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Cuban Migrants Land Safely in Key West on Motorized Hang Glider
2 Cuban migrants traveled from Cuba to Florida in a motorized glider. The two are currently in custody but will most likely be released soon on the basis of asylum. Their attorney is hopeful for their release. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
That's advertisement for the Polaris Gliders Manufacturer that they couldn't buy until now. "Are you seeking fun in low budget Flight? Are you seeking to fly to asylum... Well Polaris Gliders has got you covered"....
Ain't capitalism great!!!!
Give them a job at the Cessna factory...
Given their feat (look at the makeshift glider's wheels !!), they deserve to get asylum. I pull my hat off to these two guys !!
I totally agree ! My hats off to them !
Worked for me