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Southwest May Soon Crack Down On Seat Savers And Wheel Chair Abusers

Southwest Airlines may look into the possibility of assigned seating, which would crack down on seat savers and those abusing the preboarding process. ( More...

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Gary Lombardo 48
10 wheelchair preboard…..only 1 deplaning…….another “HALLELUJAH” flight!!!
Roger Anderson 20
Joel Olsteen working overtime on those flights
jmilleratp 4
And gives a 10% discount for his "services."
John Kurc 12
Jesus works in mysterious ways. LOL
mbrews 3
On some Air India arrivals at JFK airport , assistants scramble to locate 150 or so wheelchairs for inbound pax !
That is to get through the customs and immigrations li es faster. On most I tarnation flights during busy periods.
Greg S 6
It's because when you fly way up at 30k+ feet you're closer to G_d so hears your prayers better.
I've been a high-level quadriplegic for nearly 40 years and have never flown commercial due to the hassles with wheelchairs and breathing aides. However, it sounds like I should try Southwest and may not need assistance any longer!
mariofer 16
The airline industry has been coming up with new better ways to board planes for the past 50 years. They all work great until you introduce the human element. Very sad.
Clayton Welch 4
The "human element" . . . aye, there's the rub. In almost every facet of daily life, from the "15 items or less line at the store" to the turn arrow that went red 1-2 seconds before the other driver got to the limit line.
Chris Muncy 13
I remember back in the early days of SWA of seats that faced the back of the plane. great experience and something you won't find now, but I quit flying SWA just because of these abusers and if I do have to fly SWA I am paying for the added privilege to board in group A.
Dave Parks 12
Totally agree.. not worth the aggravation to fly swa.
ua1kbrad 4
Yes, but the abusers board BEFORE those in group A.
Delia Payne 1
I never understood pre-boarding - you will be sitting longer(health risk) and the plane will arrive at the same time as everyone else. They should have stuck with the people sitting in the back of the plane board first. It was faster and more efficient. Less fighting for overhead bin space and less time standing behind someone with 4 kids trying to get them seated and the luggage/stroller put away. Honestly it makes no sense whatsoever the way they are boarding passengers these days.More stressful IMO
aurodoc 2
Back in the 1980s, I also remember the rear facing seats, it was great with a family. Also the plastic boarding cards. I am not sure what changed since then. Some turn around times were less than 15 minutes and off we went. I think we boarded from 2 doors then. Today it is a shit show boarding and like you I do the early bird payment.
paul trubits 1
9-11 changed that. It became a requirement that your name be on your boarding pass
Ron Slater 18
There have even been reports of 50+ passengers preboarding, most of whom are suddenly cured and walk off the flight with no help.

They call that the "Jetway Jesus". Suddenly the Jetway Jesus cures them of their affliction.
jim sisti 12
I worked for a different airline in MEM, but we had amazing aircraft that "healed" the infirmed. Every year the Church of God in Christ held an annual convocation in Memphis, and we would show a ten fold increase in wheelchair needs for inbound flights. But when the cabin door opened, everyone was healed and walked off ailment free and looking fabulous!
After the gathering ended, the cure had worn off and the outbound flights had the same ten fold increase in special assistance boardings needed.😉
jmilleratp 0
"COGIC" answers all questions.
Mike Mohle 2
"Miracle Flight"!
Margo Norat 7
Won’t fly SW again! Way too many w/c and their family members preboard with them.
They are put in aisle seats. Last time we flew with them to get a seat together we ended up in the last row by toilets because so many preboard! Yet I see these w/c people WALK to Starbucks and the bathroom
I’ m over 60 but enough is enough.
M20ExecDriver 6
Starting in November from Northeast U.S. airports to Florida, Miracle Flights, available to wheelchair bound travelers. Other travelers be advised, the ones in the wheelchairs at your departure will be the first ones to stand up, pull their bags out of the overhead and rush to deplane. Caution advised on the jetway, you may be knocked aside in their rush to get out of the airport.
F. M. 4
Human "hackers" will always try to game any system with loopholes. SWA is just reaping the latest "hack-a-thon" of fake disabilities and seat savers. Once they offer specific seat assignment at a premium price, the problem goes away or at least is severely curtailed.
Mike Mohle 5
Don't forget the fake service dogs.
bobinson66 4
Or the anxiety peacock.
Delia Payne 1
Or a rooster 😂
Delia Payne 1
ESA pigs, cats, alligators, pit bulls and the odors are worse than babies diapers and vomit. No thank you
Road Trip - see the country 👍🏼
ewrcap 13
What a surprise. Lying, cheating American low rents screwing up a great thing. You can’t blame SWA for this. Can you imagine the uproar from the handicapped lawsuit industry if Southwest demanded proof of disability. Everybody is disabled and entitled these days. I see people park in the handicapped spots and then run into the store. The next biggest scam is for supposed service dogs.
Bruce Horwitz 7
@ Craig and @linbb - no one said that people who need wheelchairs shouldn't get pre-board privileges. It is the people who don't need them but use them to game the system who are being chastised here. So if someone needs a wheelchair to get TO the gate one would expect them to need a wheelchair to get FROM the gate.

