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Judge rules man had right to shoot down drone over his house
It was a case that gripped the nation. Or at least Kentucky. Should it have temporarily escaped your pressured memory, William Merideth in July said he saw a drone flying above his property in Hillview, Kentucky. He believed it was spying on his 16-year-old daughter who was sunbathing in the garden. So he took out his shotgun and blasted the drone out of the sky. He was arrested for wanton endangerment and criminal mischief. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Oh god here we go...
Finally, a step in the right direction. These things are dangerous. Now, if only we could get some artillery in and around Class B & Class C airspace. Maybe it will protect real airplanes.
Good. I hope they continue to get these things out of the city as they are an invasion of privacy. Had one flying around our place which is along the approach path to the airport. The minute I took my camera out and started taking pictures of it he dropped out of site. Haven't seen it since.
Boggs is going to appeal on the grounds that he lost.
Wonder what he'll do if another JLENS gets loose and floats over his property.
I still think a air rifle firing BB's or .177 cal pellets is best. Range is only ~600', and it doesn't make the noise of a regular gun. Of course, he'd have to be a better shot than with a shotgun loaded with birdshot, but still i'd be safer ...