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US Senate Passes Resolution To End Airline Mask Rule

The United States Senate passed a resolution on Tuesday to end the public transport mask mandate, Senators voted and the resolution passed 57 votes to 40, Republican Senator Rand Paul introduced the resolution. The federal mask mandate which requires a mask to be worn on public transportation was set to expire on March 18, however, President Biden extended the mandate until April 18... ( More...

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Sidney Smith 46
I find it interesting we need a resolution passed in the Senate to get the masks off but didn't need one to make us wear one.
Joe Keifer 4
Biden doesn't need a resolution.

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dmedders 2
Laws are for the masses, not our intellectual betters like Biden. You didn't get the memo?

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Steven Nolen 14
That’s a very intellectually stimulating way of being rude and incorrect. Masks, particularly the common variant handed out by airlines, are virtually useless in preventing Covid. Moreover, in looking at the state of our country you should recognize that not re-electing president Trump was one of the worst mistakes in the history of our country.
Let's get something straight. Masks don't "prevent" COVID, they reduce the number of virus molecules that enter your respiratory passages, attach to your mucus membranes and then enter your bloodstream and go to your lungs that could kill you. The exact transmission is too complex for you to understand without the proper educational background. Our built up immunity to most viruses can combat a limited number of COVID virus particles but there's a threshold (unknown at this time) that if exceeded, you will get sick and be potentially fatal.

So let's say you're in a crowd and don't have a mask on and another maskless COVID infectious person sneezes, and a massive amount of Covid particles (let's say 10,000 particles) goes out in the air and you breath in some of those particles (let's say 1,000 particles), the chances of you getting COVID is probably high, Now if just you were wearing a mask and it filtered out 90% of the particles or now only 100 particles gets in your system, the chance of you getting infected is now low and maybe only 10%. Now assume that the contagious person was also wearing a mask and it filtered out 90% of the sneezed particles, then only 1000 particles becomes airborne and if you get exposed to 10% of those (like before) or 100, your mask filters out 90% of those particles, then only 10 particles gets into your system which may be below your threshold to get sick. That's why both you and others need to wear a mask. It's just a matter of risk minimization.

I am a medical scientist and former university professor of surgery but not an immunologist or epidemiologist, and my wife is a retired immunology nurse, so this is a very simplified explanation of why you should wear a mask. The numbers and %'s are hypothetical as no one knows the exact numbers and everyone has different tolerance levels. Vaccination also doesn't prevent COVID but it raises your threshold and the resulting complications are less severe.

The cheap masks are not totally "useless". they're just not as effective as higher quality (N95 and KN95) masks. If they filter out enough particles then they're useful. Any mask is better than no mask. Personally, I avoid any crowded situations, but if I'm in a moderate crowded situation or in the hospital, I wear a N95 or KN95 mask under a triple, dense weave cloth mask. If I go into a non crowded store and can maintain social distancing, I just may use a triple layer, dense weave or KN95 mask as it is easier to put on and more comfortable. I'm not going to play Russian Roulette with the Covid virus. I value my life and well being to do my research that ultimately benefits humanity and relieves suffering. Both my neighbors work in the COVID unit and I hear enough horror stories that I wouldn't want to end up there. It's not a question of not getting the virus, it's when and how severe.
You were almost making some sense until you made that last statement.
Carl Foster 1
Yes on all three points.
KeithEstelle 0
I hope and pray you don’t fly a plane, from your comment your intellect would only allow you to ride a tricycle !!
Fred B Rillo 39
For what it's worth, you're probably in more danger of infection in the airport terminal, TSA security lines and gate area than you are on board in your seat.
Dale Ballok 5
SkyAware123 23
follow the science.... until it no longer supports your cause then ignore it.
Roch Comeau 2
There are two sciences at play here. Epidemiology and psychology. Removing the mask mandate is not a statement that masks are no longer useful, it is a statement that in that complicated walking of the line between what is epidemiologically sound and what the general population will agree to do, with cases dropping and compliance going down, it makes sense to lift the mandate (at the expense of some illness) and leave the decision to individuals. Those of us who don't care about masks will continue to wear them where we think it makes sense and those who don't will have to live with increased risk. If things get out of hand and we can no longer afford to have a large segment of the population making it crappy for the ret if us, mandates will come back as needed.
Fred B Rillo 5 one is saying you can't continue to wear a mask when you feel it's appropriate.

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jetserf 11
Great news.
Mark Lloyd 30
Masks are worthless. Why? My flight from SLC-MKE last week in FC, Delta served meals. For 10+ minutes everyone had their mask off (not taking a bite and putting it back on). Just end the mask requirement BS. You want to wear one to feel comfortable, go ahead, but stop forcing me to!!
Tim Dyck 5
The proper masks used properly would help but a lot of people are just wearing those cheap dollar store things that don't have a sealed fit and are not rated so no one even knows what they can filter. Worse then that are the cloth ones with such a loose weave that they can't filter dust let alone an airborne virus. But hey the peasants need a placebo to feel like they are protected...
Carl Foster 6
Cloth masks have openings that are approximately 100 microns (or larger) across. A SARS-CO-V2 virus is 0.125 microns in diameter. A cloth mask then has openings that are at least 800 times the size of what the mask is supposedly filtering out. It is like depending on a chain link fence to guard against mosquitos. Pleated surgical mask openings are 2.5 microns, which are 20 times the size of a virus. Even an N95 mask will pass 0.3 micron particles. When exhaling, most of the air goes around the mask anyway. The CDC issue a report in May 2020 that concluded that masks are irrelevant. Masks are primarily a political wedge issue.
Andy cripps 3
Mosquitos have wings, viruses don't. Viruses spread via water droplets, not independently. So your chain link fence analogy doesn't work.
Tim Dyck 1
Some viruses help getting to their victims but airborne viruses like SARS-CoV-2 exist as aerosols and travel in the air unassisted. Your trusting bad information and it could get you infected.
Fred B Rillo 3
By your logic, seatbelts are worthless too cause even if you wear one, you can still be injured or die in a collision.
Michael Brown 3
Riding in the bed of a pickup, barreling down the better kept roads of the 50's, with the hair blowing under moon glow....that's living.
N30732 9
Yeah and you can make apple juice from bananas? Not a good comparison at all. Seatbelts have been proven to save lives. There’s no data that has proven a mask stops the spread of a virus, except specifically one type of mask
Larry Kline -4
SMH !!! Your ignorance is abounding. Seat belts are to help save lives. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. Masks are to help save lives. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Same exact thing. You don’t believe science now, you shouldn’t believe science then either. Man , you sound sooo ignorant
Brad Webster 7
According to even the label on mask box states they don't stop covid. You already knew that didn't you
AWAAlum 2
The KN-95 Mask box I have says no such thing.
Silent Bob 2
So everyone on an airplane is required to wear an N95 mask right? No? Then they’re not protected and aren’t protecting others either. If an N95 does protect against Covid, then those who choose to wear a mask can just wear one of those and be fine while the rest of us make our own choice. Sound reasonable?
AWAAlum 1
Boy, you're reading a WHOLE bunch of stuff into my comment. Calm down, read it again, and attempt to absorb only what it actually says.
N30732 3
Show me the data that proves it
Obviously you're not a scientist. If you were, you'd have seen the hundreds of published, peer reviewed scientific articles in the literature describing the effectiveness of masks. Just go to PubMed. But then, you wouldn't understand it anyway.
Larry Kline -1
You don’t have to have data to prove logical information. I can’t help you have no common sense and have to be told everything. Besides, if you’re one of them, you’ll just call fake news anyways
Nooge -6
Masks are worthless if you dont wear them !!! stop forcing us to consider your right to freedumb !!

