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Detail view of 747 aborted landing - Boston Logan

I see go arounds fairly often but rarely have the chance to film an aborted landing. I thought people might like the close perspective and the power sounds from those engines on the decision to pull back up. This plane really is amazing!!! ( More...

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Guy Fullmer 11
I have been on one aborted landing in Charlotte. It gets real quiet except for the roar of the engines. Then the person next to you starts telling you her life story.
Gary thank you for giving me a good laugh at the end of the day!!! :)

[This poster has been suspended.]

:) - cool!!!
preacher1 3
May be but she's a lot prettier than you! LOL
I am sorry, I mean thank you Guy (still laughing over your comment!) :)
ChrisMD123 10
Considering they aborted 4R and ended up landing on 22L, maybe the pilot detected a strong tailwind?
Mike Mohle 4
Did you see the windsock on the go around? Tailwind component was quite high.
preacher1 5
I guess that would be a good reason. LOL.
StarFlyr 1
LOL. What does that mean in relation to a downwind landing?
BaronG58 3
makes sense....wind was from 210 Deg.
Gene Nowak 5
Probably did the right thing. If you look at the final approach again, notice how he begins to sink faster, maybe too fast in his estimation. Therefore, better safe than sorry "go round".
StarFlyr 2
Actually it probably was because the ship was around 3000' down from the start of the runway. Ideally, the touchdown zone is 1500' from the end of the runway.
Great observation Gene!
Chris B 4
Same thing happened to me in a BA 747 years ago coming into Logan. Lump in throat time. Very well assembled video with atc.
Thank you Chris, it is always a bit scary for me to see one of these big planes go around (and that is from the ground) - I can only imagine what it is like to be a passenger! I know it probably does not bother the pilots who probably all have to go around from time to time, but still makes my heart pound! I remember a BA747 that went around very close to the ground about three of four years ago, it was a foggy, foggy early evening. Was that your flight? :)
matt jensen 2
At least he had something left in the tank
Geoff Cook 2
He better have at least enough to get him to the nearest diversion airport! lol
preacher1 2
Yeah, it looks like they did take him down country a ways before turning him back. LOL
Flight minimum with enough to his alternate Airport plus 45 minutes.
marderjb 1
I was also on a BA flight that did this, many years ago. The pilot didn't sound too panicked - maybe we were still much higher up. He simply said "Well folks, we are to high and going way too fast, so we're going round again ..." We landed about 15 minutes later.
sparkie624 3
I also noted that he did not land in the same direction... More like the wind had a 180 change on him.
ATIS information is monitored by Pilots way before reaching the ILS Glide slope to their destination. It's possible runway changes was in prog or on the fence on changing the active runway. Though cleared to land, PIC make the final call.
John Teague 3
Awesome ....
ilikerio 2
Wow! Great video!
Thank you! :)
Dee Lowry 2
Hey... if you think it's not working for you...
Jeremy Kudlick 2
Nice catch.
William Jensen 2
Nicely done! Thanks for posting.
Thank you William! :)
Gene Harriman 2
WTG Jen!!!
Thanks Gene!!! You heading out to catch the Hainan inaugural flight today?
Jerry Lane 2
Looks like BOS was trying to sneak one more in before they turned the airport around. When he comes back around on 22L one can see a 22R departure in the background. It's just like we used to do at DFW---keep running 'em in one direction until they start coming out the other side.
preacher1 3
A runway change is a pain in the *** for everybody involved, including the pilots. At a volume airport, it would be nice to clear everything out, send 'em all around for the new line up, but in most cases it is a have to case and you don't have that luxury of time. Generally, when mother nature makes a change, she doesn't warn anyone.
Jerry Lane 2
Today's weather technology actually can and does provide exact and very precise notification of when FROPA/wind shift will occur. A facility hopes to turn between pushes, but sometimes cannot.
sparkie624 1
It did not look like they got much warning.
glen krc 2
You also can see he had maybe 5,500 feet left of a 10,000 ft runway before the cut to the taxiing scene.
Colin Seftel 2
I've experienced three go-arounds as a passenger. The flight deck blamed one on ground traffic and the other two on weather. Do pilots ever admit that they just screwed it up?
BaronG58 3
Ken Lane 1
Like fail to establish a stable approach on speed and glideslope?

