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Southwest Airlines 737 MAX Suffers Dutch Roll at 32,000 Feet
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has confirmed that a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 MAX suffered a Dutch Roll at 32,000 feet. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
If not a rudder control unit issue, possible turbulence induced followed by improper flight control inputs. The B-727 could become quite a handful. Mind you the 737 has less wing sweep. If left unchecked dutch roll can get very violent.
Incident happened May 25 2024 when operating Phoenix to Oakland. That was Memorial Day weekend. I do recall strong winds aloft in Western USA that day, I was flying westbound from NorCal to NYC.
The long way, lol.
Brain cramp. SFO to JFK. with strong winds aloft. The final report will tell us what happened.
Just kidding, figured a typo.:)