The problem, as Craig points out, is how to sort out between the two. This article suggest that assigned seats, like with other airlines, would help since pre-boarding would not help you snag a better seat.
LR White 5
Dear wheelchair passenger: To expedite deplaning at our destination, all wheelchair passengers will deplane last.
Wheelchair passengers usually do. But that demeans the disabled who need help egressing. Those of us who have trouble walking and need more time are allowed to go in so we do not slow down the flow. Yes, there are those who need wheelchairs going through because TSA, checking in, large crowds, waiting for the aircraft and dealing with the lack of seating at the gate because able bodied people are taking up seats reserved for us - as that can take a lot of time and tremendous effort. I will use a wheelchair because of that - otherwise I may not make it to the plane. When deplaning and only having to leave the terminal the stress is not nearly as much - so the pain accompanying our travels is also somewhat eased. We may not need a wheelchair leaving accordingly but that does not take away from our disabilities or diminish what we deal with. We also have impact of medications and timing as well as the impact of pressurization changes and weather fronts we may be traveling through. We tend to be relegated to second class citizens exactly by the attitude you expressed. Perhaps if you become disabled or have a family member needing special attention your attitude may change. Then those of us being disparaged may actually have valuable information necessary to transit health care and simple every day life skills. We may have spearheaded research or volunteered our bodies for science and drug testing. We may have brought attention to areas never before identified. And we may have sponsored research and fighting the system with our own resources so that others can benefit. I understand the desire for expeditious entry and exit. I also understand balance in life - hence the need to work together with mutual respect. And with those who really do abuse the system I suggest we go together jointly to kick them in their rear. Perhaps we should register with the airline to show we are disabled - at first I objected to that, but it may be the best way to curb the abuse. Have a great rest of the weekend, everyone, and safe travels.
linbb 4
My wife has one I never have gotten one but I can get out of our car and look fine but due to my problems by the end of walking around will be having trouble even getting into the car. So long and short of things you do not understand not every one always looks disabled but can be. If you dont have issues you cannot always understand things like that. I do hope you and yours never need one of those spaces to park in.
For lying and cheating scammers there should be recompense. For the rest of us who are disabled it is not a scam. Too many wheelchairs is a problem, no question. But who is legally allowed to tell us we are not disabled? I was in elite military units and was injured and others have their own versions of why we are disabled. Twenty per cent of our population is disabled. Startling statistic. The problem of timing between flights is real and I empathize with that. Castigating us because we are thought to be an inconvenience to others is not the answer. I do not have an answer but let us work together to figure it out - not cause more division. Politicians do enough of that.
Roy Thomas 7
If airlines would follow their carry on restrictions consistently with no exceptions, most of the boarding issues would resolve themselves within a year. In my opinion most of the boarding issues are due to a paranoia about not being able to store your carry on.
avionik99 2
Ban all carry-ons. If it does not fit under the seat in front of you it does not go onboard. That would fix so much of the boarding/deplaning problems
Jeff Hill 8
Make checked luggage free and charge for carry-ons!
this will be another nightmare. SWA cattle call boarding has caused the entitled brats of the participation trophy generation to do this. I flew for 40 years and the WCHR abuse was usually New York to Miami flights....even before they installed the overhead lockers...miracle flights were usually Friday during the day so as to make it to Miami before sundown.
Now they also have allowed a girl to get into the Overhead bin and take a nap. I personally am awaiting the day that the overhead lockers separate from the fuselage and crash on the heads of the people that stuff everything up there. Really wish they'd be removed and people would learn to travel light. I know it will not happen as the airlines are not able to get the bags to you in a timely manner so you carry on everything.
Calen Chrzan 3
Lufthansa checks all rollaboards and luggage over a certain size at no charge. That leaves people with a lot of leg room.
Greg S 4
Airlines used to check bags for free, which resulted in fewer carryons. Now they not only charge for checked bags, they charge enough that the cost is a significant consideration for the traveler.
Mark Kortum -4
Airlines never did and never will check bags for free. Whether the price is hidden within the ticket price or an itemized add-on the customer will always pay for their luggage to fly.
Bruce Horwitz 3
"Airlines never did and never will check bags for free" We can argue the semantics of this statement but that misses the point, which is defining a separate charge for checked bags naturally led to more people trying to carry-on (larger) items, which in turn makes early boarding a priority so you can reasonably find a place to stow your (probably) oversized item.