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dmedders 12
Just so I am clear, we are being selfish for not wearing a mask to maintain your false sense of security?


Had you bothered to read the actual science posted in this topic, you would have seen ample scientific evidence that masks do not prevent transmission of airborne respiratory disease.

Instead, you choose to believe the unscientific Faucian rantings on American state media — then call those of us who actual read the relevant studies idiots and ignorant.

Again, noted.

That emotion and those violent urges you feel when you see science conflicting with your opinions is the hypnosis keeping you in the mass. Try studying some actual science — it will help.
Larry Kline -4
And you just want to see what you want to see. Don’t think about anything you were shown about how masks help. It’s not all necessarily about keeping stuff in or out as much as it’s containing the respiration from spreading around a bigger area. Again, you only want to argue about things that make you look right. Sorry you can’t see things as they really are
dmedders 9
All opinion, no science. Thanks, Larry.

The endpoint matters. In this case stopping the spread of airborne respiratory disease.

Here is some actual science from CDC.GOV:

Punchline: "In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25)"

In other words, others wearing masks do not protect you.

Sorry you cannot see things as they really are.
See the CDC guidelines recommending mask wearing:
dmedders 0
Guidelines from a conflicted and corrupt CDC that disagree with their own published science? Oh...sure...brilliant.
Your ignorance and stupidity is outstanding.
AWAAlum 1
dmedders 0
Seems a good time for you to resume yelling at your television.
Well dm , where is your science ? Hmmm, dm, is dm an indication of intelligence?
Brad Webster 4
Why don't you go post on CNN or somewhere else. This is an aviation board not your little ranting club
"Had you bothered to read the actual science posted in this topic, you would have seen ample scientific evidence that masks do not prevent transmission of airborne respiratory disease."

What science in this post? Only saw one reference and that was for for data for the influenza virus prior to 2018; not COVID. Obviously you're not a scientist. If you were, you'd have seen the hundreds of published, peer reviewed scientific articles in the literature describing the effectiveness of masks on COVID. Just go to PubMed. But then, you wouldn't understand it anyway.

Are you referring to all the articles published in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., Lancet., Ann Intern Med., Emerg Infect Dis, J Evid Based Med, Influenza Other Respir Viruses, J Immunology, J Epidemiology, J Infectious Dis, Int J Environ Res Public Health ?

Specifically which of the articles (minimum of 50) in peer reviewed journals are you referring to? What's your PhD in? What medical school or national research lab do you work in?
AWAAlum 1
Just to clarify: you've said responded to several posts stating "Obviously you're not a scientist. If you were you'd have seen hundreds of published peer reviewed scientific articles" ... It appears you're claiming that you are a scientist. Is that true?
Yes, medical scientist and former university professor of surgery at a number of major medical schools.
Yes. Former professor at a number of major medical schools.
AWAAlum 1
What was your field?
Tim Dyck 5
OMG the "I wear a mask to protect others" crap. That is just virtue signaling ands has nothing at all to back it up. You wear your mask to protect you and let others decide for themselves if they want to wear a mask or not.
Bruce Headley 5
Spring is coming. Get your order in to have a chain link fence installed around your back yard to protect you and others from mosquitos.
Bruce Headley 10
A face mask is a medical placebo device that a user wears to make himself and and/or others feel better.
Juan Jimenez 12
Resolutions are not laws. The Senate is not in the business of mandating how airlines protect their passengers once they board, and will never be.
Steve Lyautey 4
Actually the Senate is allowed to poke its nose into anything dealing with aviation. It's called the FAA.
Nooge -3
It wont pass
Huck Finn 20
What I hear from the Karens on this page: I mask therefore I am superior.
AWAAlum -2
You must be really proud of that comment - since you've used it on other threads. It's not. great. Really, it's not.

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Michael Dealey 11
Trump is not in the White House. But he's still living in your head, isn't he?
Brad Webster 2
That's Mr. President to you.

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JJ Johnson 9
The masks ended during the Super Bowl and State of the Union. I will never wear another mask anywhere. If the TSA and airlines continue the mask theater and clown show, I will just drive.
AWAAlum -5
That's your and everyone's prerogative. Sensible or not.
AWAAlum 0
OK-honest question. Why would that comment warrant downvotes?
Tim Dyck 3
Probably because your implying that people who you disagree with are not sensible. I can't speak for the downvoters in general but that is how your post comes across when I read it.
AWAAlum 2
Thanks for that. I get what you're saying, but isn't what I was saying, but rather, just - either way.
Ken Jackson 10
More of what I do not want: incompetent/corrupt politicians defining/weaponizing public health protocols.
Nooge -1
More of what alot of dead people did not want incompetent COVIDIOTS weaponizing disinformation based on political affiliation and undermining scientific health protocols.
dmedders 8
Like following NIH protocol, refusing patients early treatment so you can put them on a vent when they cannot breath and poison them with remdesivir?

Or, when you change the definition of death by COVID so you can jack up death stats to scare the masses?

Or, when you send COVID patients from hospital to the nursing home so they can infect and kill a bunch of seniors?

Or, when you claim children are the biggest spreaders of COVID?

Misinformation like that?
David, John Nooge is probably about 17 years old (with green and/or pink hair), loves the musical "Hamilton", would have pronouns listed if that were an option here, and is a BLM/Antifa fan boy.

He loves to incessantly quote the same articles over and over again, usually from the most left-wing sources he can find, and is still blaming the state of the world on Trump, even though he left office 15 months ago.

In short, he's an NPC.

I'm pretty sure he's a paid shill, or more likely, a robot. (Pretty much the same thing)
Larry Kline -4
Well, tbh, it takes a good 4-8 years to straighten out the mess every Republican in office has ever made
No it doesn't.

It took Trump just over one (1) year to eradicate ISIS, something that had been dragging on and building up for years under Obama, who said they were just too powerful to be beaten.

Same thing with the North Korean situation, done by the beginning of his third year.

It didn't take Trump very long to turn the economy around either.

People have very selective memories when it suites them.

I guess you don't realize that every president between JFK and Trump was a puppet of the globalists. Regan tried to do good things for America, but got shown with a bullet that going off script was not acceptable.

