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Delta Evaluating Airbus A320neo or Boeing 737 MAX Family Order

Delta Air Lines is looking at both the Airbus A320neo and Boeing 737 Max for an upcoming narrowbody order. ( 기타...

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I wonder how much groveling and apologizing the Boeing sales guys are doing...
s2v8377 1
Delta doesn't care about the C-Series thing with Boeing. They'll go with whoever gives them best deal.
If Boeing manages to increase the acquisition cost of the CSeries aircraft for Delta, you can bet they will care.

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Well, they have the unenviable task of selling Delta aircraft after Boeing tried to throw Delta under the bus in the CSeries fight.
I'm my opinion delta is going to choose Airbus. They are just doing a look at the items to get the better deal. Delta has been a Airbus customer for years and doesn't seem to want that to change!!!
Muchits 7
Not true - DL is currently taking delivery of both 737-900ERs and A321s, and has been for some time. Whatever makes the most business sense is usually top priority over loyalty or preference for DL.
pilotjag 2
***In my opinion...***
Ha....both manufacturers can grovel equally well.
Yazoo 3
Delta learned it's lesson about relying on a sole source vendor. Boeing screwed them when they announced that they were going to have a "2015 fleet" that would share a commonality. Also, you want to play games with fuel and the crack spread? They buy their own refinery. They know it is all about business and will take the best offer. Even if they mix the buy among vendors.


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