No, only Aisana captains with no experience in type do that.
Yeah, well, like I said...
Never flew Southern Air or the old Agony Airlines
(Allegheny, actually. Predecessor in part to U.S. Air), eh? PS: Don't mean to step on any toes, but sometimes ta' gotta call it what it is (or was).
preacher1 2
I guess there could have been 100 reasons but on the outside looking in, you have to wonder why he gave that up. It looked decent from the outside.
Ben Johnson 3
You can see the windsock after he aborts it, looks like a fairly strong tailwind.
preacher1 1
I do now. Just didn't look at it that close in the beginning. As noted above and looking at the flight track, they made a runway change on him also when he came back in.
Igor Petrov 2
What did it take them so long to retract landing gear?
preacher1 5
When you are that low, you want the gear down and locked until you get a PRC and are flying again. You want to keep them between you and the runway in case you are too low. As Fred says above, fly the plane first.
zane liebrum 2
looks like it was well executed!
Gene spanos 2
Great job by the highly trained pilots.
Why does the FAA keep Go-Around data locked up ?
FOIA is needed to get at this to review.
boughbw 2
The question I have is whether this information is actually tracked? As a passenger, go-arounds are unnerving because they frequently happen in windy conditions. But I'm sure the pilots are drilled on this constantly and probably have plenty of first-hand experience at performing the maneuver.
I cannot recall any crashes that have resulted from attempted go-arounds. It is entirely possible that the FAA does not require this data to be reported.

A second question is at what point the go-around takes place. I've been on planes for go-arounds three times and witnessed a fourth fairly close from outside:
1. Our plane was about 100 feet above the runway on a windy day at Albuquerque. The pilot went-around because he said that another plane had not cleared the runway, but looking out the window and being familiar with the airport, I knew we were not going to land on the runway if he piloted it all the way down. 10 more minutes of bumps before coming around and landing.
2. Going to Denver on a wonderful day, a passenger decided to go to the lav about 60 seconds before touchdown. The attendant notified the pilot and we went around from about 2,000 feet up. No big deal except for those with tight connections.
3. Most recently, again in Albuquerque, our pilot aborted the approach from well over 3,000 as he said the wind changed directions. No big deal - he switched runways and landed.
4. Also at Albuquerque, viewing from the ground on a windy day, the crosswind let up as a 737 came in. From no more than 20 feet above the ground, the pilot was not going to hit the runway (as in, land in the dirt) when initiating a go-around. That had to be unnerving to the passengers because they had literally all but landed.

All four instances the plane went around with no real fanfare and landed just fine. For me, however, the easiest one was from the highest altitude. Not all go-arounds are equal in this regard.
preacher1 2
I witnessed a goround at ABQ one day from the old Sunport in 69 and it was not planned. Tower cleared a late running Frontier(old Frontier) for 8 and put a Continental DC9 on his tail. It would have been close at best if the 737 had made a normal rollout/turn out, but he had everything dragging and turned left on the old 17/35. I was on the OB deck at the sunport. CON was pulling gear over the marks with Black Smoke Rolling and as much right turn as he dared. Hard to estimate exact but I figure he missed the top of the 37's tail by less than 100'. The ATC chatter was not pretty and I figure there was a phone call after they got on the ground.
Ken Lane 2
Simple answer to your second question...

Any time the PIC feels a safe landing cannot take place, go around.

Years ago during instrument training, my instructor asked me a seemingly simple question that would have an even more seemingly simple answer.

"What's the purpose of a landing?"

I gave the obvious but wrong answer. The correct answer... "To go around."

In other words, unless fuel or another emergency dictates you put the bird on the ground no matter what, you should always be prepared to go around or execute a missed approach. In hard IMC, there is no guarantee you're going to see the runway environment, even at minimums so you must be ready to execute the procedure for the missed. That's going to vary with the bird you're flying but the basics are full power, positive climb, positive airspeed, gear up and fly the missed as published or instructed by ATC.

The same goes for VMC or "severe clear" even if it's so much as a deer on the runway. I've pulled that trick on students and the students are so caught up in looking for the deer, they fail to fly the airplane and get it climbing again. That's no different than if ATC instructed you to go around when there was an issue on the ground be it separation or a runway incursion.

