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FAA let American Airlines fly planes that shouldn't have been considered airworthy after maintenance oversight lapses
The Federal Aviation Administration "lacks effective oversight" of American Airlines' maintenance safety programs, the US Department of Transportation reported on Friday, and as a result the airline flew aircraft that should not have been considered airworthy. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The incorrectly installed engine struts is chilling - especially since incorrect engine installation resulted in the loss of an American Airlines DC-10 and all aboard during takeoff from Chicago. I guess we choose to ignore our history and keep our fingers crossed.
I remember THAT!! Scary. I didn't recall what the cause was.
The forklift used to raise the new engine to the airframe, was used improperly! In result it cracked the pin/bolt holding the engine on the mount. Or something like that!
WOW! This needs to be fixed and if we think it is only American Airlines that has untrained inspectors we will be deluding ourselves. Customers deserve a safe flight and anything that impedes that safety must be addressed immediately.
So these so called "Untrained" inspectors only work on American Aircraft? All other Carriers have Trained inspectors? This article makes no sense, if these guys are not trained when inspecting American then neither are any other inspectors at Southwest, Delta United etc etc. Why is only American being called out?
I was thinking the same thing. And citing how American Airlines hasn’t had a fatality in a long time actually makes it more likely that complacency will set in. This article points out a problem that needs to be addressed befor an accident happens.
Bad enough by the FAA, BUY where is the honor and truthfulness in providing a safe aircraft to their customers? .
They know what's airworthiness or not! Signing off otherwise is Shameful where A&P licenses should be on the line for actions.
They know what's airworthiness or not! Signing off otherwise is Shameful where A&P licenses should be on the line for actions.