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Gander International Airport in Newfoundland, Canada. A onetime transatlantic refueling stop, the airport has had a varied and interesting history.
It's an unlikely location for an international airport, but the northeastern tip of this rocky Canadian isle is one of the world's most significant aviation destinations. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
All of AirNav Canada performed an outstanding job that day
I looked for information on the ATC that day and found the regular shift was three controllers and a supervisor. They rapidly expanded to 14 controllers and over the next four hours got everyone down safely. I am sure their plots must have looked like Chinese fire drill in three dimensions. Listening to the ATC on the video is remarkable for the calming effect of their Newfoundland accents clearing the skies over the Atlantic and the responses from cockpits who undoubtedly knew what the controllers faced as they watched aircraft from parallel tracks veer off to destinations the names of of which they may never heard.
Check out my video link from above. It talks about the ATC
I got the actual numbers from there and the accents. Thanx. NBC did a great job with that presentation but obviously could only get the flavor of Gander. Some of the plane people were bused to small nearby communities where the locals took them fishing or sight seeing in the bay. Returning to the aircraft hundreds of people were on a first name basis and I have never heard of any discourse between passengers who adopted the spirit of the population with generosity and consideration of others. Essentially it was contagious even to folks who normally would be elbowing their way through the bustle of urban life.
One charter flight full of people from France was parked at Mirabel, and the locals also brought those who wanted to nearby lakes fo fishing. I remember an older French guy almost crying, as fishing in Canada had been a lifelong dream for him.
Oh i didnt realize you got it from there. Sorry but anyways Thanks so much
Video unavailable.
I just checked the video and the link works for me. Maybe try it again also heres the link again.
The crew immediately called in the off duty controllers and the team reorganized the North Atlantic air traffic in quick time. They had to match the aircraft with comparable runways and available space.It was an incredible feat performed in a couple of hours even landing 38 on their home turf.