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Planes flying from Lithuania to SE Asia mysteriously land in Iran

Iran smuggled two planes out of Lithuania, the country's public broadcaster announced on Thursday. The planes were due to fly to Sri Lanka and the Philippines. The two Airbus A340s, leased by the Gambian company Macka Invest, were due to fly to South Asia in February but reportedly ended up in Iran. The aircraft's transponders—which enable them to be identified on air traffic control radars—were turned off upon entry into Iranian airspace. The aviation data site ch-aviation reported… ( More...

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Andrew Doran 22
As a complete by-stander with absolutely no skin in the game, I just find this amusing. Forget cattle rustling - this is the new dodge. And given that they did exactly the same thing back in 2022, it just goes to show how active the black market really is. No-one was harmed in the actual act - the crew were absolutely in on the "heist" which wasn't even really a "heist" just a delivery run that demonstrates honor amongst thieves.
Guy Rovella 3
If they can sneak in whole planes then parts probably aren't a problem especially if they're not picky about them being counterfeit.
Just unbelievable and unacceptable ! Those planes are identified (registered), with airline identification, identified pilots, flight plan and crossing through air traffic control and reporting to beacon check points all the way over Europe. Unless they deviated immediately to Belarus? Difficult to understand that real destination was unknown at departing airport, especially as this was not the first "hold up" of this kind.
Greg S 7
Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Just concentrating on the pilots, either they engaged in a criminal conspiracy or they were hijacked. But once they are airborne there's really nothing anybody can do. Nobody's going to shoot down a civilian aircraft for suspected subversion of economic sanctions, and if they don't begin diverting until late in the flight there not even enough time to recognize what's happening and send some fighters to try and scare them back.
Greg S 21
I'm inclined to believe those planes were simply purchased by Iran at a premium price in a black market transaction. Possibly the Gambian company was an Iranian front company.
21voyageur 3
Would agree with you on that. Someone wanted something, saw a seam, pushed the envelope and succeeded. It is not as though Iran cannot acquire aircraft in less dramatic fashion through third parties which lends me to contemplating that this was more of a bold business move that a government one.
TimJahns 1
At a $150 mil for an A340, I wonder what the integrity of those pilots went for (given they would never work in the West again)?
Bill Ross 4
Well is is now believable and perfectly acceptable to the Iranians
matt jensen 4
Read the last paragraph - re: 4 A340s from JNB went missing 2022
James Wall 4
Will anything happen to the pilots and crew beyond recieving a big bags of money from the Iranians? Will they lose their flight certifications?
ko25701 2
I see a movie in the making. The Spy vs Spy plot with some big name actors pretending to be pilots.
websanity 3
Surely not going to Iran but to Russia?
21voyageur 2
And why would you suggest that? Curious to hear your supporting theories.
btweston 11
Russsia can’t get Airbus parts and they are pals with Iran. Not a wild leap, Tucker.
Ken Jackson 1
Isn’t there a large black market for parts, counterfeit or otherwise? And, how did pax or unsuspecting crew get to their original destinations? There are too many questions left unanswered.
Not A340’s pictured in the article.
btweston -2
Thanks dad.
Chuck Pergiel 1
Any aircraft flying from Europe to SE Asia is going to take a convoluted route to avoid all the forever wars. Here's one:
Once you are over the Caspian Sea, a right turn will take you to Tehran.
Ed Huenniger 1
Wondering if they will be able to get parts to keep thses planes flying...
Pilots ok with money , but what with passengers or planes was empty?!

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

btweston 8
You clearly don’t know what hegemony means.
Guy Rovella 8
Always nice to hear from GRU agents desperately trying to stay out of Putin's meat assaults.
Ken Jackson 2
I have often thought that sanctions (economic/political/philosophical) most often benefit a lucrative black market in those commodities. Not to mention the corporations which provide them. Despots and criminals benefit while the original reasons for the sanctions are lost to history. Sanctions may be a better tool than warfare, but I am not fooled that they resolve the issues at hand.
Ken Meyer -1
This might be an extreme comment, but here it goes… Iran plans on using these aircraft as weapons. Kamikaze style! Just a thought


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