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Missile Strike Confirmed as Cause of Azerbaijan E190 Crash

Azerbaijani government sources have confirmed that a Russian Pantir-S1 surface-to-air missile was the cause of the Embraer E190 crash on Christmas Day. ( More...

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Iain Girling 45
By managing to reach land instead of ditching in the Caspian Sea, the pilot has been able to preserve physical evidence of the attack and save the lives of (some) of his pax. If there is a proper investigation, the truth WILL come out, until then it’s speculation. Whatever the outcome, it’s great airmanship, although he lost his own life in the process.
jeff slack 32
This time there are survivors and they can confirm that they were hit.

Unlike the MAS flight that was taken down over Ukraine.

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Randy Brown 23
Blame the innocent victims of Putin and Russian illegal war. Typical Russian murderers the airspace was not closed and Russia fired anyway. Russia is a criminal nation. Trying to take with arms other people. Putin will roast in hell. Blood is on the hands of every Russian.
Brian James 15
The war in Ukraine has everything to do with Putin and nothing to do with the people you name. Putin has been at war with Ukraine for years before he invaded Ukraine three years ago. The only TERRORISTS we should be worried about in this situation is the Russians who repeatedly shoot down unarmed commercial jets.
Bandrunner 5
I see the Vladivostok Vermin is alive and well.
Greg S 6
From Putin's ass to "Kevin's" mouth. I knew it would only take seconds for absurd Russian lies to start being propagated.
btweston 3
You high?

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DB Vesty 1
It is important to study the backlog of history that leads up to "current events". Modern media as we know it – the news – is not a reliable place to actually get news. Few people take the time to read books or view complete unedited speeches and interviews, to make up their own minds and present an informed opinion.

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Alex K 0
We fight for our own freedom, you troll. No country can "foment" that. Sit down and stay quiet.
John D 1
Wondering out loud if "Kevin" and "Michael" are the same people.
ko25701 1
They sure sound the same. Lol
Michael Dealey -1
Funny; I wonder the same thing about everyone else.
Michael Dealey -5
What does that even mean? What does Ukraine have to do with "our freedom"? Why are we there? Russia and Ukraine aren't even part of NATO. Why does the US give a shit?

You've been fed a heaping pile of BS by our own government and can't be bothered to ask yourself some very fundamental questions like "who benefits"? It isn't the American people and it certainly isn't Ukraine. Quit believing the tropes put out by the media and think for yourself.
Martie Williams 9
If there is a "Sully" award, I nominate the crew of this airplane for to receive it for 2024.
Josh Avea 19
What an incredibly stressful chain of events. First of all, a drone explosion caused by missile fire next to your aircraft, then a ban on making an emergency landing on Russian territory and then being required to fly over the Caspian Sea. It's unbelievable that the pilots were still able to bring that plane to earth under these circumstances. I'd gladly avoid flights over Russian territory at all.

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steve wilson 7
What is left of that aircraft is "Evidence" then scrap!
Greg S 10
I don't think you understand. The aircraft crashed, albeit in the best possible configuration the pilots could manage. The aircraft was destroyed by impact and fire, the crew and many of the passengers were killed. The tail of the aircraft somehow separated largely intact and the only survivors were in that section.
Tim Hunter 5
No chance of this aircraft ever flying again. Check out the pics, @sparkie624!
Leander Williams 4
The Antonov AN-225 will fly before this aircraft.
Patrick LESIMPLE 3
Not sure it will fly again...
Marc Pagan 12
RIP>>Thankfully the data recorders are not in Russia.

Curious what bribes, pressure, and threats Russia is making to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan,
and even to Brazil and Embraer.

Putin has proven himself to be the most inept Russian leader in history.
No small feat.

