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Two plane crashes in Hawaii leave five dead and two injured

Western Region (CNN) Two plane incidents rocked the state of Hawaii on Monday morning, one of which involved a fiery plane crash that left five people dead. A group of two instructors, two tandem jumpers and a pilot took off for a skydiving tour from Port Allen Airport in Kauai at 9:30 a.m. The single-engine Cessna they were in crashed just outside the airport in Hanapepe, a Kauai Fire Department official said. ( 기타...

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Just walking by many of the jump planes I saw in my early career told me I would rather fly freight. So I did. They remind me of pit bulls, you don't know what's in the heart of the pit, nor what's under the cowl of the 1965 C182H. After walkin by enough of them you kinda know this will happen on occasion and fortunately most of the time the jumpers get out, not always. My condolences.
linbb 2
Even the ones maintained properly go down due to pilot error. Watching how they return to the field is more like an aerobatic show and has no room for error. Would like to see a recording g meter on one so others could check as to how it was flown at the least.
P Larsen 1
Condolences to the families.

I'm not a professional pilot, but doesn't 5 in a 182H seem like too many??

182's are popular jump planes because of their high payloads and since the trips are very short (very little fuel) they can fly with whatever they can get in the door. The C.G. is the thing.
P Larsen 1
OK thanks, didn't realize
linbb 1
The CG part has bitten the twin engine ones many times when they all rush to the rear door for the jump. Knew of at least one in the Seattle area and possibly another over there years back.
Yup a way to many in this NTSB report say "pilot failed to maintain airspeed during powered flight" a lot of these are stall spins due to CG shift.
Report covers accidents 1980-2008


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