BTW, returning to the semantics question, most of the costs of checking bags are fixed, with the extra fuel cost being the largest marginal cost that I can think of. Having the infrastructure (physical and personnel) to handle checked bags is where the major cost is... and that cost is unchanged whether you check a bag or not. Charging 30, 40, or more dollars per bag is pretty much pure profit.
Greg Daley 2
Any evidence fare prices dropped when the luggage charges became overt? I didn’t think so. What I do recall was boastful earnings calls attributing jumps in revenue to checked baggage fees.

That said, your point is sound though finding myself constantly nickled and dimed on shipping online, there are times when I’d just as soon have it buried it the overall Free Shipping price.
myalias 2
I travel light: I typically do a week-long trip with just a carry-on bag, even when I've had free checked baggage. I much prefer a backpack to dragging a suitcase around.
Daniel Hagan 1
We all have to know that the major problem with timely boarding and deplaning is carryon. Yes it is convenient and high on the list for frequent business travelers with time constraints, but, it needs to be gone. There. Problem fixed.
Dave Parks -1
On a recent AA flight the gate staff told ppl no more room. Bags will be checked in .. boy what hullabaloo… so the kiddies have gotten used to it.. “taking from a baby” if you change it.. but remember check-in baggage fees are not helping.
Daniel Hagan 1
Well Dave, you know the golden rule…whomever has the gold makes the rules, let the kids have their hullabaloo. End carryon. Flights could be shortened by 30 minutes industry wide. Can you imagine the significance of that.
Daniel Hagan , what about those people that need to carry on a carry on ? For instance I always would need to have a carry on because I will never check my prescription medications or other medical supplies and medical equipment. My medical equipment doesn’t count against my carry on allowance on any airline I choose to fly with but it takes up space in the over head bins none the less so what do you propose for people in my situation to do ?
Calen Chrzan 3
Personaly I like the Boarding Process at Southwest as is. I remember the days of the numbered plastic boarding cards. As far as large number of preboards goes, what I have observed here in Dallas is it's mainly Chicago Midway and Detroit flights. Also where they have Grandma and Grampa or elderly Mom and Dad traveling with a family entourage then they all want to preboard. I had to preboard once when traveling in boot for a fractured ankle. The Southwest FA's took care of me. Returning from Phoenix it was necessary to use a wheelchair to get to the gate as it is some distance from checkin to the gates.
Juan Jimenez 3
I am surprised Southwest is so dumb they don't simply require one of two things for a wheelchair; a letter from a doctor, a copy of which must be filed with the airline, or a handicapped vehicle tag.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Mark Kortum 2
Yell "FIRE" or even better yet "BOMB" in the crowded departure area and then take the chairs away from anyone who stands up and runs.
MmJan Coopman 1
I chuckled at that, and oh my, you know you cannot do that.But your point is well taken, and I had written earlier at year 18 of MS, if people had to endure what I do, they'd think twice before abusing anything.
Greg S 5
Everyone complains about Southwest but they used to be great at getting you on and off the plane quickly and they were much cheaper. They made no attempt to compete on the basis of passenger comfort, hence the "cattle car" reputation. This was just perfect for flights of less than 2-3 hours. Now every domestic airline is a cattle car, so Southwest should be even more competitive. Perhaps this is an attempt to get back to those days.
Larry Toler 4
World Airways DC10 from Philly to Mildenhall with a tech stop in Gander was a cattle car. It was a military charter though. Fly Space A on a 141 or 130 with cargo. That'll give you a real cattle car feel. I'd make sure all the seats were filled, lol.
jmilleratp 4
Southwest has actually had more leg room that other mainline carriers. But, the fact that they will not put you on another airline when things go wrong is just too much to deal with. Even Frontier will put you on someone else, and quickly.