The reason things never get better (or take so long to "seemingly" change) is because their not meant to. That was never the plan.
Fred B Rillo 2
So you're one that believes science never changes its position as knowledge or scientific environment changes? Are you going to tell us that covid was an imaginary disease dreamed up by Dr. FAUCI for some yet undisclosed
dmedders 2
No and no.

You must have been reading another post because your response seems completely unrelated to mine.
Sars-Cov2 is real. It's been 20 years in the making.

The pandemic was/is fake.

And the reason is not undisclosed. They've been telling you for decades what the plan is. Now, whether you understand it or not, is not their problem.
doug staab 1
Genius!! Yep, in my world there has been vaccinations for this for decades for cattle. Such a parallel "virus" to influenza. The SHEEPLE trust money driven media so far its hilarious/sad. The vax is for the morons! Keep polluting your bodies with corrupt govt chemicals. Its a process of elimination and the intelligent survive!
Larry Kline -1
You believe all sorts of bs don’t you ?
doug staab 1
ME? Heheheheh
If you call documentation from the US patent office data from the NIH itself "BS", then, yes.
Mike Mohle 4
Do you drive your car alone with your mask and surgical gloves on? I thought so....stay "safe"!
Roch Comeau 6
I don't think many do and those yo see are more likely to have forgotten to take it off since it is not such a burden. If I am gong in and out of the car a lot and have the mask just right (so I don't fog up my glasses), I often leave it on, not for safety or fear, just because of laziness.
ray netherwood 15
The face diapering has been utter nonsense (Said while I pull it down to drink or eat, since the evil virus knows to chill when I do that).
Elliot Cannon 7
Everyone knows masks don't work. Just ask any surgical team.
Tim Dyck 2
The masks worn by surgeons are not the same as the masks we see worn by the general public. Real surgical masks are fitted and rated and the surgical team changes them out regularly.
dmedders 5
Everyone in this forum claims to follow science, so here is some actual science regarding masks in an operating theater -- from NIH.GOV no less:

Punchline: "No masks were worn in one operating theatre for 6 months. There was no increase in the incidence of wound infection."
AWAAlum 5
Maybe the difference is a viral airborne threat?
That would not be logical since most viruses are around 100x smaller than bacteria.
Which is the whole gist of the argument.

If masks don't make any difference at preventing bacterial infection in a surgical setting, they certainly aren't going to stop a virus.

Therefore, masks aren't protecting the general public from an airborne virus.
Masks have never stopped the spread of respiratory viruses.
AWAAlum 1
I won't get into a debate with you, but will point out results of a test involving "one" operating room would not be considered a valid result.
Carl Foster 3
Search for the Dr. Orr report on masks in operating rooms. There are numerous studies, and some show an increase in post-operative infections when the operating team wears masks compared to no masks.
AWAAlum 2
There are operating teams not wearing masks?????
Larry Kline -3
People down-voting David's link are those who cannot face facts and/or cannot use logic to understand what that study means.

If masks make no difference in the spread of bacteria in a surgical setting, they certainly aren't going to prevent the spread of a respiratory virus, which is about 100x smaller.
Tim Dyck 4
Oh come on now, let's leave actual science out of this and keep it purely political. as soon as actual science enters a mask debate the mask nazis have nothing to counter with.
Fred B Rillo 1
I think you missed tge assignment here. He was being facetious.
AWAAlum 0
I don't think he was.
Larry Kline -2
SMH 🤣🤣🤣
Tom Bruce 5
by now...all of us have either been vaccinated or exposed to covid or had covid or all 3... time to move on...that said, I'm 75 and have a leukemia starting to rumble so I take great care and I will not go thru a crowded airport to fly... think it's up to us as individuals to weigh the risk.reward and take care of ourselves
MrTommy 2
For what it's worth Tom, I have leukemia and it's currently in remission. I had a stem cell transplant 18 months ago (at MD Anderson in Houston). I'm vaccine free and have never worn a mask from the beginning of this fiasco. You will be fine if you go to the right medical institution for your leukemia.
Chuck Lavazzi -5
"all of us have either been vaccinated or exposed to covid or had covid or all 3" Yeah, none of that is actually true. And a new, more contagious variant may be on the way. There are still enough unvaccinated people in the USA to keep the virus spreading, which is exactly what is happening. Also, you can get COVID-19 more than once. None of this is news, at least in the medical community.
SkyAware123 5
You idiot. vaccinated people spread this virus in equal amounts. Get your head out of your brainwashed ass.
Roch Comeau -2
Maybe before you talk trash, you might actually get informed (hint: you make a fool of yourself in public). Vaccinated people have lower infections and hence lower spread of the virus. No one said vaccinated people don't spread the virus, but they spread it a lot less, so he more vaccinated people we have, the lower the spread and the faster we can get these waves under control.

Shocking that after all this time, some people still think as they do...
So, if I choose to continue wearing a mask, will I be verbally attacked or do I get to exercise my freedom too?
AWAAlum 2
Good point. I never imagined the day I'd be insulted for exercising caution. It's a world gone mad.
Tim Dyck 1
I doubt anyone would care if you choose to wear a mask. The problem isn’t weather or not people wear masks, it’s that a lot of people don’t like to be told by the government that they have to wear one. Had this been handled differently and people were given the choice this would be a non issue.
AWAAlum 1
How else can they say "you must wear a mask"?
Kevin Cousins 2
Yeah. Its a joke
msetera 7
Fauci: "I do not recommend that you wear a mask..."
Fauci: "The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus..."
Fauci: "There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask"
Fred B Rillo -2
YES AND when did he Say that? When first responders and medical people couldn't find an N95 mask to save their lives.Probablt March or April 2020. When there was an extreme shortage of ppe.
Fauci: "Masks don't provide people with the protection they think they do.."

Sorry, he was talking about everyday cloth or surgical masks. Your comment about N95 masks is irrelevant. So what? The general public was never going to be walking around with those (and neither were medical personnel). You can only wear those things for a short periods of time.

There was never a shortage of PPE. If it was in such dire need, this would never have happened:
Larry Kline -4
My trade wears N95 masks every day for hours. Stop with your uneducated information. Your just not correct. And you really trust individuals to do what they should do ? Most people would FU getting a glass of water, let alone take care of important stuff
strickerje 2
I'm guessing in your trade, they're used for filtering dust? That's a far cry from stopping viruses.
doug staab 1
Sheetrock dust maybe, but subs do that work..
strickerje 3
Then why didn't he say that rather than saying they weren't effective? I don't care for being lied to, especially when it's supposedly for my own good.
Larry Kline -5
You can pull anything out of context and make it mean something else. Quit with your stupidity. We’re not as stupid as you are I guess
Andy Ridings 8
Is this finally the reemergence of the tiniest bit of common sense?

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

So.... when I take off the mask and sit in my seat and eat the burger and drink the soda I bought in the airport, I'm not spreading anything? Then I'll take the full meal and please upsize it.
Roch Comeau 1
I realize it his hard for many to understand...

