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Man Punches And Kicks Airplane After Being Denied Boarding
An American traveler was deported from Colombia after assaulting gate agents, and trying to board an already closed aircraft at Bogota’s El Dorado International Airport. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Momma wasn't there to make sure he got his way so he kicked and punched and yelled like a little boy. Apparently this guy has never grown up or developed maturity despite being a big boy and traveling to Columbia by himself. He wanted to fly and he got deported, so I guess he got to fly after all, just not the way he had planned. It's really sad though, because it reinforces the stereotype about Americans and their entitled ways, something I do not believe to generally be true.
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I hope he gets placed on the "No Fly List."
They never do learn. He will probably proudly post his story to Facebook, Instagram and YouTube and become an Internet celebrity.
Obviously he did not realize that there are 40 non-stop Latam and Avianca flights (5am to 10pm) each day on this route; he would have had to wait at most an hour, if he had apologized to gate staff for being late... He looks like some NYers (and others) I have seen, ultimate in sense of entitlement.
This is exactly what I was thinking, so many flights a day.