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Seat cover from aircraft washes up on shore of Western Australia
Could this be a sign of the missing Boeing 777-200 that went missing over a year ago with 289 passengers on board MH370. Two couples have come across what appears to be a full seat cover found washed up on a isolated coast line of western Australia in Karratha. While walking on the sandy dunes the couple came across this purple blue seat cover. First they thought it was a car seat cover but after taking a good look at it. It was infact a seat cover from a passenger seat from a aircraft. The… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
None of the links seem to work nor a web search.
You never no what happens sooner or later debris will come up to the surface and beach it self if these have being put to air on Aussie TV netwrks then there must be a sign the plane or aircraft is near by out there just like the A330 AF jet it had taken two years to find and one week for debris to come to the surface. MH370 it could be that. I have flown MAS lot of times and there seat cover s are of the same colors purple blue etc but I am not saying it's the downed aircraft. This news got to our TV Network here in NZ on last Sunday
At last someone has come up with a sense able answer. That is tue sooner or later debris will rise. Of course it has and I firmly bleive it's from a passenger or civilian aircraft & not discounting MH370
[This poster has been suspended.]
And do multiple airlines use that same color combination/pattern for their seats? It's been my experience that each airline has a very specific decor in their aircraft, including the colors and patterns used on the seat covers. It sould be very simple to determine if this color/pattern matches what was used.
Yes they do I work for ANZ and many overseas airlines use the same colors on seating but different patterns through them if your more observant you would see this
And if you were more observant you'd see that's what I was saying.