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Texas businessman recovers cellphone that fell from plane
A North Texas businessman used the "Find My iPhone app" to find his phone in a pasture after it fell about 9,300 feet during a flight from Houston. Ben Wilson says his cellphone still works. Wilson, who owns Gas Corporation of America in Wichita Falls, and a pilot were in a Beechcraft Bonanza returning home Monday. ( More...terminal velocity is reached when drag equals weight. Terminal velocity of iphone would depend on the position of iphone as it was falling. If it was falling flat side ie screen side terminal velocity prox 27mph...if it fell thin side prox 95 mph. It's the stopping acceleration that would cause the hitting cement vs grass would produce different out comes.
Hmm, drop an iPhone 9300 ft and it still works, drop an iPhone off the nightstand onto a carpeted floor, cracks the screen. Something just doesn't add up.
Any bets this "business man" works for Apple or owns a cell phone store?
Yeah weird. And what sort of "pressure change" pops open the door on a Bonanza?
I own a bonanza. There is no such thing as a pressure change that should do this.The door was simply not latched properly prior to takeoff, or there is a problem with the door latching mechanism.
Or someone manually changed the pressure...on the door release latch.
Back in the 1970s there used to be a joke... Whats more dangerous than a pilot with a screwdriver ?...A doctor in a Bonanza.