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Boeing Had Too Much Sway in Vetting Own Jets, FAA Was Told
FAA employees warned as early as seven years ago that Boeing Co. had too much sway over safety approvals of new aircraft, prompting an investigation by Department of Transportation auditors who confirmed the agency hadn’t done enough to “hold Boeing accountable.” The 2012 investigation also found that discord over Boeing’s treatment had created a “negative work environment” among Federal Aviation Administration employees who approve new and modified aircraft designs, with many of them saying… ( More...And this is news?? After the Beech 1900 crash in Charlotte in 2003 it was determined that the pitch trim had been rigged incorrectly during maintenance. It was also dertermined that the 1900 maintenance manual was incomplete, confusing and basically inadequate in its description of the rigging procedure. The FAA, on cue, expressed astonishment of this fact. This was the “FAA approved” maintenance manual, yet they were shocked that it was so poorly written. Anyone who has used any Beech manual has seen the exact same thing. “FAA approved” means the manufacturer put together something, hands it to their FAA rep, who promptly deems it great and give it the FAA seal of approval. It could be the instructions for assembling a bookcase from Ikea, but as long as the company says it’s the info needed to maintain the aircraft, the FAA is happy. Until people die, then the FAA gets grumpy because they look incompetent. The fact that the certification process works the same way is no surprise.
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USDOT used to control the CDL drivers, now it's the states. But it's worse now than before - bribery runneth amok.
And, the big 3 automakers - how much junk is driving around waiting to have an accident or recall.
BOEING CHOOSES THEIR OWN SAFETY EVALUATORS. Looks like a bunch of FAA guys back in DC with Rubber Stamps in hand, poised to bless whatever Boeing does, on Boeing's fast schedule. INCREDIBNLE conflicts of interest. Under this scheme, FAA folks are little more than Federal paid cheerleaders.