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Did The Malaysian Airliner Land? Here Are Possible Runways

The fate of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 isn't known... Experts say it isn't likely to have landed – in part because the large plane would attract notice. Another reason for that belief is the long runway the Boeing 777 would require – at least 5,000 feet, by most estimates. With that number in hand, NPR member station WNYC has created a map of long runways that would theoretically be within the flight's range. ( More...

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Iran has plenty of their own jets they don't need this one
PhotoFinish 1
That's why I've always said a non-state actor would have so much more to gain and much less to lose, whether pirate or terrorist. The pirates would have less ability to infiltrate the airport/ flight/ staff in a foreign Asian, Muslim country. So we're left with terrorists or rogue operatives of whichever country, or the pilots themselves.
Following comments from yesterday re; the Jet Route P628 from Malaysia overflying India into E Pakistan. You will come to RYK. Looks to ba a Military Air Base south of Rahim Myar Khan. Further extending a 'line' WNW aprox 1500 miles ,brings you to Tehran. Are we looking at Jimmy Carter 2.0 & 444 days of hostage negotiating ?
The plane ascended to fl45 immediately after the Comm was turned off. Possibly to liquidate the people in the cabin. More likely the ides is to use the plane and it's long range for some other sinister use.
PhotoFinish 1
If the cabin is pressurized, the altitude outside does not matter.

Without pressurization, cruising altitude can be extremely lethal.

"The effects of high altitude on humans are considerable. The percentage saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen determines the content of oxygen in our blood. After the human body reaches around 2,100 m (7,000 feet) above sea level, the saturation of oxyhemoglobin begins to plummet.[1] However, the human body has both short-term and long-term adaptations to altitude that allow it to partially compensate for the lack of oxygen. Athletes use these adaptations to help their performance. There is a limit to the level of adaptation; mountaineers refer to the altitudes above 8,000 metres (26,000 ft) as the "death zone", where no human body can acclimatize."

No matter the altitude, the pressurization would have to be circumvented to affect oxygen delivery to the cabin/ passengers. If you alter the pressurization, there is little need to climb further than cruise altitude to incapacitate passengers.

The climb to FL450, if combined with depressurization, would amount to an extra effort to insure the lethality of the action. It would amount to premeditated murder. Which seems a bit different to being indifferent to the deaths of others as you commit suicide.

Although the same end may have been achieved at FL330 or whatever the cruising altitude would normally have been.
matt jensen 1
nope - cabin pressure set to 8000-ft
Can it be overridden?
PhotoFinish 2
Check out this written by a former NTSB Member:
cessna210g 1
Yes it can. All they (flight crew) have to do is put their O2 mask on and open the out flow valve. Cabin pressure will go from 8,000 ft to what every altitude the plane is flying.
If Iran took the plane they are not going to say anything about it until after they have used it to inflict max damage on Israel or the US.
Samuel Bixler 0
Hostage negotiating with whom? China? Malaysia?
matt jensen 1
PhotoFinish 1
I noticed that their map only considers runways that would be in range prior to reports that the planeay have been carrying 8 hours of fuel. That significantly opens up the range and the possible landing strips.

They only need one runway, preferably with a large hangar or other large warehouse or other camouflage cover available.

I would think that a satellite review of the vicinity of all potential airstrips would be completed or currently under way.
Would 45,000 feet kill the passengers not wearing protective gear.?
matt jensen 1
Cabin pressure is set for 8000-ft
cessna210g 1
A cabin altitude of 45,000 ft you would need O2 mask that delivers pressurized O2.


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