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Delta Air Lines asks Justice Department to help set up national ‘no-fly’ list of unruly passengers
Delta Air Lines has asked the Justice Department to help set up a national “no-fly” list of unruly passengers that would bar them from getting on any commercial air carrier, amid a surge in “air rage” incidents during the pandemic. In a letter sent to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland Thursday, the Atlanta-based company’s chief executive Edward H. Bastian said such a list would reduce the number of future incidents involving disruptive passengers. It will also “serve as a strong symbol of… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
some of these comments are ridiculous..does anyone feel that unruly passengers who hit flight attendants, knock out their teeth,push them into carts,use abusive language and the like should be welcomed on ANY airline,not just delta??you cannot say that its "just a few", or even that alcohol is the reason for this type of behavior..there must be a point where people are actually held responsible for their actions, whether its onboard an airplane or any other place..EVERYONE has bad days or frustrations,and yes, covid weariness,but without repercussions, things would be and can get much worse!!
It actually should take care of itself. The offender should get jail time AND be sued by the employee and the airline. The government is already involved with laws on the books. Use them.
Exactly the point Wallace. Thank you.
Wallace has it right. Thanks. The last thing we need is another government list that becomes a manipulation tool. Delta should grow some.
[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]
It is a worldwide problem Mary, the "new normal" that has been here now for decades, is "never take responsibility for your actions". We see it in court cases every day unfortunately, which is where most of the problems have developed and accelerated from, over the years, where someone is "not guilty" because they were upset/drunk/drugged or temporary-insanity etc.
I love my alcohol, but I don't then want to punch someone as soon as I have had a drink. In fact, no matter how much I drink. That is just an excuse for low moral code and lack of respect of yourself, let alone respect of others.
I have to wear steel cap boots where I work. I hate wearing steel cap boots, but that is my job. When I hear others at work whinge about it, and say the rules should be changed, my answer is "why don't you just find a job elsewhere?".
There are many places in life that have rules, not just flying, if you don't like them, or intend not to obey those rules, don't go there or participate in whatever it is. If you want to change those rules, become a politician or participate in policy creation to change the rule, and if enough people agree, the rules will change.
I think it should be enforced with the airlines, worldwide, not just in one country/state, if you want to be a moron, you walk in future. The only thing that needs oversight or the ability for appeal/removal from a no-fly list is the severity of the misdeed. Something like punching airline staff? No second offence rule, instant lifetime ban worldwide.
The reason we have these problems in our society in the first place is the repercussions for bad behaviour are non-existent or weak at best. We have created a "civilized", "goody two shoes", "everyone has rights" society, and we are reaping the rewards of that society in what we see daily.
Historically, most rules and laws it is said "are written in blood". Do we have to wait until one moron goes too far, and we have an air disaster, before something is done? And believe me when I say if that happens, no one will like the laws and control governments worldwide will create after such an incident.
I love my alcohol, but I don't then want to punch someone as soon as I have had a drink. In fact, no matter how much I drink. That is just an excuse for low moral code and lack of respect of yourself, let alone respect of others.
I have to wear steel cap boots where I work. I hate wearing steel cap boots, but that is my job. When I hear others at work whinge about it, and say the rules should be changed, my answer is "why don't you just find a job elsewhere?".
There are many places in life that have rules, not just flying, if you don't like them, or intend not to obey those rules, don't go there or participate in whatever it is. If you want to change those rules, become a politician or participate in policy creation to change the rule, and if enough people agree, the rules will change.
I think it should be enforced with the airlines, worldwide, not just in one country/state, if you want to be a moron, you walk in future. The only thing that needs oversight or the ability for appeal/removal from a no-fly list is the severity of the misdeed. Something like punching airline staff? No second offence rule, instant lifetime ban worldwide.
The reason we have these problems in our society in the first place is the repercussions for bad behaviour are non-existent or weak at best. We have created a "civilized", "goody two shoes", "everyone has rights" society, and we are reaping the rewards of that society in what we see daily.
Historically, most rules and laws it is said "are written in blood". Do we have to wait until one moron goes too far, and we have an air disaster, before something is done? And believe me when I say if that happens, no one will like the laws and control governments worldwide will create after such an incident.
Train boards to the left there, dude.