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Mitsubishi Regional Jet test plane aborts flight to Washington state for a second day

The first Mitsubishi Regional Jet headed to Washington’s Moses Lake for fligh testing had to abort its flight from Japan for a second straight day due to problems with an air-conditioning system. ( 기타...

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Still some work to do I would assume... Keep in mind that last airliner that they built was the YS-11 and that has long since gone... I worked on the YS-11 and I am now seeing a chance to work on there next plane. - For Reference: YS-11 - - I will never forget the sound of those props.... they were like nothing else...
linbb 1
Not quite ready for prime time it appears...................oh well.............
Swooping-looking jet. But can it compete with the EMB-175, CRJ 900 and C-100 series?


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