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United Airlines is texting travelers live weather maps to explain flight delays
Don't believe bad weather is the reason your United Airlines flight is delayed? The airline will now text you live radar maps to prove it. Even when it's bright and sunny, a thunderstorm hundreds of miles away can still disrupt your flight. The Federal Aviation Administration can issue ground stops, which prevent traffic from departing for a certain airport so that those facilities don't get overloaded. Bad weather can also force flights not only to depart late but to take longer… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Regardless of the airline I’m flying on, I trust the flight real-time flight status information from FlightAware more than the information far more than the scant claims provided by the airline.
Totally agree! I use FlightAware when traveling and use it with all my family. It is totally accurate and the data comes directly from the aircraft. It is a great product when doing air travel.
Yep! My family always tracks my flights when traveling. They rarely fly, but are into FlightAware
I also like using Foreflight for Tacking as well (GA Tool)...
I usually "help" my family out when they're traveling, almost exactly like Tyler Jarry on Instagram!
This is a manifestation of the mistrust between consumer and large corporations, mostly misplaced. Look, corporations exist to make money, that's their raison d'etre. Delays costs them money. They want to get going. Some passengers are so impatient and self-inflated (frequently also somewhat unknowledgeable) and will cause a commotion to show they can, even knowing that it will be utterly pointless. That, my friends, is the problem.