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Emirates Successfully Flies Damaged Airbus A380 from Moscow to Dubai, Circumventing Western Sanctions
Emirates airline has ingeniously circumvented Western sanctions on Russia by flying a significantly damaged Airbus A380 back to Dubai. The aircraft encountered an unusual accident at Moscow Domodedovo Airport last Wednesday, where it was hit by a service truck, causing substantial damage to its undercarriage just before a scheduled flight to Dubai. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The headline on the app is misleading. No sanctions were violated. Get the headline correct.
The headline said "circumvented," not violated, but I agree that the article was misleading. Saying that Emirates "ingeniously circumvented Western sanctions" when all they did was move a flyable aircraft from one country to another - not all that "ingenious."
WTF is that even news?
There really was nothing clever or immoral about this. They flew an empty, broken plane home that couldn't be repaired in Russia (noting sanctions as the reason, despite that they have a vastly superior repair facility at home in Dubai). The only thing they did was risk their crew so they wouldn't lose use of a massive plane for future revenue flights. Revenue flights between Dubai and Russia are not banned. But the parts for repair can't be imported into Russia is the excuse they gave (did they really want it repaired there???). Publicity grab and practical, if not risky move.
Who's to say that those diplomatic ties doesn't involve the clandestine adding a few airline parts to the flights that don't show on the cargo or baggage manifest. You know they say money talks, while b.s. walks.
Emirates (OB DISC: They don't let people like me fly their airline or enter their country) flew a ferry route with an aircraft with a valid flight# (not required) on a published route (not required).
There's no circumvention there.
- No parts prohibited from being sold to Russia were sold to Russia
- The aircraft assumedly belonged to Emirates, not a Russian carrier, and hence they can go land in Russia and take off from Russia and fly to Dubai and take off from Dubai.
I'd go for "misleading headline."