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Last Surviving Crew Member Has 'No Regrets' About Bombing Hiroshima
On this day in 1945, the United States dropped the first atomic bomb ever used in warfare. It flew three strike planes over Hiroshima, Japan. The Enola Gay carried the bomb. Two other planes, the Great Artiste and the Necessary Evil, escorted it. Most of the 34 crew members didn't know they were carrying what was then the most powerful weapon in the world. I recommend that you listen to his story, rather than read it. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
i am a combat vet ww2 i am 93 iws 18 yrs old in the the invasion of layte,after securing the island i was moved to a embarcation,point unbeknown to me i was being prepared to invade japan whfn i heard the bomb was dropped. lucky me and 1,000.000 more who were estimated to die thank al do
Thanks for serving sir !!
The true heroes....we owe you a huge debt, you preserved a great nation....thank you is not enough
Thank you sir! You knew the expectation and was still willing to go. The nation owes it's gratitude to you.
Thank you for your service Sir!! I salute you!
Mr. Yodow,
My old man was at Mormandy, as well as all my uncles.
They felt the exact same way as yourself.
While no man wishes the kind of loss of life that was the result of the bombs, like you, they were all preparing for the invasion of Japan as well.
They estimated it actually saved MILLIONS of lives.
To quote my old man, “ANYONE who doubts whether or not this was the only way to end the war without significant Allied loss of life, wasn’t alive at the time, and they sure as hell weren’t one of the Soldiers preparing for the invasion.”
We’re forever in debt to every man and woman who stood with our Allies.
Thank you for your part!
My old man was at Mormandy, as well as all my uncles.
They felt the exact same way as yourself.
While no man wishes the kind of loss of life that was the result of the bombs, like you, they were all preparing for the invasion of Japan as well.
They estimated it actually saved MILLIONS of lives.
To quote my old man, “ANYONE who doubts whether or not this was the only way to end the war without significant Allied loss of life, wasn’t alive at the time, and they sure as hell weren’t one of the Soldiers preparing for the invasion.”
We’re forever in debt to every man and woman who stood with our Allies.
Thank you for your part!
Thank you for serving Sir !!!!