If you sit in a seat for 1 hour and wear that mask for 1 hour, you cut the risk of infecting your neighbour a lot (if you are infected) and you cut the risk of you getting infected. If you take your mask off for 10 minutes, you reduce your protection somewhat, but you still protect yourself for that 50 minutes which is better than 0 protection. Since we also have to eat and drink to survive and be comfortable, we agree to trade in a bit of risk in exchange for that convenience. Nothing is black and white, but shade of gray. If I drive my car 10 feet in a parking lit, I might not put my seat belt on. That does not mean I think seat belts are a waste of time, but I think wearing it 99% of the time is a good balance.
Your logic is based on the presumption that a mask is actually doing something for those 50 minutes.

It isn't (except building up toxins on your face).
Larry Kline -3
It’s really a shame that has to be spelled out like that for these morons
Tim Dyck 2
Your argument falls apart when you start posting the size of the virus but no mention of the filtration rating the mask provides or ensuring the mask has a properly fitted seal. The first rule of respiratory protection is determining what you are protecting yourself from, you did that. The second rule is to ensure you have the proper protection from the threat, you ignored that. If you were in an atmosphere that provided a real lethal threat you would die, that's why people who work in dangerous atmospheres take proper training.
All very nice... in theory.
Why do most microbiologists agree that wearing a mask is equivalent to trying to stop a mosquito with a chain-link fence???
Nooge 1
Why do most microbiologists wear masks?
So that microbes (bacteria) do not contaminate the cultures they're studying.
People dealing with deadly viruses, do not wear masks because they're pointless.
They wear hazmat suites, completely closed off from the outside world with their own oxygen supply.
Tim Dyck 2
Befor I can answer your question you need to tell me what threats they are protecting themselves from and what kind of masks they are wearing.
doug staab 2
Umm maybe because they research some REAL nasty stuff not fake ass viruses..
Larry Kline -1
So, masks work for some really nasty stuff, but not for fake ass viruses ? Wow !!!
doug staab 2
You really think they are wearing a $.50 napkin? Its hard to understand the irony..

Thanks for your service the world needs you.
Roch Comeau 0
Because they don't agree to that and you are just making it up (or at least exxageratig their comments) since you can't actually use facts to support your position?

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Nooge 0
I try and encourage some people to get vaxxed and wear a mask ..not you have at it

Sorry there is not vax for COVIDIOTS
Nooge -2
Airhead"Goddess " gets angry
Randy Marco -4
We can only hope you get infected and soon!

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Nooge -6
Tail tucked like Trump did leaving the WH and being the first POSOTUS not to attend the man who beat him ByeDons inauguration?
Dale Ballok 5
Couldn’t help but to get in a political comment, huh?
DonDengler 4
Ben Franklin mask guy does this every week. Uses a fake name if you notice.
Randy Marco -2
How laughable given your name, which couldn't be further than the truth #airwenchDolt!
Nooge -1
Your parents gave you AIR GODDESS and thats your real name ? Hahahahahaha

By the way I am married to a goddess and she is not in the habit of flattering herself

Does not have to as others do it for her

Might try and use the name to want others call you
Nooge 0
When poking red hat Coolaid COVIDIOTS in the eye you cant help it
Huck Finn 0
The Woo Woo Flu sure has got you by the short hairs John (Karen) Noogies!
Larry Kline -2
Lol. Idiot
DonDengler -1
Not your real name. Who has his tail tucked up his ———s here, huh? Maybe you ? Hahahahahaha
doug staab 1
It is his real namw
Nooge -2
Phil Caron 9
Unless your mask can filter less than one micron, it is useless. The vast majority of available masks only filter up to 5 microns which only provide a false sense of security. It is amazing how propaganda overrides science. Please don't bother replying, I've heard enough political BS as it is.
N95s are currently recommended. This from NIH: "N95 respirators made by different companies were found to have different filtration efficiencies for the most penetrating particle size (0.1 to 0.3 micron), but all were at least 95% efficient at that size for NaCl particles."
SkyAware123 0
That assumes you breathe THRU the filter... which you don't, not on an n95. That would ony work if you used a real gasmask.
Larry Kline 1
Ok Einstein, what do you breathe through if not the filter ? You all are so intelligent
Fred B Rillo 4
AHHH the FALLACY OF PERFECTION. Unless the mask is 100 percent effective then it's useless. Just like the vaccines...yes you can still get infected after vaccination so the vaccines must be useless. Football helmets..Yes you can still get brain injury playing football wearing a helmet. Would any of you geniuses Want to try?
They are useless. In fact, more and more studies are showing that the more boosted you are, the more likely you are to get sick; i.e. a *negative* net effect.
Larry Kline -1
No one is saying that the vaccines are "useless". Those are your words.
Fred B Rillo 6
You may not but many are.
DonDengler 4
Congress. Synonym for Idiots
Nooge 2
Andy Biggs, Dan Bishop, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Glenn Grothman, Thomas Massie and Chip Roy Air Head Gods and GodTheyreAsses
Huck Finn -8
Lauren Boebert, the best thing for us Coloradoans in many years. We hope that you libturds take note of her and stay the fuck out of Colorado!
AWAAlum 7
You are likely unaware of this, but it's realistically possible to communicate without using gutter language. Personally, I believe your thoughts might carry more weight if given in a more respectful / acceptable manner. Just IMHO.
Larry Kline -3
Shut up Karen
Just because BoBurp is, well, what she is, doesn't keep me from visiting friends (of ALL persuasions) in Colorado. Neither can you. (Does your mother know you're posting here?)
Barney Locke 2
As a 17 year old with her future husband (age 24) he exposed himself to underage teenage girls. He was thrown in jail for only 4 days. She married him anyway, "Best thing for you Coloradoans"? You sound more like you're from Mississippi Huck.
Randy Marco -5
Nothing proves idiocracy more than you!
Nooge -1
She is the Air Head Goddess

Not sure she is a Goddess however
Huck Finn 5
Panic, fear mongering and general public hysteria marked the past two years as the Blanche Covidians drove public behavior and the result was a flying population that felt the need to be regulated by public health protocols that had absolutely nothing to do with reducing the spread of the Woo Woo Flu. Now as the result of this panic we are saddled with an absolute vegetable as president, an economy that is on the brink of depression and war looming on the horizon as the Russian president views American leadership in the world as a non issue. Welcome to Biden's world!!!
Mike Taylor 1
No argument there.
Nooge -1
You need to go whitewash Trumps fence
Hoe is that going Hucker?
Larry Kline -2
You can thank Trumps ignorance and his illiterate cult followers for all that
doug staab 3
So many studies have proved the mask ineffective, because the poor idiot believers that think its really helping wear them improperly 75% of the time. I've had so many laughs over this. Keep that sucker on in your car by yourself. Yep you're protecting the world. THanks for the entertainment.

