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New images of MH370 debris have been released by wreck hunter
New images of MH370 debris have been released by wreck hunter Blaine Gibson who is responsible for finding or securing the majority of the Boeing 777. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
It would be interesting to see the spots where all these pieces of MH370 were discovered marked on the world map.
That is an excellent map. Thank you!
The way the currents run through there, I always was of the opinion that the jet never made it as far off Perth as the search indicated. I believed it to be further north of Oz
Testing something I learned today about making clickable links in Squawk comments. I think it might work if I put "quotes" around it
A number of pieces were found on Reunion, Mauritius and Madagascar
Yes I totally agree with you R Jolly, because not all the debris he found is MH370. Would be interesting to see where he found them.