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Airbus, EU flag battery issue with parked aircraft

Aircraft idle because of the pandemic still need regular maintenance and systems checks. That can interfere with some Airbus batteries. ( More...

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There will always be a parasitic loss on any battery, along with the battery being subjected to temperature fluctuations.
Eric Kulisch 3
Good point. Thanks
Tom Bruce 5
bet they'll be a number of issues on these parked birds...will be a slow process getting them back next summer?
mbrews 6
Agree we will see many issues with re-activating aircraft from long term storage. In Fall 2020 there was a spate of cracked windshields on Delta 767s, during first international flights after spending 6 months in storage in Mobile, Alabama USA
Eric Kulisch 1
That's interesting. I'd like to learn more. Why is that? And how many planes? And why only 767s? (feel free to reach me at [email protected])
Eric Kulisch 1
Yes, plenty of work to do
Edward Ludwig 4
Ni cad batteries have a memory. when they discharge to say 50% if you use the aircraft system to recharge it will recharge to 50%. in order to recharge battery it has to be discharge to 0% and recharged to 100% in an authorized FAA battery shop. each time you use the battery to start the apu you will lose a little power each time that is why the battery is removed and replaced on a calendar or hourly schedule.
WhiteKnight77 4
I wonder if there would be a way to keep a trickle charger on them to keep them fully charged at all times similar to how one would do for other types of batteries?
rebomar 5
You have always had to deep cycle Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries after a prolonged period of non-use. Nothing new.
Eric Kulisch 1
Yeah, in retrospect maybe not worth reporting about.

Lee Withers 8
It may not be news to some but there are probably not aware of that fact. It may not be beneficial to us but for me I find a lot of thes non beneficial items interesting.
Eric Kulisch 3
Thanks for that feedback. Appreciate it
wiztom 2
Why are the airlines still using NiCad batteries with a memory and not lithium's which don't?
Cost of replacing batteries vs dropping out of the sky, which costs a lot more.
Might be the increased risks in lithium battery technology of self-ignition and thermal runaway. Once an aircraft design has incorporated nickel-cadmium NiCd battery technology, it is a major design change to convert to lithium, including going back to the hazard analysis and ensuring that additional risks have been mitigated. Lithium battery technology should only be employed in an aircraft design when its weight-to-energy advantage is essential. And the mechanical packaging, the more complex charging circuitry, and temperature monitoring must all be carefully designed and validated for safety.
Same reason most piston aircraft are still using points ignition, and carburetors for fueling. It's tried and true, and just plain WORKS. Ni-Cad batteries are extremely forgiving to abuse, even though they don't pack the punch of a lithium in the same size. Lithiums are unforgiving of abuse. If they ever fall below a certain voltage, they become instant paperweights. If overcharged, they burn. Not quite the characteristics I'd want while aloft ...
Duane Osman 2
Does jet fuel go to crap like overly stored gasolene?
No, since it doesn't evaporate like gasoline does.

Different fuel (heavier), but, I burned 30 year old #2 heating oil in my boiler many years back. The dye had changed color, but that was about it. Was in a hot greenhouse all that time, too. Gasoline would've turned to 100 lbs. of sludge in those conditions.
אתה נראה מבין מאוד בעניין המטוסים אשמח לקשר ישיר איתך
Joe Birts 1
A problem with all Ni-Cad batteries.


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