Its very interesting to see the trolls that make the most comments. They obviously have more than enough time to absorb lies. Collecting free paychecks sitting at home. Its rampant and ruining all great sites that allow free speech feedback. So many forget history but will eventually wake up when reality hits and the HAVE to work to afford these ridiculous prices that are evolving from ideocracy.
The hard working will survive!!
dmedders 2

Standby for the down-votes and head spinning.
doug staab 2
Piss Ant Nation on their way!!!
Larry Kline -2
So get a job then.
doug staab 2
I can afford to find you! :)
Dale Ballok 3
Finally! Praise the lord!
Joe Keifer 4
Nancy Pelosi will say screw you to the Senate.
Right! Even though none of them wore masks at the SOTU address! The House Dems are the poster children for "virtue-signaling. They want to shame you into doing something that they won't do!
Randy Marco -2
No shaming, please infect you and your family!
Nooge -3
We can only hope so and to Jerri Curl Paul

No wonder his neighbor beat his azz ...he is only second most hated senator by other senators right behind Ted Cancun Cruz
Let me see if I understand about the effectiveness of masks.
• the size of a covid particle is about 0.1 of a micron
• the smallest opening in a mask, even N95, is about 0.3 microns

So, wearing a mask is about as effective in protecting me of others from covid is about as effective in putting a chain link fence around my house to keep mosquitoes out!

The politics of covid are disgusting and destructive to our nation’s freedoms.
Fred B Rillo 8
The water vapor droplet that the virus rides on is considerably larger. Your theory would be valid if we didn't exhale water vapor.
[You mean water aerosol droplet, not vapor, but that's insignificant.] In addition, there's the electrostatic properties of N95 masks (and the aerosols) which greatly enhance the entrapment actions.
Dale Ballok 0
Wow! Get over it already! This topic has been thoroughly hashed out, argued over, debated, and everything else you can think of, ad nauseum!
Just enjoy the fact it’s finally being recinded!
Dale Ballok 0
OMG! Not another mask debate/war!
Might as well add in vax vs non-vax !
Robert Baird 0
Not advocating masks, but I direct your attention to Brownian Motion.....
Nooge -4
And your Medical degree is from?
Nooge -3
Mine is from Harvard

Harvard EDU

The role of face masks in preventing COVID-19
infection during air travel
During air travel, passengers and crew are in a very wellventilated space but in close proximity to one another for an
extended period of time. SARS-CoV-2 infections can occur
through the emission of virus-containing respiratory particles
that are aerosols (≤5 μm in diameter) and droplets (>5 μm
in diameter) exhaled by infected people when coughing,
sneezing, speaking, and even through normal breathing.1,4,14
While big particles fall quickly to the ground, smaller particles
are lightweight and can remain suspended in the air.5
masks help block respiratory particles, yielding added
protection in the aircraft environment.
If symptomatic individuals are coughing or sneezing,
other people frequently try to distance themselves to avoid
transmission. However, individuals who are infected but do
not develop symptoms (asymptomatic) and those who are
early in disease course and have not yet developed symptoms
(pre-symptomatic) can still spread the virus by normal
breathing and speaking, and they may be unaware that
they are infected and contagious.
Dale Ballok 2
Mine is from the school of hard knocks, with a minor in street common sense!
dmedders 1
Seems you majored in cut-and-paste, John, not medicine.
Nooge -1
I majored in Contagious Disease working hard on a cure for COVIDIOT-ISM leading to cure for Trumpterdism

I am here to find volunteers for euthanasia
Better look for one for TDS.
You sure would benefit from it.
dmedders 1
Will you demonstrate the process personally?

Leadership, you know.
DonDengler -1
Balderdash. Who the hell
Do you think you are ?
Nooge -2

A synonym for your boyfriends rushing to catch a flight on Spirit Airlines
Nick Lutwyche 2
This should be a medical decision based on critical thinking and statistical analysis. Should not be a political decision.
doug staab -2
So we can all absorb more lies driven by
the dollar?
Matt Reardon 2
Medicine if full of examples of things that were ASSERTED to be true, HAD to be true, MUST be true - but turned out NOT to be true and in many cases when looked at in comprehensive longer term manner were proven to have actually caused overall harm rather than what some declared as locked-in obvious benefit. Such has been this shamefully preposterous masking especially in public spaces that for a wide variety of reasons some obvious some not (to the uninformed) convey, in the aggregate, NO additional risk of disease transmission. Last fall a very reputable public health, epidemiologist MD from Harvard teaching hospital showed that public transportation conveys no additional risk of disease. The greatest risk by far aside from some limited medical situations is within families and among sick friends and coworkers who have sustained substantial contact. It is not casual noninteractional passage in highly ventilated extremely large spaces such as airports shopping malls or sports venues where disease is transmitted. Who in the FAA is and has been responsible for this nonsense - should step forward and declare themselves so we can see who specifically are the idiot clowns. As for harm, i am not aware of any study that firmly establishes that mass masking is not actually harmfull, that it does not amplify the virus, that it does not increase the risk of pneumonia, that it does not cause fiber related harm, that it is not contributing to the forces causing potentially harmful virus adaptations. Furthermore the FAA is using obvious and ridiculous false logic in asserting that the covid incidence rates have been declining since end of Feb (very true) b/c of its obscene masking policy. That makes zero sense since during this interval masking everywhere in the US has been essentially rescinded. That there has not been a big increase in rates absolutely confirms that masking is and has been at best of no benefit, a waste of time, a deception diverting from other ideas that might have been better, far more focused, and more effective. This false logic promulgated by the arrogant fools at the FAA could just as well be extended to sports where obviously the reason why rates have fallen off the cliff is b/c the refs at the NCAAW basketball games are wearing masks (but not. refs at the mens games and not 99% of the millions of fans in the arenas). So the obvious farcical implied logic is that airports refs and some of the cheerleaders at NCAAW but not NCAAM's games are the cause of this (largely not to be seen ) so called epidemic. For some of us this was from the beginning media amplified overwrought gross BS and as all this unnecessary and very likely counterproductive nonsense has been rolled back it has revealed more and more by the gross obvious inconsistencies that the emperors of the obvious locked -in grand solutions have/had no clothes . They are what they are - a pack of fools.
Matt Reardon 1
What does it matter? Some appologists for this foolishness say - they were just trying . Oh really, well thats how one judges 8 yr olds. These stupid burocrats who measures resulted in higher and higher peaks to include the highest peak by far just a few months ago actually caused harm. The more the forced upon us the worse the rates became. We could not possibly have done worse if we had done nothing other that MDs stepping up to the plate and doing their jobs (instead they conceded to the fear and actually unbelievably and very shamefully refused to provide outpatient care to these patients so they ended up needing hospital care with all the dangers of hospitalization). These idiots should be held accountable for their arrogant foolishness. What did theri foolishness cost us and others? No a triffling: 4 trillion of government aid, shutting down means of production, causing huge supply chain disruptions that still linger, igniting inflation by th combined effects of printing money and causing production shutdowns, mass deprivations of basic rights and freedoms, distracting from a virus that could have been handled by our huge medical infrastructure that enabled the Chinese to use the virus as an excuse to shut down the large scale protests in HOng Kong and Myanmar, and distracting from the scrutiny on Rusia and Eastern Europe that could have potentially prevented the Ukrainian invasion by Russia. This all has been immensely costly (and as far as spead of the virus - ineffective) and we will continue to pay for this nonsense due to further reverberations of the second third and higher order adverse effects. But by then you can be these governments will again lead us into other calamities and disasters.
AWAAlum 2
A tad verbose, Matt.
John Tuzi 2
Progressivism is a form of mental illness with no know treatment or cure.
AWAAlum 1
The meaning of progressivism has varied over time and differs depending on perspective. I can't recall reading it's mental illness.
Andy Ridings 2
Simon says.......Put a diaper on your face

