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Emirates Successfully Flies Damaged Airbus A380 from Moscow to Dubai, Circumventing Western Sanctions

Emirates airline has ingeniously circumvented Western sanctions on Russia by flying a significantly damaged Airbus A380 back to Dubai. The aircraft encountered an unusual accident at Moscow Domodedovo Airport last Wednesday, where it was hit by a service truck, causing substantial damage to its undercarriage just before a scheduled flight to Dubai. ( More...

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Ehud Gavron 21
I can see both sides of this, but at the end of the day if you didn't pull the trigger you didn't shoot the murder victim.

Emirates (OB DISC: They don't let people like me fly their airline or enter their country) flew a ferry route with an aircraft with a valid flight# (not required) on a published route (not required).

There's no circumvention there.
- No parts prohibited from being sold to Russia were sold to Russia
- The aircraft assumedly belonged to Emirates, not a Russian carrier, and hence they can go land in Russia and take off from Russia and fly to Dubai and take off from Dubai.

I'd go for "misleading headline."
DouglasBoyd Boyd 10
The headline on the app is misleading. No sanctions were violated. Get the headline correct.
Ray Zimmermann 5
The headline said "circumvented," not violated, but I agree that the article was misleading. Saying that Emirates "ingeniously circumvented Western sanctions" when all they did was move a flyable aircraft from one country to another - not all that "ingenious."
akebonolove 11
WTF is that even news?
Jared Gurfein 6
There really was nothing clever or immoral about this. They flew an empty, broken plane home that couldn't be repaired in Russia (noting sanctions as the reason, despite that they have a vastly superior repair facility at home in Dubai). The only thing they did was risk their crew so they wouldn't lose use of a massive plane for future revenue flights. Revenue flights between Dubai and Russia are not banned. But the parts for repair can't be imported into Russia is the excuse they gave (did they really want it repaired there???). Publicity grab and practical, if not risky move.
Leander Williams 0
Who's to say that those diplomatic ties doesn't involve the clandestine adding a few airline parts to the flights that don't show on the cargo or baggage manifest. You know they say money talks, while b.s. walks.
Joe Keifer 4
Too many loop holes! And you wonder why the "crippling" sanctions against Russia aren't crippling Russia in their genocidal war against Ukraine.

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Nooge 3
Thats right Russia is a force!!!or a farce

California’s GDP in 2022 was $3.6T, representing 14.3% of the total U.S. economy. If California were a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world, and more productive than India and the United Kingdom.

The Russian federal budget in 2021 was only $270 billion (24.8 trillion rubles).

The Russian economy in 2023 outpaced both the United States and Europe in terms of growth, increasing in size by 3.6% despite being subject to a wide array of powerful economic sanctions and being cut off from major global markets.

However, growth appears to have been driven mostly by ramped-up spending on the military, as the Kremlin continues its full-scale invasion of Ukraine that it launched nearly two years ago, leading some economists to question whether the growth is sustainable and what side effects it might have.

"They're supporting defense industries. They're supporting employment. They're paying people bonuses to join the armed forces," Shatz said. "They're paying families for service members who are killed. They're paying service members who are wounded, who are lucky enough to get sent home."

The Kremlin has funded these outlays by increasing tax revenues, drawing down the national wealth fund, and most importantly, by borrowing. The government deficit is historically high right now, at nearly 10% of the overall budget.

One side effect of the stimulus has been relatively high inflation of 7.4% in 2023, down from 11.9% in 2022. In an effort to prevent inflation from getting out of control, the Russian central bank raised interest rates to about 16%.
Nooge 0
Speaking of Imbecile how many times have you been been told you lack self awareness?

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Wally Morph 2
April 1st….
M.F. LaBoo 9
I don't have a single word of praise for an airline that "cleverly evades" international sanctions intended to hobble a terrorist state.
chiefaviator 5
A lot of those "santions"have actually been beneficial to Russia and others while actually hurting the US and others.

As far as airlines, with the exception of Western Europe and the US, airlines continued to service Russia and their airspace. Last count was 56 airlines.
chiefaviator 3
And let's not forget US released one of the world's largestarms dealer to terrorists.

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chiefaviator 3
Yeah great leadership in the US.

Trading one of the world's most prolific and dangerous arms dealers to terrorists for a drug user that got arrested for their possession.

And the propoganda coup Putin and Russia got for brokering such a one sided trade.
Nooge 1
Yeah great leadership in the US.

