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Man arrested for refusing to wear mask on Delta flight from Salt Lake City
A man was arrested after refusing to wear a face mask on a Delta Air Lines flight that was heading from Salt Lake City to San Francisco, authorities said. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
no sympathy for the blatently irresponsible folks too self important to consider the rest of us. His name goes on the do-not-fly list at TSA and delta wipes his frequent flier miles, as he will not be flying anywhere else this century on any airline, anytime, anywhere.
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If wearing a mask to protect your fellow humans is an affront to your sensibilities, then I really have to question who exactly raised you? Choosing a piece of fabric as the hill you choose to die on is certainly "brave". /S
Just a piece of fabric? What's the standard?
If you have your “mask” you should be protected, right? You worry about you and I’ll worry about me.
Wow, you need to read more. Masks protect others as much as yourself. If we both aren’t wearing one, it isn’t the same -at all.
What's the evidence in the real world? Only one study looks at it from that perspective.
Just tell your surgeon not to bother with a mask when u need your gall bladder out.. won’t protect you, right? God America is really paying the price for being the dumbest of western type countries.. Canada is stuck beside a trailer trash nation of idiots. I can’t wait for a day when we don’t have American arrogance and idiocy shoved down our throats every single day.. there is a whole world of decency out there that has had a bad case of America indigestion for years.. time for the us to just shut the hell up.
Rather than repeat myself, try reading other comments by me in other subthreads.
As for your other comment, who caused the greatest problem? Try looking at all the liberal politicians. Where are the greatest effects? Liberal cities and states where they carried out the greatest restrictions.
As for your other comment, who caused the greatest problem? Try looking at all the liberal politicians. Where are the greatest effects? Liberal cities and states where they carried out the greatest restrictions.
Wheres the rise in COVID-19? In Republican states.
You mean Texas? Try the cities that are being controlled by Democraps. It's Austin where they want to lock people down again. In Williamson County to the north, that's not the position. And, the effect is far less.
Look at other leftist states like New York and California, particularly LA and NY. They have the spikes.
Go figure.
Look at other leftist states like New York and California, particularly LA and NY. They have the spikes.
Go figure.
[This poster has been suspended.]
Diatribe? Where's your argument? None, I see other than parroting the same BS as liberal media.
Truth hurts I see. America will be the death of all of us.