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We Can Prevent Another MH370
There is no good reason why tragic mysteries such as Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, Air France Flight 447 and EgyptAir Flight 990 should occur. We have the technology now to prevent or immediately track down and learn the cause of such disasters. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Two ways to push this faster: 1) Insurance companies get together and demand, and those who do not get on board pay the high premium associated with a lost aircraft, 2) Tie implementation to bonus of the leadership and management at the insurance and airlines. Money talks and incentives will help make this happen. Just have to have the will.
The additional cost for the risk of a lost aircraft is very low. Compared to the number of airplanes flying and the number flights made, this happens very, very rarely. So the extra cost to cover the risk would not be compelling.
In the event that an aircraft crashes into water, why not have a material like a liquid dye held in an compartment on the plane. This compartment would be located on the part of the fuselage that
is most likely to breakup upon impact. The dye or equivalent material would thus spread out on the surface of the water and hopefully retain enough cohesiveness to be visible for 24 to 48 hours. This is a crude solution to the problem but an easy one to implement.
is most likely to breakup upon impact. The dye or equivalent material would thus spread out on the surface of the water and hopefully retain enough cohesiveness to be visible for 24 to 48 hours. This is a crude solution to the problem but an easy one to implement.
Use something bright and noticeable, like what Chicago uses to dye their river green! Example Image:
A slight issue is that if there is a crash in a suburb, par say, we have a big mess and a potential health hazard.
If a commercial aircraft crashed in a suburb, the spread of some marker dye would be the least of your worries!
The considerable amount of wreckage and destroyed buildings would be a bigger mess than a bit of dye.
The considerable amount of wreckage and destroyed buildings would be a bigger mess than a bit of dye.
The dye pack would need to be released upon impact or rise to the surface before dismemberment. That setup would require a lot of engineering, testing and product development, all to get something that would be dispersed within hours. Remember however, any suggestion is better than none.