mbrews 9
Time for SWA to enter the 21st century. The practice of no seat assignments is a carryover from SWA’s early days. When all planes were the smaller 737-300 and your ticket was a grocery tape receipt. Grow up & assign seats
William Speed 5
Can I get an "AMEN!"?
lsaboard 2
I like the fact that there is a choice as far is different airlines and boarding procedures. Assigned seating works for most, but I also like having an airline that offers non-assigned seats.
I just don’t like Southwest’s model. I would instead simply have a boarding line set up at each gate, and seat selection would be on a “first come, first served” process. No preferential treatment for anyone. No lettered boarding groups, no saving seats, etc. Those willing to endure standing in line for a long time would be rewarded by having first choice. The line would be also accommodate those seated in a wheelchair.
one of the "appeals" of southwest has been the "no assigned seat" process,where you can pick and choose where to sit as available..years back they used a numbers/color code system,so it depended upon say an orange boarding card with a number between 1-50 etcetera..however.the agents at the gate didnt really look at the number,even if yours had 99 and the guy behind you had a number 1 or 2!they just smiled ,took the card and let you board,than came the "free for all" for the best apparent seats!! i am not sure how its done now,but assigned seating is a better system and more fair to passengers!wheelchairs and those who supposedly need them,will alwyas be given priority,even if they abuse the process..
check out the key and peele show. the absolutely get the pre boarding scan right!
My first time flying SWA is in a few days. I will be flying with a portable oxygen concentrator so SWA required me to provide a doctor’s note stating why I need the Poc, the oxygen liters per minute , the Poc had to be on the list of FAA approved concentrators , mandatory amount of batteries to last 150% of travel time and I also pre board and per their regulations, I have to sit in a window seat . Even though it’s will be obvious that I have a disability., all these things are required.Was a little taken back until my pulmonologist and cardiologist explained to me that any person can buy a Poc without a doctor’s prescription which is a dangerous thing to do because they wouldn’t know what was either a safe or harmful oxygen liter amount to set it to. SWA wants to make sure I have a prescription authorized poc. I know this has nothing to do with wheelchairs but was just sharing that SWA does have a procedure in place for certain disabilities .
jmilleratp 2
I gave up on Southwest when I got stranded by them during that December 2022 debacle. Unlike even Frontier, they won't put you on another airline to get home.
And Jenny taught me to dangle!!
People , What can you say a lot of them suck . Southwest can fix the wheel chair issue in a few ways . If you board on a wheel chair you get your name taken and if you deplane without one you get put on a new list where you can never board prior to "C" no matter what . The other option is place the wheel chair folks into the back of the plane and give them window seats . Because if they are truly in need they will be a problem if there is an emergency .
So Dean Bogdanowich, for your second option , the w/c passengers are regulated as being not as important to “save” as those without w/c? Even those without w/c can be a problem in the event of an emergency. FYI , passengers who board with certain medical equipment can only have aisle seats now as it is.
avionik99 3
I think the threshold for what constitutes being disabled has been lowered far too much. Get sad? Here's a pill and a blue placard! Got hemorrhoids? Here's your blue placard! Seen a movie about Iraq and now have PTSD? Here's some pot and a blue placard? Snore at night? Here's your blue placard. Work hard have a sore back? Here's your norco and a blue placard. Overeat and got fat? Here's your blue placard. Paper cut on your pinky finger? Here's your blue placard. Feel free to add to the list!!
