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SkyBahamas Flight Loses An Engine But Nails The Landing [Video]

SkyBahamas flight Q7460 returned to land at Nassau-Lynden Pindling International Airport, Bahamas when the crew was forced to shut down the number one engine. A passenger reported seeing “oil coming out of the engine.” ( 기타...

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Ignorant remark, AH
my post was for thrustt
Wonder what Creflo's prayers would be like if his VI lost one!!!
nice normal landing, except for the higher airspeed, the longer landing roll, and an elevated noise level in the aircraft. People in prayer in the aircraft must have needed some additional practice, but they were in not much danger, because, the pilot gets to the scene of the accident first, always. And he has done this before a few times, these engine-out landings. good job by the pilots of course.
No troubles, Mon! <reggae accent>
Textbook job by the pilots. Glad to know there are still some out there that can actually "fly" an airplane. Single engine emergencies are drilled into pilots during their training. For a crew up on their procedures, this is a non-story.


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