get Greedy for Revenue of Checked bags .

At Times , Some Airlines would let you Check bags “ For Free” When The Capacity of The Aircraft is Low .

The Weight And Balance is carefully Calculated:
“ passenger’s load, Fuel And Cargo “

In some Cases Ballasts are used for more Weight To Balance The Aircraft.

Other Carriers make More Money on Transport of Organs , equipments and other Heavy Machinery.
sparkie624 2
I am going to have to disagree with you (Horse or Rider)... I have traveled more than once without any baggage! It depends on the Trip and Why the Trip... Maybe it is just a Day Trip! I remember once I had a monthly meeting in KCLT. Once I month me and my Girl Friend at the time time would fly down for a meeting and then get on a plane and fly back. Where I agree most require luggage, it is not for everyone on every flight. I know a lot of people who fly out on business and back the same day!
Cecelia Jones 2
Bilro 5
Airlines should charge by pound or kilo for anything carried on the aircraft, to include passengers.
ashannon38 3
All these stupid "rules" just because the legacy carriers wanted to nickel and dime everyone like Spirit. Reminds me of Bob Crandall and his olives. I can't wait for extra fees to have a copilot onboard...
Marcel Caron 1
Wendy Sue Meehan 1
I have this fantasy where checked luggage is free and you need to pay for carry-on. Same limits apply, of course...
Wendy Sue Meehan 1
I believe the carry-on issue is getting worse, and it is increasingly responsible for departure delays and passenger altercations. The "size limit" should be reevaluated and then strictly enforced at the gate (not in the aisle).
James Patterson 1
It's not that hard to check a bloody suitcase. Either buy a full fare ticket that comes with a bag allowance, or buy a cheap ticket and pay for the bag. There's no such thing as "free. If an airline includes 1 or 2 checked bags in the price of the ticket, they'll just charge more for the ticket. Wayyy back when, "when flying was great" and checked bags were always included, flights cost much much more. More than a cheap ticket and 2 bag fees cost now.

Just for the heckuvit, I just looked up a bare bones coast-to-coast, round trip, nonstop flight (LAX-EWR) for $429 bucks. Wanna check two bags? Add $180 roundtrip, for a total of $609. Round trip, coast-to-coast. Wanna pick your seat, change your flight, etc.? Another $101, for $710 total. That's nothing compared to what it cost during the "Golden Age of Flying" we all love to reminisce about.

If you don't want to pay $710, well, there are options now that we didn't used to have - all the way down to $429. Don't complain about it.
avionik99 0
When Southwest and Alaska are charging as little as $49 one-way, that must be a very small fee for the luggage!
ksmith610 -3
I would rather spend $2000 and 3 days on Amtrak to go from East to west than be crammed into one of these utterly dysfunctional company’s metal tubes jammed full of idiots, morons, ignorant rude simians and psychopathic trumpanzees.
Stefan Sobol 0
The airlines should have a sizer at the door to the jetway with two openings. One opening would be for carry on bags. If your bag can't fit through the opening it doesn't go in the cabin

The other opening should be for the passenger. Same rule applies.
The Dude 4
Yeah, that will work just fine in the USA, where a large portion of the population is obese. LOL.
KeithEstelle 0
Yes, please take the train, and tell all your wacko friends to also…….lol, your probably to dumb to realize your our countries problem!!
Thanks for taking the train!!

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

sparkie624 15
Please don't shout!
so sorry to have offended you..not shouting..making a point,however the caps lock was stuck on..
SorenTwin 11
No... You could see it the entire time you were typing.
sparkie624 7
No Offense... Just makes it harder to read!
Nooge 3
RIGHT !!! oops I didn't notice my CAPS were ON

I fly Delta and and I did notice in the Bins in First Class and Comfort are designated for those seats those bins are marked Comfort Plus only and they are not first come first serve

Like all other forms of airplane etiquette most people carry one bag and place it in the bin over the row they are in
Robert Mack 1
All’s forgiven!
Rosomak 3
KoolerKT 1
Jesus is the Son of God, and the Person you will take a knee to one day.
Nooge 1
So why do so many Evangelists take a knee to a conn artist?
Robert Mack 1
Whoa!! Easy baby!!! The old man had to turn his hearing aid down (LOL). You’re ok though - read your comments weekly!


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