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‘Miracle on the Hudson’ First Officer Retires

Jeff Skiles continued flying for American Airlines after the 2009 incident. ( More...

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Bill Cayley 13
Good interview with Jeff Stiles in the UW Alumni magazine from 2009 -
Jeff Steiner 4
If you put the URL in quotes, it will become clickable:

Tim Dyck 2
Thanks for the tip. I did no know this and have always wanted links I post to be clickable.
Tim Dyck 2
Thanks for the link
Donald Stewart 7
Jeff was integral to the amazing safe outcome of the flight!
Tim Dyck 3
I think the whole crew did an amazing job. The Pilot and First officer defenatly but the rest of them had to keep people calm and get them of the plane as safely as possible.
Robert Lewis 7
Saw him give a presentation once at the EAA museum. Walked into the hall and "that" picture (of the passengers standing on the wings) was up on the screen, one of the historically great pictures of one of the damnedest stories of all time. Just for anyone that doesn't know, the airplane itself is in the Carolina Aviation Museum at the Charlotte airport. Proud that Skiles is from Wisconsin. Once again, WELL DONE!
sparkie624 12
I wish him well... He served well in his career. May his retirement be as fruitful as his Career!
Tim Dyck 3
I hope he has a long and enjoyable retirement.
paul bennett 2
He's got to be worn out telling that story to everyone he's crewed with. But what a great story!
在每一架飞机的仪表盘上、每一片管制区的塔台中、每一个机场的停机坪前,都有着无数民航工作者的默默付出,是他(她)们保障了飞行的安全。Jeff Skiles是一位伟大的飞行员,危难时刻显身手。希望他能有一个愉快的退休生活。同时向对每一位负责的民航飞行员致敬!

On every aircraft's instrument panel, in every control tower of a control zone, and in front of every airport's runway, countless civil aviation workers make silent contributions, ensuring the safety of flight. Jeff Skiles is a great pilot who shows his skills in times of danger. May he have a pleasant retirement. At the same time, salute to every responsible civil aviation pilot!
Cary Sklar 1
Job well done First Officer Skiles. Best of luck in a well deserved retirement and enjoy peace and prosperity


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