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Swiss announces 777-300ER routes

Swiss international airlines will receive their new 777-300ER's beginning next year to replace the aged A340-300's. They've now announced the first routes for the first Boeing aircraft of Swiss. New York and Montreal are the first two destinations of the 777's allowing to test the aircraft on shorter routes and then going on long-haul to Los Angeles/San Francisco/Hong Kong... ( 기타...

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As Montreal is going to be one of the first destinations I'm interested in finding out about their seat arrangement in economy. Is it going to be 3-3-3 or 3-4-3?

It's going to be 3-4-3 in economy sadly...
Yeah, just found out from the photos. I much prefer 3-3-3 or 2-4-2. Too bad, I'll have to take it into account when looking for a flight. I guess I'll continue to give my business to KLM or Lufthansa when travelling to Europe.


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