@avionik99 I can’t speak to the threshold of what constitutes that disability determinations has been lowered . As for me , it wasn’t an easy process to be declared disabled . It wasn’t as if I told all my doctors that I felt like I was disabled and they just magically filled out that paperwork. And my disabilities aren’t as simple as those you so cavalierly mentioned. Do people try to scam the system, yes I’m sure some do but it’s also on the doctor to follow their due diligence . I have 6 different specialists and one primary doctor and when I was determined to be disabled , I can tell you , I deserve that placard and /or a wheelchair when and if necessary.
Donald Harwell 1
You do not have to be so defensive if you really deserve it. Just don't visit Europe. No ADA there.
bbabis 3
I've never flown on SWA. It looks like that was a good call.
Mark Kortum 2
I flew on SWA once. I also ate at Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips once!
Nooge 0
I dont have to fly Southwurst and dont
I recently boarded Southwest to Burbank from Hartsfield-Latoya Jackson International Spaceport and Wig Emporium and there were 19 people in Wheelchairs that made us 45 mins late for take off. My connection in Denver had boarded and I only made the flight by 3 mins. My luggage was sent to Las Vegas and I had to go back to Burbank the next day to retrieve it. I am glad they see the scam these people are pulling on them and getting away with it. It’s time they took responsibility for their stupidity and stopped the shameful deceit
Cheryl Hurtak 2
In order to use a wheelchair to hop the line, you should have to produce a handicap tag, much like the one you have to have to park in a handicap spot.
Mark Kortum -1
Maybe just a tattoo.
StephenV 0
With a barcode?
Juan Jimenez 2
This is one of a gazillion reasons why I why I never, ever fly Southwest, and will never do so.
a1brainiac 2
Just have assigned many people in boarding class C end up getting in line with boarding class A....and the gate agent never notices....I know because I've done it many times
jwelder3 1
Denis Briffaud 1
One more reason for humans to respect insects...
Jim Quinn 1
When I used to travel 48 weeks a year I often sent much of my demo equipment/baggage to the hotel a couple of days in advance via UPS and did the same returning home. It worked well and was often cheaper than checking it at the airport.
a1brainiac 1
If you get stuck in boarding class are guaranteed the hated middle seat
Irene Merola 1
Maybe if there were a "$" added to the Wheelchair needed sign, the need would suddenly drop !
Irene Merola, the American Disabilities Act representatives would be all up in arms about a charge like that.
MmJan Coopman 1
As someone at year 19 of MS, I for sure would be happy to trade my health issue and wheelchair for having to walk and even sit in the lavatory!!
Minnan Coopman , As someone at year 18 of SLE, 6 yr at PHT and 6 yr of CHF , Oxygen dependent and a few other health issues , I agree .
put these scam fools on a DO NOT FLY list......
Roger Curtiss 1
And assigning seats means SWA can charge folks for that.
The wheelchair debacle could be solved by requiring any wheelchair occupant without a priority row seating ticket be required to sit behind row 15.
Delia Payne 1
Or what about a wheelchair only flight where you need to stay seated in your wheelchair and all the wheelchairs would be safely locked in place ?
Ha but too many safety concerns with that one. Tie downs for wheelchairs are problematic and not real practical.
John Esau 1
Donald Harwell 1
Assigned seating and board rear to front.
Delia Payne 1
Yes !!! If it ain’t broke don’t fix it lol
judy smith 1
I never understood why airlines had a policy for pre-boarders: first ones on, last ones off. If they need extra time to board, it makes sense to give them extra time to deplane!
judy smith 1
Should read: why airlines NEVER had a policy…
John Taylor 1
I hate Southwest's boarding procedures. I like having my assigned seat, especially when I can go online and pick it without extra cost or pay a small fee and pick a better seat. I think things would go so much smoother if they would board from the back of the plane to the front and limit the overheard compartment to the seats beneath them. Every time I pay extra to fly first class, I'm constantly being jostled by the "steerage" class passengers waiting for people further back to put their stuff away and take their seats.
George Schwarz 1
So, can I show them the surgery scar on my lumbar spine instead of my handicap placard?