And the world races to comply
MSU Sparty 5
Instead of Simon it is actually Anthony. A complete failure he is !
Nooge -2
The world has been weeding out people like you the last two years Ange
dmedders 2
The world has been terrified by people like you, John, since 1932 -- ignorant, scared and in a mass.
Nooge 0
I am more worried about what happened on January 6th than 1932

The country has been plagued by people like you, Dave , since Nov 2016-- ignorant, undereducated and brainwashed in mass. I belive in Science , honesty Integrity Marital Fidelity and Democracy

Its like what happens in your kitchen when you turn on the lights at night ..those red hat cockaroaches come out of the woodwork and I enjoy stepping on them
wayne holder -1
🤣🤣🤣🤣 it
AWAAlum 2
It's a mystery to me why so many believe an abundance of caution is a bad thing. It makes no sense.
Because, if you haven't figured it out yet (and not many have), none of these "safety measures" were ever about your health. It was an exercise in psychological conditioning to get people used to the idea of accepting any absurd edict put out by the government "for their own good". It was about this:

This is (and always was) a plan to use some global "emergency" to usher in a system of global governance; not unlike the EU where sovereign nations are controlled by a centralized, unelected body of billionaires and bureaucrats. Except it won't be as polite as the EU. It will look more like communist China.

We're talking about something less deadly than the flu and arguably no more serious than a cold for the vast majority of people. For those with no other health complications a 99.97% survival rate, and that's without any intervention.

Unless you're getting your news from TV, you must be aware that many states here in America and a few countries in Europe have already started revising their covid death counts - because they're fake.

It may take another year or more, but we're going to find out that practically no one died "from covid".

And for those who do watch TV, they told you to your face what they were going to do... you just forgot or didn't believe them:
AWAAlum 0
No one died from Covid. We all die from one thing - heart failure. In these specific cases, heart failure caused by Covid. If you wanna get technical.
Dan Regan 2
Since receiving my 2nd vaxx + 14 days, I stopped wearing masks everywhere (except in the TSA line and on planes - not gonna be "that guy" who gets a line shut down or a flight turned around). Thus, have not been masked in an airport in nearly a year. In that time, have walked right past TSA agents, TSA police and local police dozens of times. News flash: nobody has been enforcing this. Joke's been on us the whole time.
Roch Comeau 1
Most of us don't wear masks because of fear of enforcement, but because it is not a burden and increases protection. I weare a seat belt because it makes sense, not for fear of a ticket.
strickerje 3
Maybe to you it isn't a burden, but to some of us it feels like suffocation with no real benefit. Who are you to say your experience is universal?

Do you drive wearing a 5-point harness and helmet? Why not? "Abundance of caution" and "can't hurt" and all that? Or is it because the benefit doesn't really outweigh the risk?
LarryQB 0
Oh good - just in time for BA-2.
For those of you who think masks don’t work I imagine you don’t use furnace filters and are happy if your surgical crew is unmasked?
Joe Keifer 8
Keep your masks. Just don't make them mandatory. Your mask will keep you safe.
strickerje 2
Absurd analogies, since the furnace filter traps dust, and the surgical masks (worn properly and not reused) prevent exchange of bodily fluids with open wounds. Neither of these are equivalent wearing a mask all the time to stop an airborne pathogen.

The data's pretty clear that states and countries with mask mandates had similar outcomes to those without. Only being an island nation and closing borders to outsiders (e.g. Taiwan or New Zealand) seems to have made a difference, and even then, it's only delayed the spread.
alan curtis 2
Larry, the point is that I am free to CHOOSE if I want to use a furnace filter. That is all I ask for masks.
Dale Ballok 2
But, you DO use one, right?
alan curtis 1
3 gas furnaces for different areas, only 1 has a filter.
Jeff Phipps -1
There's no point LarryQB. People will take their political bias and let it saturate everything in their lives, even to their own detriment. If Trump and the GOP said the earth was flat, we would have another 30 million people screaming that the earth was indeed flat, and Pelosi is the devil because she thinks the earth is an orb.
dmedders 2
The irony in this post is breathtaking. Another version...

There's no point, Joe. People will take their political bias and let it saturate everything in their lives, even to their own detriment. If Fauci and the Dems said a cloth mask would protect you from COVID, we would have another 30 million people screaming that masks indeed protect you from COVID, and Robert Malone is the devil because he thinks mRNA vaccines will not protect you from COVID.

Oh....wait...this really happened!
Nooge -1

Rates of COVID-19 cases were lowest among fully vaccinated persons with a booster dose, compared with fully vaccinated persons without a booster dose, and much lower than rates among unvaccinated persons during October–November
Fred B Rillo 2
AND the CDC was correct. Infection rates are significantly lower among fully vaccinated people.
dmedders -1
We'll ignore the all cause mortality in the trial data, John.

We'll ignore the vaccine injuries in Yellow Card and VAERS that are consistent with trial data, John.

We'll ignore the vaccine deaths in Yellow Card and VAERS that are consistent with trial data, John.

Yes, you were and effective.
Randy Marco -1
Another idiot that doesn't under what VAERS is, leave educated discussions to the educated!
dmedders 1
Okay, you got me...I don't under what VAERS is.

I do understand what VAERS is.
Nooge -1
Wow and undereducated person could be impressed by someone like you

As an example I had a relative on a ventilator for 10 months ,She ignored science and medical professionals and did not ignore people like you

When asked those overworked under appreciated health care providers in the ICU told us 99% of the people were vaccinated and now one had vaccine complications

You need to be ignored
Fred B Rillo 0
There's that Fallacy of perfection again.
Nooge -3
Only the ones who Trump loves

" I love the poorly educated " DJT POSOTUS and Commander in Cheat

[This poster has been suspended.]

Nooge -1
hmmmm how do you explain the odor
dmedders 3
Politicizing a scientific argument destroys your credibility, John.

