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Airline serves baffled passengers 'dog food' in awkward translation blunder
Plane passengers were left baffled after they were offered "imported dog food" on their flight as a menu option, rather than more palatable dishes you would usually tuck into. When flying business class, passengers tend to expect a range of fancy dishes to be served up. But when dog food appeared as an option, alongside "smoke pepper beef" and "cucumber", people were left with many questions. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
this is funny and we all need a good laugh!i do recall being served at times sonmething we jokingly used to call "mystery meat" on some flights!the very best in flight food i was ever served was on the "old" continental dc-10,(first calss)where they actually carved prime rib from a cart to your liking,and also made a desert from a cart to your liking with toppings..oh for "the good old days"!!
What makes anyone think it was a bad translation?
Dog food on some flights would be better than what they serve
I agree
Matt, I have to ask: are you the cadet/graduate who was engaged to my daughter back in the 90’s? I always knew you were a wise young man!! ð Happy Holidays!!!
Language translation CAN be dangerous! I remember when Braniff put up billboards in Miami telling passengers in Spanish that they could “Fly naked on Braniff”!