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Trump: New York LaGuardia is 'Third World' airport
New York real estate developer/possible presidential candidate Donald Trump is in hot water with local officials after televised comments ripping LaGuardia airport. "You go to LaGuardia Airport, it's like a Third World airport," said Trump on CNN's State of the Union. He went on to praise the efforts of China and Qatar in particular for investing in "the most beautiful airport you've ever seen." ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
And this guy could possibly run for President next year?? Yeah ok...well, ask him first off what species of animal had to be killed to create that THING on his HEAD, then ask him if he's got such a problem with LGA ask him to come off his wallet and spend oome of his vast fortune to help NYC upgrade LGA....instead of insulting, help improve!!!! HEY far as I'm concerned....YOU'RE FIRED!
My comment was directed more toward the media's attitude toward people who aren't concerned with being "PC" to the point of letting things go unchecked. Trump isn't someone who puts all his effort into making sure people don't take offense to what he says. He takes care of the problem and lets people's opinion go in one ear and out the other. His comment was true and he didn't care if people took offense. That's the kind of person we need in the White House. obama hasn't done a damn thing except turn America into nothing but a joke for the entire world to laugh at. Considering that obama is the worst president in American history, we need someone like Trump to make drastic changes and not be concerned with screwed up communist/pacifist's who think that illegal immigrants should be welcomed with open arms. If it was up to Trump, he would take care of the problem with LGA instead of using my tax dollars to fund the education of illegal immigrants.
Look, whether you like him or not is not the issue here.He does have a valid point. LGA most certainly needs to be updated. Mr. Trump got the attention he needed to get his point across. The LGA airport is not the only place that's needs updating in the US.We all know that.The real issue is, where will the money come from to update our infrastructure.At least he is making it loud and clear that basically the USA's infrastructure is falling apart.As of yet, I do not hear any other Presidential hopeful telling us what Trump is telling us.
James Driskell for president
His haircut is 3rd world
I've been to all 3 NYC area airports (JFK, LGA, EWR), and in comparison, LGA is a dump.
3rd world may be a bit of an exaggeration, but the man has a right to his opinion.
3rd world may be a bit of an exaggeration, but the man has a right to his opinion.