To add to the answer, you never force the issue. If there's anything questionable about an approach to land whether it's environment, weather or flight stability, then go around. Once you start trying to fit square pegs in a round hole there's going to be a time a corner will catch and that accident chain will end in catastrophe. Asiana 214 was the epitome of forcing the issue until it was too late.
Gene Harriman 2
WTG Jen!
Jerry Brooks 2
Knowledge,training and experience came into play at the perfect time with this Captain. Great job Sir!
Fly the Airplane first...cycling your Gear back down would take to long to lower them in the lock position. Premature retraction (Gear Up)could be a problem at that altitude if you needed them down and locked.
They received the last wind component information in the last moment .wind 210*/10 kts gust 14 kts ,probably out of the tail wind limitation of the plane for landing
ATC winds 210 ...this was a set up.
BaronG58 1
Set up? You the controllers were having a slow day so thought they would have some fun? :)
preacher1 1
IDK about a setup or not but I believe if he had gotten that wind at 210 farther out, we'd have seen him give up the approach rather than the landing. No audio further out and that 210 wind was given when he was right there. Something went sour somewhere and fast. Quite a bit of difference in a crosswind and almost a straight tailwind at 10--17k, regardless of the plane. Some folks might have tried it but I don't think I would have and apparently neither did he.
El Kabong 1
KDCA has quite a few go arounds as well when the wind is up due to the shorter runways. I was on an AAL flight on final approach when a wind shear blew us too far past the TDZ. The flight was bumpy below 10,000ft due to weather, so a go around made everyone tense up again for another roller coaster ride.
If wind was a factor, the go-around would, or at least should, have been initiated at a much greater distance/height from the runway. Winds don't suddenly appear while an aircraft is flaring.
Ken Lane 3
Low-level windshear is a very real phenomena. I've experienced it. All it really is is a sudden change in direction and/or velocity. It does not take a lot to get you.

It can occur in the bottom fifty to a hundred feet while the rest of the approach to that point is perfectly normal and stable. We see the wind sock only after the go-around. There's no indication what it was doing prior to that.

But you can see on this history the wind varied through the day with up to a twenty-knot swing in velocity. That's quite a change on airspeed of any aircraft and no less of an effect on a bird exceeding 500,000 pounds.

I'd recommend getting an experienced instructor and flying a couple approaches into the wind with landing. Then fly a couple with downwind landings. You will see a dramatic effect on how that aircraft reacts as well as touching down much faster than you're used to in addition to changing power, descent rate, etc. It will be a learning experience and a worthwhile one. Besides, it's good to know how your own plane will respond should you ever have to land downwind in an emergency.
Great analysis Ken thank you!
Ken Lane 2
I always talk like that to impress the chicks. ;-)

And, it helps to make sure students know a lot more. It increases the chance I'll go home at the end of the day and enjoy my second biggest habit... ice cream.
preacher1 3
You best behave old man or they'll put your picture up there with mine. LOL
Ian McAlister 2
They got a wind check shortly before the go-around. Winds can and do shift all the time, and perhaps they had been a tailwind beforehand, but within limits. Consider the time between the non flying pilot getting the winds, assume a brief discussion with the flying pilot, and you'll fill the delay between the radio call and the go-around.
Ken Lane 1
I wouldn't call a twenty knot swing "within limits" on approach. Not for any size aircraft.
Joanne Garland 1
I rode in on an aborted landing once in Charlotte as well. The pilot explained that he had seen traffic on the runway and wanted to give it time to clear. Once we finally did land he quipped, "No charge for the extra ride."
nicholas weber 1
It does look like an unacceptable tail wind component. At least though he wasn't told to go around as a joke.
I was on a 757 landing into O'hare and on landing. the tower changed something so the crew decided it was too dangerous and they did a go around. it was pretty cool, the raise the flaps to TO and pull the gear and did another go around.
Thomas Skubal 1
For future reference:
GREAT. I worked @ FRA w/BA. Was on the remote ramp & viewed a similar Antonov 225
abort, but sadly had no camera.
Audio is generic. You would have heard pilot call out "we are go around" almost immediately.
preacher1 2
Well never heard pilot call it out to ATC but you hear them giving him instructions. I believe I heard them tell him "Maintain runway heading and 3000'" or something to that effect.
Hi Jeff - this was actually the live talk for this event. I did not hear/record the pilot call out a go. But, I have observed many of these over the last few years while I had my radio on the tower channel. Sometimes the pilot will call out immediately and sometimes not over the radio, that I have heard anyway. I have also heard the tower ask, sometimes but not always, "what is the reason for the go". I have only heard the tower tell a pilot to go around on three or four occasions and those were all for runway issues like another plane or vehicle on the runway.
Bill Bullock 1
D'you know, I think you found a clue with that windsock Holmes
James Beebe 1
The winds were 210/11G14. Most likely max TW for them was 10knots. They were very close to landing when they received the wind advisory. Very nicely executed go around Lufthansa. TOGA, go-around thrust, Flap, positive rate, landing gear up. Should be deliberate, but not rushed.


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