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There Are Only 5 747 Passenger Jet Operators Remaining In 2024
If you haven't flown the passenger Boeing 747 yet, here are the remaining passenger airlines still operating them. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I do 2-3 trips from SFO to FRA a year and always fly on Lufthansa with the 747-8. Upper deck is great with no middle row of seats. It feels like a private jet. I hope they keep them going for a long time.
Just flew rt from FRA to Sin. Upper deck biz outbound and first class return. Such a special plane.
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Avionik99, I work for Walmart at a Sam's Club so I'm well aware of our customers and members. Also, being a former flight attendant I have come across pretty much all types of people. It's the bougie people are the worst. They're the ones who trash the planes and my store. They're attitude is that they spend their money they are paying me to put up with their overblown egos and low class actions. It's frustrating and funny at the same time.
As far as low class people, where I work, it seems the people with more money and fancy cars are the biggest self entitled, inconsiderate, and rude a-holes around. They certainly travel and spend their money in business and first class.
Sounds familiar as I listen to a former Pres. who is rich and low class with no sense of morality or humility. Not just in planes do you find such folk
BC? lol!