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Boy, 14, charged with pointing lasers at aircraft

A 14-year-old boy has been charged with pointing a green laser at a jetliner headed to Los Angeles International Airport and at a police helicopter. ( 기타...

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nnickn 0
They had better send him to jail. Or better yet make him stare down the laser he was pointing for one hour and see how well he sees after.
Stephen W. 0
I am 14 and I know better. Heck I want to be a pilot and hopfully a air trafic controler so I think he needs to sit in a jail cell and think about what could have happend.
Ronnie Mc 0
Good! He Deserves it!
TTail 0
I Hope they prosecute them ALL, despite any underage considerations. people need to realize that it is dangersous thing to be doing, and if they were to cause a plane to crash, that the consequences would be HUGE. Even if they catch a 6 year old doing it, they need to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Chris M. 0
14 year old should know better but sadly they don't. He'll serve his time!
npog99 0
Where were his parents??? THEY shoul be the ones receiving the charge along with the minor!


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