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Las Vegas bets that SpaceX will make it to Mars before NASA

NASA may believe that it'll be the first to land on Mars, but don't tell that to Las Vegas betting houses. Popular Mechanics has asked Docsports' Raphael Esparza to set odds for the first organization to reach Mars, and he believes that SpaceX stands a much better chance of reaching the Red Planet (5 to 1) than anyone else, including NASA (80 to 1). To put it bluntly, SpaceX has the money and the motivation that others don't -- NASA would be the favorite, but its budget cuts… ( 기타...

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In Las Vegas, the only sure winner im any bet is the house!
Why don't they just work together and get there twice as fast?
usad 1
The thing they should be betting on is, "Which one is most likely to make it back alive?"


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