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Summer Air Travel Outlook + Airline Tips You Can Use

There’s probably a good chance that you or a family member will be traveling by air this summer. While we all enjoy the long days of sunshine the season brings, summer also presents unique travel challenges. Passengers line up inside crowded airport terminals, as lines of thunderstorms percolate outside. ( More...

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David Purtz 5
Come on, it's 2024, entitled passengers must be allowed to control airport and aircraft operations no matter the weather conditions. There is no acceptable excuse to cancel a flight because of any type of weather.
Funchal Airport, Madeira, is regularly closed because violent cross winds and windshear result when gale force winds occur and would make it's use highly dangerous. Are you saying that this is not an acceptable excuse and that, rather than cancel a flight, the aircrew should risk their own and their passengers lives anyway?
The ultimate responsability must rest with the Airport Operators and the Airlines and that's as it should be. This frequent flyer would rather that they put 'safety' at the very top of their priorities rather than 'whatever the weather we still fly'.
Chris Kenney 2
Fellow repliers: You don't seem to understand irony.
Steve Cook 2
Entitled passengers? Have you ever read the contract of carriage for the airline tickets you purchase? Federal rules are heavily biased in favor of the airline, and passenger rights (for the ones that still exist) are weak. This is the first real effort toward any kind of parity.
“ it’s like someone trying to rescue a person who’s drowning and he doesn’t know how to swim “

Control airport and operations?

How can one over step Operations, The Tower and The FAA regulations?

There are so many factors for a flight to be canceled.
It can be cancelled by the tower due Dense fog , poor visibility ( under 6 miles visual) , mechanical, unexpected weather, emergency or other problems such as security breach.

It’s not of interest for an Airline to cancel a flight . They loose Money and they have to pay other costs and pay crew members.

Passengers are not entitled to make safely decisions for The Tower , the crew or FAA regulations.
Guy Rovella 0
I see the airline lackies are out in force on this.
Lackies ?

You mean :

The transitive verb:
Lacked, Lacking , Lacks ?

Or , Luckiest.
Guy Rovella -2
That's the best you've got? Sad.
Ellen Little -1
Maybe the airlines would not have to cancel flights when using smaller planes (puddle jumpers).
Very frustrating to say the least....
Larry Toler -1
Even we got delayed due to bad weather. I was doing a United Express flight in our EMB145. The weather was fine from PVD, but IAD was a no go for several hours. We finally get the go ahead to leave. It was the last day of my four day pairing. We still wound up diverting to BWI after holding around IAD. As a flight attendant, I feel my pax frustration, I'll make a command decision seeing as how people were closer to their destination. I had to call in a favor from USAirways to hook up some of my pax to just go their way. That worked, but I missed a lot of people off who weren't my boss anyway. We still had to fly to IAD and then BVT. And my wife was upset I wasn't home when I supposed to be. I was calling Trans States to let them know what's up. Even my wife called crew scheduling to track what was going on. She assumed we got back to RIC (my home base) and we were at a strip club. I didn't get back home, after we flew one passenger to BVT from IAD. Trans States had us repo the fligh direct from BVT to RIC. We got back home around 0500. With an hour drive, the back way to Petersburg, VA I was able to get a case of beer at Wawa gas station on Crater Rd. After this debacle, as soon as I get home, crew scheduling calls me on my landline saying I forgot to call out. And I was bitched at by my wife. I had the next few days off. Surprisingly, how I handled pax before and after we diverted I didn't get in too much hot water. I had to think in my mind what would I do if I were either Port Dawg or Loadsmasher if I were still active duty Air Force. As far as Trans States, we also flew as USAirways Express, even thought we were no longer staging out of BWI.
Sometimes we have to think outside of the box and look at what's mission critical. My job was to get people where they need to be.


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