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TV station reports Asiana pilots names - Prank
Bay Area Fox affiliate KTVU purportedly learned the names of the flight crew of Asiana flight 214, which crashed last Saturday at San Francisco International Airport, killing two. These—"Sum Ting Wong," "Wi Tu Lo," "Ho Lee Fuk," and "Bang Ding Ow"—are not their names. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Now Asiana is suing them:
well these names sound o.k to me, i think the person that wrote this was
from the LA Times this morning:
"Asiana Airlines will sue Bay Area television station KTVU-TV for using fake, racially insensitive names of pilots flying the ill-fated Asiana Airlines Flight 214, the Associated Press reported Monday. A spokeswoman for the South Korean airline, Lee Hyomin, said the broadcast seriously damaged Asiana’s reputation"
Really?? Compared to the way your reputation has only been slightly damaged by the actions (or inaction) of a couple of incompetent "paid professionals" behind the wheel who were entrusted with the safety of 300 passengers? Seriously, dragging this out will result in every news outlet in the world continuing to replay this video again and again. Asiana can thus ensure a quick recovery of passenger confidence by making this accident live on in the blogosphere, instead of relegating it to a distant memory. Get over it guys.
"Asiana Airlines will sue Bay Area television station KTVU-TV for using fake, racially insensitive names of pilots flying the ill-fated Asiana Airlines Flight 214, the Associated Press reported Monday. A spokeswoman for the South Korean airline, Lee Hyomin, said the broadcast seriously damaged Asiana’s reputation"
Really?? Compared to the way your reputation has only been slightly damaged by the actions (or inaction) of a couple of incompetent "paid professionals" behind the wheel who were entrusted with the safety of 300 passengers? Seriously, dragging this out will result in every news outlet in the world continuing to replay this video again and again. Asiana can thus ensure a quick recovery of passenger confidence by making this accident live on in the blogosphere, instead of relegating it to a distant memory. Get over it guys.
Just another FAUX news boo-bo in their rush to be the first to report news whether the story is real or not.
World wide many of the Rupert Murdock owned news gathering organizations like FAUX News are making the same silly errors. The newspaper owned by Murdock in London ended up going out of business over cell phone hacking accounts owned by famous people (listening to voice mails) his news reporters were doing to harvest news stories for Murdocks paper and TV networks.
World wide many of the Rupert Murdock owned news gathering organizations like FAUX News are making the same silly errors. The newspaper owned by Murdock in London ended up going out of business over cell phone hacking accounts owned by famous people (listening to voice mails) his news reporters were doing to harvest news stories for Murdocks paper and TV networks.
While KTVU is a FOX affiliate, it is neither owned nor operated by FOX.
I'm Ron Burgundy?