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American Air Sets New Daily Miami-N.Y. Flight for 737 Max Debut
American Airlines Group Inc. plans to make Boeing Co. 737 Max passenger flights at the end of this year for the first time since the aircraft’s grounding in March 2019. The Max will serve the busy Miami-New York corridor once a day starting Dec. 29 through Jan. 4, American said. The airline will “take a phased approach” to returning the Max to service once it’s approved to fly, including whether to extend the Miami-New York flight beyond Jan. 4. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
This day must come. Thank you everyone for making this day possible.
My question is what does American Airlines know that the Feds and other airlines do not know, and have they had the aircraft modified to meet the new standards or rules needed to fly again?
his is a very good question . I was thinking the same . But i haven't heard from other airlines . So in the end , it leaves me thinking that AA is jumping the gun on this ......It just doesn't seem real ? Talk to you again ...DGR
Excellent, hopefully valuable lessons have been learned.
I admit , that i'm a little confused . The 2 Max aircraft that Boeing has made available to the FAA for re-certiacation are , lets say , perfect . They received ALL of the up grades to MCAS . Any and ALL soft wear upgrades where done . Knew training manuals and in Simulator changes have been made . IN all 19 months have gone by to allow Boeing to modify the 2 very pampered 737 Max's . My question is this . What state of affairs are the AA Max's in , or for that matter any other world airline that has this problem child . Just because 2 Boeing Max's pass the FAA tests doesn't automatically mean that mothballed 737 max that i have has had the necessary upgrades . So as for me , if airlines start to rush them back into service cause the FAA states that Boeings 2 Perfect planes are air worthy , it doesn't change the fact that all the rest of them are still dangerous as hell . So will AA have passengers sign a document saying i know the risks and if i die i won't sue ?
It's about time ready to take control again of this wonderful a/c