And let's not forget US released 5000 terrorists from prison is Afganistan.

Mike Pompeo takes his own arrows over the Afghanistan collapse
Trump’s former secretary of State played a key role in the deal with the Taliban. He says Biden botched it. Other Republicans aren’t letting him off the hook.

“Trying to extricate yourself from this withdrawal is I think difficult if not impossible to do, especially to rewrite history about what actually happened,” said former Trump national security adviser John Bolton, a prominent critic of his former boss’ Afghanistan policy.

But that experience now carries some potential baggage. Pompeo met with the Taliban in February 2020 at the signing of a withdrawal agreement with the U.S. in Doha. A picture of him from that moment, standing alongside Taliban co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar, has circulated widely online in the last week.
Nooge 1
Known for his hawkish views on foreign policy, McMaster portrayed Thursday’s attacks as a vindication for his sharp criticisms of Biden’s decision to pull out the troops by Aug. 31, as well as what he has called former President Donald Trump’s “surrender agreement” with the Taliban in February 2020, which paved the way for the U.S. withdrawal.

McMaster said he was not speaking as a partisan and that there was plenty of blame to go around among multiple U.S. presidents. But he was especially withering in his assessment of how Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo conducted their negotiations with the Taliban. The president and secretary in effect decided, McMaster said, “Hey, we’re going to sit down with the Taliban and essentially negotiate our withdrawal. Afghan government, stay on the sidelines. What did that do for the legitimacy of the Afghan government? ... Then what did we do? We forced them to release 5,000 prisoners — for nothing.”
chiefaviator -2
The DOHA Agreement was ill conceived no doubt. Caving to political pressure.

And it was built on ma years prerequisite steps. Each required to move on.

The I initial step was the release of POWs. On both sides.

That was the only Doha Agreement that the taliban actually met to move forewards to a withdraw.

So after that the Doha Agreement became void.

Biden not only decided to continue. But did it with the most horrible leadership possible.

Two days after lying to our allies about his intentions, he abandoned everything and everyone.

That is not a withdraw that is a surrender. And leaving intelligence systems to terrorist, and all intelligence data, intelligence network information and asset lists to the terrorist has compromised the world intelligence while giving terrorist an wide open eye and capabilities.

No one does that even in a surrender. Unless they are a completely incompetent leader or intentionally working to aid terrorist again US and Western interests.

Yes absolutely we can fault Trump for the Doha Agreement.

But Biden made the decision to complete a voided agreement without the required concessions from the other party.

And Biden owns the furthering of terrorism intelligence and funding and the fiasco he orchestrated.
Nooge 2
The "DOHA" Agreement was ill conceived no doubt

It was called the Doha agreement actually because it was held in Doha

I am more inclined to trust HR McMaster than you Trump or pompous Pompeo for the surrender and the the fiasco they orchestrated.

‘We defeated ourselves’: Trump’s national security adviser says Pompeo signed ‘surrender agreement’ with Taliban
Oliver O'Connell
Wed, Aug 25, 2021
HR McMaster , one of Donald Trumps ’s former national security advisers, has condemned the deal struck with the Taliban during the previous administration as a “surrender agreement”.
“Our secretary of state [Pompeo] signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,” Mr McMaster said on Bari Weiss’ podcast Honestly.
“This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.”
Mitt Romney: The Trump administration worked to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners.
PolitiFact's ruling: True
A terrorist attack at the Kabul international airport killed more than 100 people, including 13 U.S. service members, as the U.S. military worked to evacuate Americans and Afghans.
Romney, R-Utah, made his comments during an Aug. 29 interview with CNN host Jake Tapper.
"Recognize that we're in the position we're in right now because of terrible decisions made by two administrations: One, the Trump administration negotiating directly with the Taliban, getting ready to invite them to Camp David, opening up a prison of 5,000 Taliban and probably ISIS-K individuals and letting them free," Romney said on CNN’s "State of the Union."


Published 8:39 AM CDT, August 19, 2021
WASHINGTON (AP) — As President Donald Trump’s administration signed a peace deal with the Taliban in February 2020, he optimistically proclaimed that “we think we’ll be successful in the end.” His secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, asserted that the administration was “seizing the best opportunity for peace in a generation.”

“The choice I had to make, as your president, was either to follow through on that agreement or be prepared to go back to fighting the Taliban in the middle of the spring fighting season,” Biden said.