[This poster has been suspended.]

Greg S 4
I've found that this sense of entitlement you mention crosses all ideological and generational boundaries.
WillisRF 4
Right now, the biggest victim in the USA has his own airplane.
Larry Toler 3
As a former flight attendant and now working front lines in retail, most entitled people I see has no racial bounds but they around my age (52). It boggles my mind because I was brought up better by my parents. I hate to say it, this entitlement crap started with some of us Gen X'ers and got out of hand. Then again, there were our share of Karen's when I was growing up in the '70's and '80's Tipper Gore being a big one.
btweston 2
Interesting take. Which radio programs do you listen to?
John Esau 1
“Neomarxist”: relating to forms of political philosophy which arise from the adaptation of Marxist thought to accommodate or confront modern issues such as the global economy, the capitalist welfare state, and the stability of liberal democracies.
M.F. LaBoo 1
Since the unawakened have their eyes shut tight, tossing and turning, groaning, crying out inchoately in their blind slumber, lost deep in their fever dreams, their boogeymen don't frighten those of us living in the real world.

Seems like high time to break out the plastic bedsheets.
John Esau 1
Chuck Lavazzi 0
"Neomarxist"? What the heck is that even supposed to mean? And what did Groucho ever do to you, anyway, Bubbles? No swenayuma, I tell ya....
Jay Powell -2
I stopped flying SW years ago...guess you could say racism played a passengers acting unruly, breaking all the rules, including those in this article. I would bet big money that 80-90% of the scam artists flying today are of that persuasion. They have that "black privilege",and the flight attendants are too scared of being called RACIST by other racist whites and nearly every yea, I stay away from SW Airlines, and McDonalds, and Dollar Stores...anywhere blacks congregate. That is all.
Bingiee Shiu 1
Wow !!!
Craig Northacker -1
I am disabled. There are times I use a wheelchair and times I do not. In any event it takes me a long time to walk because of nasty injuries from the military. That and nasty neuro stuff. No one can tell how I am doing at any given time. Flying is difficult for me for a lot of reasons. What I don't need is to have someone believing they are doing the right thing by denying me pre-boarding. I did not ask to be disabled - I was manufactured. But anyone who is disabled for whatever reason is disabled. Pretty sure no one would want to swap places with me/us. It is not pleasant. There are a lot of people like me. Disabled folks often do not have the financial resources to fly on other airlines so we may be looking for the cheapest way to get someplace. Making judgements without understanding what they are making decisions about may give rise to a Title II complaint under the ADA and associated law. We will die off and younger folks will take our places - maybe even ones who complain about us now. Just my 3 cents.
avionik99 2
So Craig what is your answer to the 22 cheaters in wheel chairs boarding in front of you?
@Craig Northacker, first and foremost , thank you for your service . I am the spouse of a retired Marine .Say it louder for the ones in the back !!! I’m also in the same boat for sometimes needing a wheelchair while other times not . I may be more mobile at times than others so it’s whatever my body dictates . And no one would want to have the disabilities I have to deal with on a day to day basis . Until recently some of my disabilities were invisible ones ..cardiology, pulmonary, nephrology rheumatology, etc and when I would pull into a handicap space and exit my vehicle , I would at times get rude looks and also ruder comments because I didn’t immediately transition to a wheelchair. I even had a note left on my windshield once that said I saw you get out your car and walk into the store without any problems so shame on you for taking a spot that you didn’t need and keeping it from a real disabled person . Now that I frequently use a cane and I have a portable oxygen concentrator I guess it validates to people that I actually have a disability although I don’t need to validate anything to anyone. Who is anyone to task themselves to be “The disability police ?” Yes if I need a wheelchair, I can get out it to walk down the gangway and get to my seat and yes I can walk to the bathroom or to a airport restaurant that’s close by but no I can’t walk longer distances. And when I need a wheelchair to get me to my gate , I sit in a regular seat and let them take the wheelchair back . I have also had people in the boarding area question why I needed a wheelchair if I was able to get up and walk to bathroom or to get something to eat .People have no business judging if others need a wheelchair or not.
Ehud Gavron 0
Craig, thank you for your efforts on behalf of the country.

Don't let anyone judge you lest they know you. You'll never know how many of us are around you, behind your shoulder, we may be injured, neuro-disabled, or just tired and grumpy.

It was a team effort. It is a team effort.
Craig Northacker -1
Thanks - I have been an advocate for disabled folks a long time. Too many of us have been abused, robbed, sexually molested and otherwise ignored or cast off. I agree with you 100%.
really..... I fly a bit and with the process of 3 section assinged seating I do not stand in lines very long...
Joseph Sede -1
Airline industry spends too much time come up with ways to separate people from their money. Just cost my wife and I an extra $400 for two seats where our knees were no up around our ears. They should spend more time making sure that parts stay attached to the plane.
Steven Rudnick -1
Exactly why I have not flown Southwest for 12 years. But more specifically, this 6’1” 82 year old only flies first class.


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