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Emirates A380 Jet Nearly Loses Directional Control In Windy Landing
A380 Pilot way overcontrols the rudder after rough crosswind landing. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Is it my imagination, or does that whale look quite angry by the time it reached the end?
Oh she is pissed and will have the stretch-marks to prove it!
Holy Guacamole! Good for Captain Ahab! But I agree his rudder technique may not have been optimum. As a DER who has done repairs on Airbus landing gear, I would hope for a THOROUGH inspection of not only the gear, but the entire airframe. Am I the only one that noticed the Mambo the horiz was doing at the end of the rollout?
My first reaction to seeing that was "Mama Mia" Apologies to the Italians for that. That must have been one hell of a ride back in the tail.
As a former Flight Attendant, I can assure you there was a lot of screaming in terror going on down the back. Been in a similar situation a few times myself.
Kudos to the pilots! No engine strikes or anything like that! The pax in the back must have thought the end was nigh!!
Testament to the undercarriage strength, the tyres must have taken a massive amount of lateral force.