The Taliban takeover, far swifter than officials from either administration had envisioned, has prompted questions from even some Trump-era officials about whether the terms and conditions of the deal — and the decisions that followed after — did enough to protect Afghanistan once the U.S. military pulled out.
chiefaviator 0
That doesn't relieve Biden's actions and decision following through to lie to our allies, compromise all intelligence networks, turning both US and allied assets lists over to the terrorists and leaving them operable elint systems to use against the US and our allies.
Nooge 2

ByeDon takes 10 % of the blame

But your Commander in Cheat and Pompeo surrendered
Nooge 2
And let's not forget US released 5000 terrorists from prison is Afganistan.

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Nooge 0
Have you "succumb" to all the downvotes you receive yet or are you a glutton for punishment?
I totally agree. Pretty sleazy operation. I’ll never fly this airline.
jgoedker -2
Totally agree. But it should be no surprise to anyone.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Joe Keifer 8
Lot's of that money is in the hands of US arms makers and suppliers. Not much cash made it to Ukraine.
ddieterich 4

How much of that money looped back into the hands of U.S. politicians from the U.S. arms makers and suppliers or their go-betweens? The same U.S. politicians that continue to send U.S. tax dollars to Ukraine.

Money laundering...

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Nooge 1
2 billion to be exact

After Kushner left the White House, he started a private equity firm that received a reported $2 billion investment from the sovereign wealth fund controlled by Prince Mohammed, drawing scrutiny from Democrats.

Kushner, speaking at a summit in Miami on Tuesday sponsored by media company Axios, said he followed every law and ethics rule. He dismissed the idea of there being any concerns about the appearance of a conflict of interest in his business deal.
Nooge 2
Oh BTW it was not Iraq that attacked us on 911

19 Saudi nationals

Ypu know ....aka The Bone Saw Brigade

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Nooge 3
Overdue for a comment Dumber than a sac-a-hammers

Billy is a conned-servative in a cult led by a Putin asset
Stef Lar 7
> If you believe Russia supports terrorism...
Hezbollah has been designated a terrorist organization by dozens of countries and the EU. Russia openly provides military and economic aid to Hezbollah. Explain how Russia is not a supporter of terrorism.
chiefaviator 3
Actualy most of Hezbollah's support come from Iran.

That the US recently have a lot of funding and relaxed sanctions.

Not to mention handing them 1st world intelligence gathering systems and network details.
ddieterich -3
The U.S. provides economic aid to Hezbollah, which they convert to military use. These are very complicated situations that can't be painted with a simple brush-stroke.

Tell me where all the U.S. tax dollars went in Ukraine.
Stef Lar 2
No one claimed that the US doesn't support terrorism. Why are you deflecting from your originally implied claim? Again: Hezbollah has been designated a terrorist organization by dozens of countries and the EU. Russia openly provides military and economic aid to Hezbollah. Explain how Russia is not a supporter of terrorism.
ddieterich 1
Gibberish. We are terrorists. They are terrorists. But they are worse...

Again, Tell me where all the U.S. tax dollars went in Ukraine.

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Nooge 0
Bill thinks that if you WRITE like THIS your NONSENSE comes across as even more MEANINGFUL

Who invaded Ukraine ?

Thats right the guy who owns your Commander in Cheat
ddieterich 2
"This comment has been downvoted."

See you later.
Georgina Echols 3
You, sir are so very right. It will be exposed someday.
Nooge 0
What will be exposed is the 666 under that combover when he is exhausted his last appeal and is locked up
jim sisti 3
Sounds like a heck of a lot of rolls of speed tape found their forever place on the belly of that plane.
Chris B 3
So much BS in this article
WD Rseven 2
And this is news about a unique situation? This is routine procedure for companies that actually know what they're doing, which is NOT MANY
Nooge 1
If you PUT IT THAT WAY !!!
mimana 2
NATO is blinded by their own issues and reasons. Who or what group will place NATO under sanctions for planning and executing the breaking of the treaty in the NATO–Russia Founding Act (NRFA) that was signed at the 1997 Paris NATO Summit in France. The coup in Kiev in 2014 well executed to get to the point of provoking Russia with a new NATO partner. Missiles, troops and tanks 500 miles from Russia.
mimana 3
500 miles from Moscow.
Nooge 2
How is the weather in Moscow today mimana?

How about the forecast for the eclipse ?

