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Dutch King Reveals He Has Been a First Officer for KLM for 21 Years

King Willem-Alexander, 50, said he has ended his role as a regular First Officer after 21 years on KLM's fleet of Fokker 70 planes. He will now retrain to fly Boeing 737s as the Fokkers are being phased out of service. ( More...

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WavemanT 7
I think it's cool that the King got to do what he loves, but is flying twice a month sufficient to maintain proficiency? And, now that the news is out more widely, wouldn't his continued role as a co-pilot make his flights a target?
Bernie20910 2
A target for what?
alex hidveghy 2
Not if he gets his 3 takeoffs or landings within a 90-day period. Or whatever the EASA equivalent is.
drdek 7
It's good to be the king!
It's nice to have some Fun News these days.
well done King , keep on flying !
Ruth A Grimes 3
Congratulations, Sir!
jpkubalak 3
This is pretty cool but I think Pope Benedict's got him beat. He flew the Vatican helicopter himself, and never had a automobile driver's license.
Ed Merriam 2
also, QEII insisted on chauffeuring King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at high speeds to freak him out as well
Now THIS is ultimate cool!
How cool is that?
Marty Flagg 1
VERY! :)
Peter Maas 2
well well, King Willem being instructed how to pilot the Boeing 737 now that Fokker is being phased out. The flying Dutchman will always stay alive .
The first twin engine Fokker was presented to queen Beatrix 40 years ago.
Soesterberg is a small upscale town where the King has his palace and is staffed by American Pilots using the F-15 Jet fighters. Do not worry, the King is well protected.
James Simms 1
Camp New Amsterdam inactivated in 1994 & the entire base shut down in 2008.
Marty Flagg 2
alex hidveghy 1
I think King Hussein of Jordan (the current King's father) also did this but don't know if it was on a regular basis. That was with Alia Royal Jordanian Airlines.
Already knew this; I thought it was common knowledge. Passengers on KLM City hoppers often enjoyed seeing who was in the cockpit.
Nalin Sehgal 1
That was a very nice gesture 👍
joel wiley 1
It sounds like it's the role of the Fokker 70 that is ending.
harm buning 1
NX211 0
Like others here I think it's great that he has this outlet & diversion.. However, with flying only twice a month ( maybe less at times due to official responsibilities? ) It seems difficult to gain & maintain proficiency in a commercial situation where he is assuming responsibility for the lives of his passengers.

alex hidveghy 1
He is the First Officer (co-pilot) and there is a fully qualified Captain in the left seat I would imagine. So, not a problem as he is not on his own! See also my post above for definition of proficiency and/or currency.


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