After enjoying your many posts, it seems obvious you were in the 10 percent of the class that made the top 90 percent possible.
Ken Jackson 1
If this were a discussion based on science the world would not be facing another surge in COVID cases and deaths.
dmedders 2
True if only our COVID policy had been based on science -- not, The Science.

We would not have been impairing our immune systems with lock-downs.

We would have been aggressively protecting the most vulnerable.

We would have been providing early treatment to patients -- instead of leaving them untreated until they couldn't breath, then poisoning them with remdesivir.

Yes...a science-based COVID policy would have been great. Too bad we didn't have one.
Nooge -2
Wait !!! you didnt try Blue light or Bleach ?

I think Horsesass de-wormer might be appropriate treatment when a red hat walks in my office
Nooge -1
I am here for your enjoyment
dmedders -2
Well, Larry, if you review the actual science -- not "The Science" -- related to surgical masking, you will find MORE post-op infections with surgical mask use than without.

That said, keep your face woobie and feel protected...and stay in the mass formation.
Nooge -1
you can see the mass formation of sheeple coming ...poorly educated wearing red polyester hats made in china
I cant imaging any more evidence of Trumps criminality coming out but more will
dmedders 0
Swing and a miss!

I do not own any red hats.
Ken Jackson 3
But, you do seem to think that there are maskless post-ops. Never happens in the first world.
dmedders -2
Hmmm....the earliest maskless surgery study I have read was done the UK in the 1970s.

Last I checked, the UK is first world.
Nooge -2
You used them for toilet paper during 2020?
was agreeing with another. Not making one.
Lyn Durling 1
Soooo, the Senate passes a resolution but Biden doesn’t like the date, and comes up with a new one. Hmmm, something definitely wrong there.
Mike Ross 1
Finally! At least something good in this country is happening.
Nooge -1
Wages up, Market way up unemployment down GDP up not very day can be as good as November 3 2020

[This poster has been suspended.]

DonDengler -4
Bless Gov Ron DeSantis
Randy Marco 1
Go back to your Qanon channel!
Nooge 0
Green Boobert and Goddess ....obnoxious toxic family values women
Nooge -3
Mo Ron DeSatan
It’s not about masks or science, it’s about control!
Nooge 0
Get your wife to increase your allowance and get over it

And dont forget to wear your seatbelt
Talking to me Nooge?
AWAAlum -1
Paranoid much?
Read my answer above, but in case you missed it, says BULSHIT!
Nooge 0
Wow a real freedummy

WRITING IN CAPS shows the BULLSHIT is in between your ears
gordon mott 1
The trolls won't even read it.
dmedders -1
I see your 49 and raise you 152.

But you won't even read it.
Randy Marco 1
Brownstone is for right-wing loons, go back to your Qanon channel!
dmedders 2
Ahhhh....intellectual banter.

You showed me!!!!
Nooge -3
I would show you the door at 35000 feet and make the world a safer place

God knows how many dead people you bantered to death
dmedders 4
When is your time over on the Day Room computer?
Nooge -1
CDC a lot of smart scientists which you are not

Source Control to Block Exhaled Virus
Multi-layer cloth masks block release of exhaled respiratory particles into the environment,3-6 along with any microorganisms associated with these particles.7, 8 Cloth masks not only effectively block most large droplets (i.e., 20-30 microns and larger),9 but they can also block the exhalation of fine droplets and particles (also often referred to as aerosols) smaller than 10 microns3, 5 which increase in number with the volume of speech10-12 and specific types of phonation.13 Multi-layer cloth masks can both block 50-70% of these fine droplets and particles3, 14 and limit the forward spread of those that are not captured.5, 6, 15, 16 Upwards of 80% blockage has been achieved in human experiments,4 with cloth masks in some studies performing on par with surgical masks as barriers for source control.3, 9, 14, 17 In one study, conducted prior to widespread circulation of the Delta variant, masks worked equally well for blocking aerosolized particles containing both “wild-type” virus and the Alpha variant (a more infectious variant).17
SkyAware123 2
You mean, they're smart at picking sources that support their cause and ignore the ones that don't ? yup
Huck Finn 0
Can I call you Karen Gordon?
DonDengler 1
John Nooge needs a noogie in his head. Every week He comes up with his stupid remarks. Yawn.
Nooge 0
Airgoddess yawn
Randy Marco -2
You must like having a can over your head, Q tells me you are toxic!
AWAAlum 1
Why all the bickering? Masks are no longer required. It's now a personal choice. Just like if I wear that blue sweater today, or the cream colored blouse. I decide. You decide. Relax everyone. It's over.
Mark Lloyd 3
No yet. I just flew yesterday, guess what, had to wear a mask.
Joe Keifer 0
Here's a parallel: I use the best HVAC filter imaginable including an electrostatic and a 5" thick media filter and my home STILL gets dusty. Same thing happens with an ill fitting facial diaper that can be removed between bites and sips.
dmedders -4
I am standing by for screams of terror from the maskers who actually believe they are protected by a face woobie.

We witnessed attacks on actual science -- randomized controlled trials -- in these forums by sheeple desperate to maintain their illusion of safety.

Mass formation psychosis is a nasty beast.
Nooge 3
You need to stop relying on Rand Gerri Curl Paul for Medical advice

Trumpterdism escaped from a lab in Moscow
dmedders -6
Wrong, John, from CDC.GOV:

"In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25)"
Nooge 0
David I got my Medical Degree From Harvard ...and you?

Harvard EDU

The role of face masks in preventing COVID-19
infection during air travel
During air travel, passengers and crew are in a very wellventilated space but in close proximity to one another for an
extended period of time. SARS-CoV-2 infections can occur
through the emission of virus-containing respiratory particles
that are aerosols (≤5 μm in diameter) and droplets (>5 μm
in diameter) exhaled by infected people when coughing,
sneezing, speaking, and even through normal breathing.1,4,14
While big particles fall quickly to the ground, smaller particles
are lightweight and can remain suspended in the air.5
masks help block respiratory particles, yielding added
protection in the aircraft environment.
If symptomatic individuals are coughing or sneezing,
other people frequently try to distance themselves to avoid
transmission. However, individuals who are infected but do
not develop symptoms (asymptomatic) and those who are
early in disease course and have not yet developed symptoms
(pre-symptomatic) can still spread the virus by normal
breathing and speaking, and they may be unaware that
they are infected and contagious.
dmedders -6
Half of everything you learned in medical school was wrong, John.