Will the darkness ever be lifted over Russia if Putin remains in power?
Joe Keifer 2
Message received: Don't fly Emirates. They fly damaged airplanes.
chiefaviator 4
Like most operators, on a ferry permit.
None revenue, no passengers or cargo.

As apposed to air china or British airways that does it on revenue flights.
Not the first time an airline has ferried a plane out because for whatever reason, repairing the aircraft where an incident happened was not feasible. Clever and a touch gutsy, yes. Legally or morally problematic, not really. Well plated Emirates, well played.
Brian Freeman 1
"...Ingeniously circumvented..." Can you say hyperbole?? (Yes, but did you pronounce it correctly?)
Anton1 1
Not April 1st news, check FR24 or others. It was flying again 2 days later so they really did a quick job fixing it all.
Carl Basto 1
We have already read the diferent opinions on this issue. We have to presume that the crew weighed the options and corresponding risks and decided what action to take. What really matters is that they were successful.
Carl Basto 1
Truly wonderful emphasizing the competence of Emirates in assessing the complicated situation and making the right decision.
btweston 0
“This incident highlights the airline’s resourcefulness in navigating complex international regulations while ensuring its fleet remains in optimal condition.”

Ingenious indeed. They flew a plane.
Alan Winn 6
Indeed, quite remarkable... the global aviation pros delivered once more, safety and smooth flow of passengers and cargo.
Greg S 4
I wonder how the plane was able to fly to Moscow in the first place without violating the sanctions regime?
chiefaviator 3
The sanctions are by individual countries. And are predominantly just US and Western Europe.

Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia airlines still service Russia or use their airspace.

Last count was 56 passenger or cargo airlines still service Russia or the airspace.
Fernando Arrojas -1
Let's start by the beginning. Who have given US and Europa the right to sanction other countries?
Nooge 3
Let's start by the beginning. Who have gave Putin the right to invade other countries ?
btweston 1
Aww. You have no idea what you’re talking about. That’s cute.
Fernando Arrojas 1
Very wise!!!
Stef Lar 0
"Who have given US and Europa the right"

I don't think you understand how sanctions work. Any country can sanction any other country of their own accord. It's just that nobody's going to care if East Timor or Lesotho sanctions another country because they have little power on the international stage. Nobody has to go along with a US sanction if they don't value their relationship with the US.
Fernando Arrojas 1
I see. It's not a matter of right, is a matter of US blackmailing EU and in that way with added force blackmailing the rest of the world up to the point of deciding whether a country repairs or not it's own plane. And that is calles FREE WORLD.
n5swp 0
Profit for the win.....? Seriously will we never learn?
Steven Palmer -5
What a load of biased hogwash on this forum.
Its obvious that most contributors here are 'shermans' and watch/listen to the US Govt propaganda (Nonsense/lies) pushed by the 'paid-off' MSM such as CNN/MSMBC etc etc.

For your information, UAE is NOT part of of the US led sanctions (and more countries are NOT part of these sanctions than are), and has a free relationship with Russia. Hence they have 3 daily flights Dubai to Moscow - Bizness is always Bizness!
And has for the ferry flight - quite simply put, there are no A380 engineers in Moscow so it was patched up and flown home for repairs.
Let us have some thoughts for the tug driver who caused the damage, apparently he had suffered a heart attack at that moment causing impact with the airframe.
Nooge 1
For your information this is not a forum for your (Nonsense/lies) and woke brain virus theories

But humor me

"MSM such as CNN/MSMBC etc etc" 'paid-off by who ?
Steven Palmer 2
Vanguard, Blackrock, Gates, Soros --- need any other sources of funding to be spelled out .....?
Nooge 0
I see you and Overdue for a lobotomy get your Cult 45 and Q Anon koolaid from Patrick Bet-David On Joe Rogan's Podcast

You have what your are to think spelled out for you there ...

Vanguard invests funds from 401 K ....what Mutual fund fund does Vanguard invest or pay off CNN/MSMBC with and how ?
bentwing60 1
If you must ask, you're too myopic to see.

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Nooge 0
Cut and paste facts run up deep in the place where your brains are

It would be my cold boot if possible which is really what is needed in your case
Nooge -2
I agree with let us have some thoughts for the tug driver who caused the damage, who had a second accident and fell from a nearby twenty story building causing impact with the concrete'

Apparently he had suffered a heart attack shortly after being pushed out the window


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