With the West's Goodwill post 1991, Russia could have enjoyed prosperity and peace on par with Poland of today.
Dennis Stockton 4
Stalin in power: 30 years.
Putin in power: almost 25 years. He can't be that inept.
btweston 0
He may be a scumbag, but he’s not inept. Just look at… well, never mind.
Greg S 8
Russia now has a commanding lead in civilian airliner shootdowns in the modern era, at 3: KAL7, MH17, and now this.
bbabis 10
Not to mention several civilian aircraft that happened to be carrying putin enemies.
What is WRONG with this WORLD ....innocent people die due to the stupidity of a few ... so sad .
Leander Williams 5
The flight crew of this aircraft knew they were losing the battle but they kept flying it until impact. They took an unsurvivable crash and God made it partially survivable to those in the tail.. God rest the souls of those who perished.
btweston 2
Are you sure God was involved?
Randy Brown 9
Russia is a criminal nation.
Stefan Sobol 3
Russia isn't the only country that has shot down an airliner. US has done it too.
Brian James 5
Russia seems to do it regularly
Steve Killgore 2
Flew into a war zone, sad. Helluva pilot to have done as much as he did !
lakemountain 1
Reading reports that Emirates and Qatar continue to fly over there:
Martin Gautschi 3
Why is there civil passenger airline traffic in an area in which drones are flying in a war-zone?
Garry Nielsen 2
Putin, a case of justified assignation.
Steven Williamson 1
Well so far the Russian people and government don’t seem willing take care of the Putin problem, when are NATO and the west going to lose patience and eliminate the Putin problem for good?
carste10 2
Azerbaijan is not technically a member of NATO.
The black boxes have been recovered and may spread some light on what happened. One question that does need answering is why the flight deviated so much from it's flight plan and crossed the Caspian Sea
bbabis 4
That was explained in the article.
The article also said that Russian Airspace had NOT been closed down so there is some conflicting reporting, possibly the CVR will clarify the exact course of events.
John Yarno 1
I thought that Russia jamming the GPS signals had something to do with it being off course.
Michael Meyers -1
But, but, but our POTUS election says Putin is a genius!
Adriaan Fietje -1
Second time innocent people die.
Let the weapons silence and the voices speak !!
Martin Gautschi 9
Unfortunately ‚speak‘ does not work with Putin.

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jmilleratp 6
Everybody on here knows: There is no edit for posts, there is no moderation. You hit "Post" you take the ride. :-)
sparkie624 -2
Very little moderation at Best! Occasionally you will see a deleted post here or there, but not too often!
david bevan 23
Don’t worry about it - nobody is interested in your drivel anyway
Larry Toler 8
It was a fun read, though. He had me laughing a little bit. He's just one of the trolls on here, or same troll, different name.
Greg S 6
You've been posting Russian lies here for years, suddenly you don't remember how it works!?!? I guess your account got a new handler since Prigozhin was murdered by Putin.
srobak 2
This is not a chat.

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Richard Deauzat Jr 4
Jeez, good night
I can't quite decide if you are making a serious statement or have had an extremely large overdose of Christmas spirits. The only thing that doesn't add up is your comments.

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alex hidveghy 8
Your number two is not entirely true, is it?
Have you already forgotten MH17? Or how about KAL007? Both CIVILIAN aircraft shot down by trigger happy Russians. Hmmmmm…….coincidence much?
Michael Dealey -4
MH17 was almost certainly shot down by Ukraine and blamed on Russia. Just like Ukraine shot a missile into Poland and blamed it on Russia. Just like Ukraine has spent the last 10 years bombing it's own citizens and blaming it on Russia.

I swear, people here get their "news" from sound bytes and memes. I'm sure most of them are already lining up for their Bird Flu vaccine as well.
Mark Harris 5
#1 - wrong. The plane did not blow up in the air.
#2 - wrong. Russia deliberately targets civilians all the time.
#3 - wrong. The holes are the result of being struck by shrapnel from a missile. The holes are square or rectangular because the shrapnel is made out of cubes of metal, not balls.
#4 - correct. The GPS and other navigational aids were being jammed by Russia to fend off drone attacks.
#5A - wrong. See #3 above.
#5B - wrong. The holes on the starboard side show penetrating damage from outside the aircraft. The holes on the port side show penetrating damage from inside the aircraft. The damage is consistent with objects travelling through the aircraft from starboard to port. It is not consistent with stones being thrown up from both sides simultaneously.


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