You apparently believed the wrong half.
Mark Kortum -1
Good to see the Legislative branch of government not abdicating its responsibility to legislate. They have recently allowed the Executive branch to make fake laws through edicts euphemistically called "executive orders". I would love for American Airlines to include the statute number they are referring to when they announce the Federal mask law on their flights.
DonDengler -2
This will never pass House with it chock full of Democrats Who love to keep this COVID crap going and going and going. Now dr Evil on scene AGAIN threatening to resurrect a shut down. Send him to Ukraine he can sell his wares there
Get a life and stop making stupid comments!
msetera -1
Exactly! Dims will keep this nonsense going as long as they can.
Fred B Rillo -1
Meanwhile a sizeable number of US cities have found covid levels 1000% higher than pre covid in waste water. ITS NOT OVER!
strickerje 1
What does that even mean? Wouldn't the COVID levels pre-covid have been zero? What's 1000% more than zero? ;)
Huck Finn 1
And I should give a shit because.......?
Joe Keifer -4
Masks are not about safety. Masks are about control. Will the DNC select the Secretary of the DOT for President in 2024? If they intend to do so, eliminating the mask mandate would be a very, very good thing.
Nooge -2
Get help with your delusional paranoia
Nooge -1
They're coming to take me away,
Haha, they're coming to take me away,
Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,
To the funny farm
Where Life is Beautiful all the time
And I'll be happy to see
Those Nice Young Men
In their Clean White Coats
And they're coming to take me AWAY,
dmedders -1
Now I understand your life story.

Again, when is your time up on the Day Room computer?
msetera -1
But of course the left will not pass this in the House, and even if they did, brainless Brandon would veto it, because politics are more important than science to the leftists.
Andy Ridings -6
Did the Kremlin do the embalming job on Pelosi?
Nooge -1
Wow good contribution to the discourse

You need to get off the phone during 10 grade Biology
Joe Keifer -4
They sent her faux Botox.
Nooge 0
For intelligent people who believe in Science ,the CDC and the Medical Community
Craig Good -3
What the actual fuck? Now these idiot senators think they know how to handle a pandemic? Clearly they do not.
msetera 8
If you like your mask, you can keep your mask.
Peter Blake 0
In many Asian countries way before COVID, the population chose to wear a simple paper mask if they had a cold or flu out of courtesy to others. In the US --- “Don’t take away my rights!”
dmedders 3
In the US, some of us believe in science. I mean actual science, not Fauci's "The Science."

Those of us who believe in science do not want to support the psychosis of those of you in the mass formation. There is nothing courteous about supporting mental illness.

Feel free to wear a mask if you think it will protect you -- but do not count on that protection. I had a friend who believed in the efficacy of masks against COVID...she died of COVID.
AWAAlum -2
I don't for one second believe you aren't wearing a mask because of your thoughtfulness in not wanting to support those who believe in an abundance of caution. Stop kidding yourself.
Michael ONeil 0
On the verge of the 6th wave (BA.2), how bright we are !!!
dmedders 2
Not very

Mass vaccination in a pandemic maximizes variants.

Locking down everyone makes it worse.

Then you make people wear masks, convince the people masks prevent infection, so you can maximize transmission among mask believers.

Fred B Rillo -2
Thousands of people die every year in auto accidents even though they were wearing seatbelts. I guess by some people's logic we should do away with them cause, you can still be injured or die even though you wore one. THE FALLACY OF PERFECTION! It's like chasing Unicorns.
Nooge -1
WRITING LIKE THIS reveals the FALLACY OF INTELLIGENCE the writer has misdiagnosed in himself
Elliot Cannon -1
The next time you have surgery, tell the doctors and staff not to bother wearing a mask, because they don't work anyway. Tell them Tucker told you that.
Henry Prentiss -8
I knew it. A Trump hating Harvard Democrat.
Dr. Please tell me and the world why boxes of ballots were found under counters in Atlanta after the Republican observer's were kicked out and why did the polls close early in the key states?
Alan Cordery 2
Don’t think about it! Thinking is obviously not your forte.
Randy Marco 0
Nooge 0
I would be more worried about the boxes of evidence 3 AGs have

The fact that they are Black is just icing on the cake
wayne holder 0
Not just Atlanta but PA had 120k more votes than registered voters. How can that be?
DonDengler -7
F Anyone who makes
A decision for MY LIFE. No way hose-A.
Randy Marco -2
No one gives a damn about your life (in fact....) only you infecting others.
Michael Brown 4
Hey Randy. Now that the world is opening up and the flu is claiming about the same number of lives as Covid, how about this....Everyone who is as concerned as you about germs should be shamed into wearing a ski mask, N95, and prescription goggles in public. While we are at it, let's mandate it for those who complain. That should work...don't you think.
Mark Lloyd 2
Then it's up to that person to wear a mask, not me!!! Funny, I know plenty of people that are vaxxed and boosted, wear masks and still get it. If you are that afraid, stay home. Let the adults keep the economy going.
Fred B Rillo 1
Again, the fallacy of perfection. Unless it's 100% effective, it's no good. B.S.
Mark Lloyd 5
Fred, why should I have to wear one, when I'm not worried about getting it? I already had it...had a scratchy throat and a cough. And that was the initial wave. My son was directly exposed to it twice at daycare...tested negative both times. I have ZERO issue with someone wanting to wear one...but you don't get to demand I wear one.
dmedders 2
Well, Randy, as you apparently believe masks and COVID vaccines are effective, why so worried about others being vaxxed and masked?
Nooge 1
David you have permission to refuse to wear seat belts too

And you can drink and drive too
dmedders 2
Non sequitur.

Seems we'll all grow old waiting for a coherent argument from you.
DonDengler 1
Na na na na na
Huck Finn 0
Randy, I do give a damn about the lives of freedom loving Americans who are taking a bold stand against the Hahhhhvaaaaaad and Yaaaallllleeee educated snobs who think they are mainstream Americans.
Nooge -2
You have your XXL hose in your A
I know grown up people get you all in a wad
Alfonso Rojas 0
Yes Indeed Doctor! I'm with you 100%, we have to prevent any possible way we can
Joe Keifer -2
A flock of Russian business jets are taking off in waves from Moscow headed towards Dubai. Do they know something that we don't?
jack winfree -2
300 thousand more deaths from Covid, than any country in the world, thanks to Republicans. America has the most Stupid people in the world. Where has the flu gone since people started wearing mask.
dmedders 2
You are absolutely correct: this was Trump's fault!!

Trump foolishly took the advice of Birx, Fauci, and Redfield -- all democrats, none an epidemiologist.

Biden doubled down on Trump's foolishness, resulting in higher COVID infection rates and higher COVID death rates than Trump. Comparing COVID statistics from democrat-run states versus Republican-run states completely destroys your thesis, but we'll not let facts get in the way a State Media story.

You are again correct that America has some of the most stupid people in the world. While 70+ years of science shows masks do not prevent infection by airborne respiratory viruses, we have people wearing and demanding others wear masks with religious zeal. Yes, stupid indeed.

You should, of course, continue to wear your face Pamper. The illusion of protection will increase your risk of infection. More important, masks make science deniers easily identifiable.

You should also get as many jabs as possible, your kids, too! This will maximize your chances of COVID infection and adverse vaccine reaction -- a good way to thin the herd.
Duane Mader -4
Will be boycotted by Biden.
philonous -1
Taking up senate resources to oppose a rule that expires in less than three weeks is a colossal waste of time.

What happens if the BA variant wreaks havoc?


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