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Man Punches And Kicks Airplane After Being Denied Boarding

An American traveler was deported from Colombia after assaulting gate agents, and trying to board an already closed aircraft at Bogota’s El Dorado International Airport. ( More...

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Jimmy Robinson 34
Momma wasn't there to make sure he got his way so he kicked and punched and yelled like a little boy. Apparently this guy has never grown up or developed maturity despite being a big boy and traveling to Columbia by himself. He wanted to fly and he got deported, so I guess he got to fly after all, just not the way he had planned. It's really sad though, because it reinforces the stereotype about Americans and their entitled ways, something I do not believe to generally be true.

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George Lee 27
I hope he gets placed on the "No Fly List."
Gene Poon 2
They never do learn. He will probably proudly post his story to Facebook, Instagram and YouTube and become an Internet celebrity.
Obviously he did not realize that there are 40 non-stop Latam and Avianca flights (5am to 10pm) each day on this route; he would have had to wait at most an hour, if he had apologized to gate staff for being late... He looks like some NYers (and others) I have seen, ultimate in sense of entitlement.
Edwin Garcia 6
This is exactly what I was thinking, so many flights a day.
He’s lucky they didn’t throw him in jail and leave him in there for months!
Tim Dyck 4
They should have. Even if only a few days it would maybe teach him a lesson in life.
Patrick Hanley 7
So it is possible/probable he was put on another commercial flight later in the day? How would you like to be seated next to him. Why no charges for assaulting the gate agent?
JubalHarshaw 6
That always worked for me.
Gene Poon 6
The Ugly, Entitled American. Instead of being deported back to his Mommie, he should have been incarcerated in a Colombian prison where the inmates would have meted out much-deserved punishment to the spoiled Americano.
Tim Dyck 0
Sadly that is not how international politics work. Columbia does not want an international incident with the USA so they just shuffle the problem out of their jurisdiction and hope he’s never heard from again.
desperate,stoned or drunk,or maybe all 3??wow...i remember a gate agent telling me once ,many years back,about a businessman all suited up,briefacase in hand,being angry because the door had been closed on the jetway and flight was departing..he walked away,just far enough to actually hurl the briefcase at her and barely missed her head!of course the airport police were called and assault charges were filed!i am not sure how the airlines in columbia handle such things!!
EMK69 21
Having served on drug interdiction in Columbia let me say----------I would not want to spend even 24 hours in one of their jails.
George Lee 17
After being detained, the abusive passenger was deported to the United States the same afternoon.

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C J 11
The very first words of the article state that he's American. Now his actions, as well as your inability to read, reflect poorly on all Americans. If you're that concerned about our country, the best thing you can do for all of us is to keep your mouth shut and stop embarrassing yourself.

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Nooge 6
Overdue for another asinine post
C J 12
If they become American citizens then they aren't "illegals". Since they stated that he's an American traveler, presumably with an American passport, then he's American. Just because someone is brown and scary for you to look at doesn't mean that they're "illegal". Probably time for you to educate yourself, huh?
jeff slack 8
Thank you, I am so exasperated reading this sort of verbal pooh from people.
akovia 0

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C J 4 Just, wow. You seem like a real winner.
Colin Seftel 1
So American Airlines is not a US airline?
M.F. LaBoo 3
It's pathetic, isn't it, how some people never seem to mature and instead insist on being the main character and center of attention.

And then there's the subject of this story.
john hauck 5
His t-shirt is from a bar in New York City. I like that he was deported the same day! What a novel idea.
Was it a Boeing 737 MAX?!
Jim Isbell 9
We must be cautious about judgement. In this case its probably justified to say his actions were unjustified and childlike. BUT I want to caution everyone, that sometimes we dont know ALL we need to know. For the last three years of my wifes life she was prone to temper tantrums and I responded like anyone would to the tantrums. I called her childish. But in this case it was not appropriate and I will always blame myself for not recognizing that this a symptom of mental disease. In this case dementia. She kept the diagnoses from me so I was not able to respond in a more helpful way. After she died, my doctor told me of his diagnoses. If a person is suffering from a disease we need to help them, not kick the crutch out from under them.
a1brainiac 4
Another internet star is born
Mark Kortum 4
Persistent guy!
Craig Good 4
Most people outgrow tantrums by around age 4.
Come on guys. Colombia is NOT Columbia. It's what they call a foreign country. There is a world beyond US shores, you know.
twschmidt4 3
Happened to me one time. Tired to board but there was a problem with my ticket. I had to go to customer service desk to get it resolved. On returning to gate, as I approached the boarding door, it closed. I knocked on the door with no response. Then I was told that once closed, that's it. Oh, well, I understood.
Tim Dyck 2
Sadly that is one of the perils of international travel. You try to do everything right but end up having something unforeseen mess up your plans. How you react is what makes the difference between getting on the next flight or appearing befor a judge.
Mika Bjork 4
There are always two sides of a story. That plane was punching the man just as hard, according to Newton’s third law. And yet they deport the man but not the plane?
cheeseville 4
the plane may have likely been deported as it was already leaving Bogota and we don't know under what circumstances. . .
ko25701 4
Require a sobriety test before you get a boarding pass...problem solved.
Many times there is a certain possibility of boarding one more person, but the pride of the official on duty, especially if he is a frustrated Latin American, prevents him from being empathetic with his neighbor.
! How many times have we been kept on the plane for an hour or more waiting for a passenger or even for the crew!!! ????
as a former US airline employee, I would hope that in addition to being deported, that charges are brought up against him and that he is permanently banned from ever flying again in ANY country.
sparkie624 2
It is amazing the crazy at the stupid stunts that people pull! Maybe he will get a nice cool room to cool off in and plenty of cooling off time!
Rory Armstrong 1
Ok …I watch the TV shows about Columbian airports as I’m sure many due. There is usually an over abundance of military, security, airport police, federallies…….and this Putz carried on like this for that long?..
Ann Fitz 1
Confusion here. Are we talking about Columbia a city in the US or Colombia a South American country. There’s a difference in spelling…..
Muchas veces existe la cierta posibilidad de abordar una persona más, pero el orgullo del funcionario de turno y sobre todo si es un frustrado latinoamericano, le impide ser empático con su prójimo.
! Cuántas veces nos han tenido una hora o más arriba del avión esperando por algún pasajero o incluso por la tripulación !!! ????
Mark Strom 1
Now deport him out of here, we got enough nutballs here already.
Tim Dyck 1
Sadly you cannot deport a citizen of your own country. Sometimes having a constitution sucks but it is better than the alternative.

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djnorm 11
How about 'jerk'? substitute 'jerk' for leftist, and your post is both accurate and appropriate. Is it really necessary to bring assumptions about this idiot's politics into it?
Tim Dyck 6
There are lefty losers and righty losers but there are also a lot more decent people on both sides. Let’s leave the childish lefty righty crap out of this discussion.
akovia 2
Show us ONE video. ANY one video. Then tell us what kind of behavior it is.

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C J 1
What life experience did you have that made you afraid of brown people?
Brian Freeman -4
Not to worry, he'll be back in the USA doing much worse things soon enough.


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